Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Фаховий та художній переклад: теорія, методологія, практика» 2024
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- ItemDealing with Non-equivalence: A Case of Rendering Latvian Ethnographic Lexis in English Translation(National Aviation University, 2024-05) Romanova, Olga; Dergača, ElīnaThe significance of the study lies in the necessity to help translators approach and render culture-specific discourse containing a vast variety of realia based on cultural, dialectal, ethnographic, and etymologically charged elements. The present publication is devoted to the issue of rendering non-equivalent culture-specific ethnographic and dialectal lexis related to the Latvian traditional bread-making sphere in order to ensure translation that provides readers with an opportunity to embrace Latvian traditional way of life.
- ItemLegal profession terms in the light of subtitling: The Man Who Defended Gavrilo Princip(National Aviation University, 2024-04) Dufková, Kristýna; Tomečková, BarboraThe paper deals with terminology used in the film The Man Who Defended Gavrilo Princip (2014) by Srđan Koljević. According to the filmmakers, the film focuses on historical accuracy, trial documents, and participants’ recollections, particularly those of Rudolf Zistler, Princip’s defence counsel. We analyse the usage of legal terms in both the original Serbian language and the English and Czech subtitles. Our study aims to provide an in-depth description of the differences and nuances in the legal profession terms used throughout the film, contextualizing their meaning.
- ItemPresenting and Translating Pharmaceutical Terms into Multiple Languages: A Case of an Early 20th Century Glossary(National Aviation University, 2024-05) Kikvidze, Zaal; Tsikhishvili, NinoIn the present paper, we discuss how terms for various plants and medicines are represented in Materials for a Glossary of Foreign Pharmaceuticals of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Compiled by Ėduard Šteber, the book was published in 1902. The glossary consists of two lexicographic parts, the former being a collection of entries arranged in alphabetical order, each of them consisting of Latin terms for plants and medicines accompanied with equivalents from various languages and varieties of the Caucasus and Central Asia, whereas the latter is an alphabetically arranged list of foreign terms for plants and medicines accompanied with respective Latin names. Šteber provides terms and their translations in thirty-six languages and varieties of the Caucasus and Central Asia.
- ItemSubjectless Sentences in Georgian and the Specifics of their Translation into German(National Aviation University, 2024-05) Zekalashvili, RusudanThe represented article discusses the examples of subjectless sentences in Georgian and the specifics of their translation into German. Special attention is paid to the morphological-syntactic aspects, first of all, such points as valency and personality (person numbers) of the verbs; then, attention is paid to the peculiarities of their representation in sentences, and some nuisances from the content viewpoint are also mentioned. As for the viewpoint of typology, the common and the differing signs of the subjectless sentences in these non-related languages are analyzed. The semantic-stylistic varieties of the mentioned two languages are sorted out as the universal signs; their universal capabilities are analyzed, and special work is done towards the following points: abilities of transmission, the morphological-syntactic signs of the impersonal verbs in Georgian; as for the German language, the necessity of a formal subject. Some cases showing the equivalent forms are analyzed which are not met in the German language. Namely, some impersonal sayings and some forms of sayings expressing wishes. It can be concluded conclusion is made that the stylistic-semantic signs to be delivered, are universal. Still, in non-related languages, the means of expressing the stylistic-semantic peculiar signs are quite special. The material for analysis is taken from the Georgian and German linguistic corpora [1; 2].
- ItemThe Professional Competence of Tutors as an Intricate Systemic Structure(National Aviation University, 2024-05) Коляда, Ірина Валеріївна; Koliada, IrynaThe professional competence of the individual is a complex systemic formation, the main elements of which are: the subsystem of professional knowledge as logical systematic information about the environment and the inner world of human, fixed in his mind; subsystem of professional skills as mental entities, consisting in the mastering of man ways and techniques of professional activity.
