Публікації у наукових виданнях співробітників кафедри екології
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Browsing Публікації у наукових виданнях співробітників кафедри екології by Title
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- ItemAnalysis of layout and justification of design parameters of a demonstration aircraft based on solar cells(2020) Isaienko, Volodymyr; Kharchenko, Volodymyr; Matiychyk, Mykhailo; Lukmanova, InessaThe development of aviation vehicles on SC (solar cells) requires, in particular, evaluations of the technical decisions made regarding the layout of future developments and obtaining their design parameters. Accordingly, it is important to take into account previous developments in the various aviation engineering fields relevant to new aviation vehicles on the SC. Thanks to a detailed analysis of the flight and performance characteristics of widely known aircraft models on the SC from the 70s of the 20th century to the present, a picture of the distribution of aerodynamic schemes and important design parameters with conclusions regarding their choice is obtained. For aircraft on SC, the corresponding boundaries of their work in height and speed are determined in comparison with long-range aircraft. Also, acceptable values of unit load per unit area and specific power have been obtained that allow aircraft to be lifted on the SC at altitudes of at least 20 ths.m. These altitudes are promising for longhaul aircraft to be operated on to SC for the purpose of performing the functions of an "aerodynamic satellite" or the so-called "pseudosatellite". The design parameters of the "pseudosatellite" demonstrator on the SC with a wingspan of 11m and a starting mass of 16 kg were obtained.
- ItemAnalysis of pollution of ground waters in the airport zone(National Aviation University, 2005) Franchuk, G.M.; Madzhd, S.M.; Antonov, A.M.Negative aspect of airport’s activity, which is its harmful influence on the environment, is described, with the emphasis on the ground waters pollution. The pollution of ground waters of the Nyvka river in the zone of international airport Kyiv is analyzed. The levels of waste emission into the river are determined.
- ItemAnalysis of pollution of ground waters in the airport zone(Видавництво НАУ, 2005) Маджд, Світлана Михайлівна; Франчук, Григорій Михайлович; Антонов, Алім Михайлдович; Загоруй, Ярослав ВікторовичРозглянуто негативний аспект діяльності аеропорту – його шкідливий вплив на навколишнє середовище, зроблено акцент на забрудненні поверхневих вод. Проаналізовано забруднення поверхневих вод р. Нивки в зоні міжнародного аеропорту Київ. Визначено умови скидання стічних вод у ріку.
- ItemAnalysis of the Aviation Safety Management System by Fractal and Statistical Tools(International School of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, 2019) Bugayko, Dmytro; Leshchynskyi, Оleg; Sokolova, NataliyaWorld civil aviation is an open-source system that is affected by a large number of related and non-related factors. Aviation safety is one of the prioritized directions in the industry. Its managerial decision-making process is primarily based on a versatile analysis of security data in which the choice of the appropriate mathematical apparatus is fundamental. This article suggests applying fractal-statistical analysis to evaluate the aviation safety management system in terms of determining the random distribution of quantitative dynamics of aircraft crashes with lethal consequences in the period from 1946 to 2017. This allows us to verify the adequacy of probabilistic approaches appliance in analysing the dynamics of aviation disasters. The results of research carried out on the basis of the Hurst exponent have allowed us to conclude that the dynamics of aviation disasters is characterized by the effect of "spatial memory". In other words, these are "hidden laws", for which further investigation can become an effective tool for the development of proactive methods in managing aviation safety.
- ItemAnti-wear Properties of Jet Fuel with Camelina Oils Bio-Additives(Springer, Cham, 2020-01) Trofimov, Igor; Yakovlieva, Anna; Boichenko, Sergii Boichenko; Kuszewsk, Hubert; Lejda, KazimierzAnti-wear properties of conventional jet fuel, fatty acids ethyl esters bio-additives derived from camelina oil and their blends were investigated experimentally. Anti-wear properties were estimated on a four-ball tester by the value of the scuffing load, friction torque, friction coefficient and the scuffing load applied to the friction pair operating in a tested fuel sample. The state of friction pairs’ surfaces was studied using the system for tribological characteristics of fuels and lubricants investigation by comparing microphotographs of friction pairs’