- ItemTranslation Issues in Preliminary References: Cases of Czech Supreme Court(National Aviation University, 2024-05) Tomečková, BarboraThe paper address preliminary references that the Czech Supreme Court, as the Apex Court, submitted to the CJEU when was unsure of the correct interpretation. In total, the Supreme Court filed 4 such preliminary references (out of 18) in the past 20 years since Czechia acceded to the European Union.The analysis shows that the ambiguity was most often caused by an inadequate translation. At the same time, it turned out that the Supreme Court used a total of six other different language versions – English, French, Polish, Slovak, German and Croatian – for comparison across four preliminary references. It follows that for comparison in preliminary references, at least two, but overall, maximally six other language versions were used.
- ItemАналіз ґенетико-контактологічних зв’язків творів Р. Бернса і Т. Шевченка(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Скрипник, Тамара Миколаївна; Бакулін, Кирил СергійовичThe article presents the research on morphology using the example of the lexical and semantic transformation of individual syntagms in R. Burns’ poem. Examples of transformation of the syntagms on the example of the word "Luve" are given - from the form of the Middle English development of the language “Luve”/ “luve” to the modern “Love”/ “love” and their meaning for revealing the main idea of R. Burns’s poem “A red, red rose.”At the thematic level of contactological connections, the philosophical understanding of Fate in the works by R. Burns “Auld Lang Syne” and T. Shevchenko’s “The Wind Talks to the Grove” is analyzed; the multidimensionality of the hypostases of the heroes in T. Shevchenko’s work. The article examines one of the intimate lyrics by R. Burns about his first love for Nell and T. Shevchenko’s poem about his last love for Lykera. The given facts from the biography of the heroines helped to more fully reveal the traits of their characters as specific individuals and their influence on the fate of the poets. In the process of comparative analysis, the similarities and differences of the lyrical works by R. Burns and T. Shevchenko, whose works are represented in different languages and in translation, were clarified, and common and distinctive features of the works have been revealed.
- ItemВідтворення категорії експресивності у перекладі мультиплікаційних фільмів(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Сітко, Алла Василівна; Мішаєва, Анастасія ДмитрівнаThis article deals with the essence of phenomenon called expressiveness and its translation in animation movies, based on the Ukrainian translation of an animation series episode. The paper determines “expressiveness” term, reveals its components and classifications, finds the ways of embodiment in the source text as well as offers ways to recreate and localise them in Ukrainian animation works translations. The work also analyses the tendency of expressiveness in the Ukrainian translation revealing and recreating in the target language. The results of the study will help to understand the meaning of expressiveness both in source text and target text better, and provide the basis for further researchers in the area.
- ItemВідтворення мовностилістичних особливостей творів Дж.Остен в українських перекладах(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Гастинщикова, Любов ОлександрівнаThe article presents a comprehensive description of lingo-stylistic devices in Jane Austen’s literary works and theirtranslation into Ukrainian. The research is based on the data collected from original and translated book “Pride and Prejudice.” The research outlines the basic stylistic specificities of literary prose and ways of their rendering into Ukrainian. The focus is on the analysis of stylistic aspects of English-Ukrainian translation, which was followed by an in-depth description of studies devoted to stylistic problems of literary translation type. The investigation of lingo-stylistic devices from the English literary text and their corresponding Ukrainian equivalents allowed us to single out special English stylistic devices that are of great importance in terms of translation. Lexical and syntactical stylistic devices, which were evaluated and compared, and ways of their rendering present one of the most complicated translation cases related to understanding the individual author’s style and interpreting literary texts. Of special translation interest here are the specificities of rendering stylistic devices such as metaphors, oxymorons, epithets, irony. The research presents common and different features in the ways and methods used in translating these stylistic devices.
- ItemДіагностика рівня сформованості професійної компетентності перекладачів авіаційної галузі(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Буданова, Ліана ГеоргіївнаСтаття являє собою огляд cyтноcті пepeклaдaцькoï кoмпeтeнтнocтi; виcвiтлення нayкoвих пiдxoдів дo фopмyвaння пpoфeciйнoï кoмпeтeнтнocтi мaйбyтньoгo пepeклaдaчa авіаційної галузі у пpoцeci фaxoвoï пiдгoтoвки. Розглянуто внесок наукοвців у поняття професійна компетентність майбутніх перекладачів авіаційної галузі. З’ясовано засади діагностики рівня сформованості професійної компетентності перекладачів авіаційної галузі. Схарактеризовано технології формування професійної компетентності майбутніх перекладачів у закладі вищої освіти України.
- ItemКогнітивні аспекти вивчення англійської термінології живопису(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Ляшина, Алла ГеоргіївнаThe article deals with some peculiarities of cognitive aspects of English terminology study. The objective of our research is to study the cognitive aspects of the English cultural terminology, in particular that of art of painting. The relevance of our research is determined by the applicationof the latest scientific paradigms of modern linguistics to the study of terminology. The cognitive approach deepens the understanding of the term which intensifies the process of translators training. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of applying the data obtained in the courses of lectures on Lexicology and Cognitive Linguistics, in Translation courses.
- ItemМедіатексти як спосіб актуалізації теми війни в Україні(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Рудіна, Марина Володимирівна; Голуб, Анастасія ОлексіївнаThe article examines the role of media texts in actualization of the war in Ukraine. Media texts have various formats, such as news articles, videos, photographs, and social media publications. The article emphasizes the role of media texts in shaping international support for Ukraine in its struggle for territorial integrity and peace. The above-mentioned socio-cultural and pragmatic dimensions create the need for highly professional translation, in particular, of the titles of foreign-language media texts into Ukrainian and Ukrainian-language media texts into world languages in order to reproduce the actualization of the war theme.
- ItemМотив свободи у вірші Р. Кіплінга “If” і його перекладі В. Стуса «Синові»(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Линтвар, Ольга Миколаївна; Соха, Ольга ВалеріївнаThis paper deals with the analysis of the reproduction of motives and emotions in the translation of Rudyard Kipling's famous poem “If” by Vasyl Stus via the motif of freedom. Rudyard Kipling is one of the most famous English poets, and his poem “If” is considered a classic work that expresses life wisdom and important philosophic principles of moral education and upbringing. The research is based on the analysis of the structure of the poem, its key themes, ideas, and language tools, as well as a comparative analysis of the original text and its translation. It analyzes how the translator conveys the important motives and emotions of the original work, as well as his own creative approach to the interpretation of the text in the target canvas. The results of the study can be useful for analyzing translation techniques and understanding the interrelation of emotions in the original and the translation of poetry.
- ItemОсобливості перекладу онімів англійською мовою в наукових статтях мистецтвознавчого напряму(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Мхітар’ян, Людмила Станіславівна; Кресан, Тетяна ДмитрівнаThe paper draws attention to the issue of the translationof proper names. The purpose of this article is to find and define the reasonable methods of translating proper names found in articles on art theory and history. This article makes an attempt to systematize typical mistakes, which may cause a poor comprehension by an English-speaking reader, and suggests a strategy for their avoidance. The authors specified several groups of most frequently used proper names, which cause difficulties, such as anthroponyms, toponyms, biblionyms, chrononyms, artionyms, imageonyms. The article also provides recommended equivalents of translation for problematic cases.
- ItemПереклад авторських оказіоналізмів художнього твору(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Єнчева, Галина Григорівна; Зрівець, Валерія ОлександрівнаThe article presents the comparative contextual analysis of the author occasionalisms in the original text and their rendered variants in the Ukrainian translation. The research is based on children’s books by R. Dahl and their Ukrainian translations performed by V. Morozov.The research exposes and describes strategies of translating occasionalisms in literary texts. It presents a classification of the author occasionalisms, taking into account their functional-pragmatic specifics, the level of informational impact, semantic features, structural and compositional organization. While rendering occasionalisms the range of translation strategies varies – from complete ignoring to their full reconstruction by the parallel means of the target language. The most popular strategy is that of “golden middle”, according to which occasionalisms are partially reconstructed and partially compensated by the expressive means of lexical or grammatical levels. While analyzing R. Dahl’s novels the following ways of translation of occasionalisms are identified: transcription and transliteration, loan-translation, calque and also lexical and lexico-grammatical transformations. We can state that V. Morozov coped with the task and performed a high-quality translation of the Roald Dahl’s occasionalisms. That is, choosing the strategy of domestication, the translator focuses on language norms and rules, as well as on the mentality and stereotypes of English linguistic culture. When choosing the foreignization strategy for transfer, the translator preserves the ethnocultural specificity of the source language.
- ItemПереклад жанрово-стилістичних особливостей підліткової містичної літератури(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Семигінівська, Тетяна Григорівна; Дьорнер, ЕлізабетThis article provides a comprehensive analysis of the complexities and strategies involved in translating the stylistic and genre-specific features of adolescent mystical literature. Exploring the nuances of translation, it emphasizes the importance of preserving the author's style, narrative techniques, and thematic elements. The article explores various translation strategies, including literal translation and translational transformations, and emphasizes their role in maintaining the essence and atmosphere of the original work. Through examples from Madeleine Roux`s novel "Asylum", the article illustrates how translational transformations such as descriptive translation, addition, omission, modulation, compensation, generalization, and specification play crucial roles in adapting stylistic and genre-specific features of adolescent mystical literature.
- ItemПереклад пейоративної лексики в новинних статтях на військову тематику(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Плетенецька, Юлія Миколаївна; Вельбой, Інна ВіталіївнаThe article examines ways to render pejorative vocabulary in the Internet military discourse. The pejorative status of lexical units in online news articles defines the context; therefore, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish and translate them even if two languages have identical forms of expression of expressiveness, but they still differ in emotional shades. To translate the meaning of such units adequately, you need to be aware of a specific speech situation. Pejorative vocabulary in the Internet articles on military topics is mostly translated in Ukrainian with the help of functional replacement, modulation, loan translation and strengthening of the negative emphasis. The Ukrainian version of the translation can be considered adequate and successful, as long as the essence, purpose of use and functions of pejorative language units that are available in the source text are preserved.
- ItemПериферія лексико-семантичного поля «незламність» у медіа-дискурсі(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-07) Іванова, Андріана Олександрівна; Полякова, Оксана ВікторівнаThe article is devoted to the analysis of the periphery of the lexical and semantic field “invincibility” in the media discourse. The periphery consists of the less frequently used lexical units for rendering the lexical and semantic field “invincibility” in the media discourse. The material of the research is the official speeches of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and his official translation in English, which are published on the official website of the President of Ukraine.
- ItemПрагматична компетенція як необхідна складова професійної підготовки майбутнього перекладача(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Шахновська, Ірина Ігорівна; Кондратьєва, Оксана ВалеріївнаThe article deals with the pragmatic component of the competence approach in professional training of translation students. The authors claim that when it comes to translation of modern media discourse, translator’s subjectivity, including cultural awareness, reader awareness, social and idealogical views play a key role in achieving pragmatic equivalence between a source and target texts.
- ItemПроєкт навчальної програми автоматизованого перекладу(Національний авіаційний університет, 2024-05) Фокін, Сергій БорисовичIn spite of a noticeable CAT-tools diversity, among Ukrainian translators there is noticeable knowledge gap concerning the functionality and the rational ways of their usage in individual or collective projects. While modern neural translation yields nowadays much better results, the CAT tools seem to be rather an instrument to control the translation consistency and quality, a role to be stressed in translators' curricula. The basic functionality could be introduced through a particular software with simplified interface and methods accessing the TM aimed to develop the awareness of the utility rather than learning a particular UI.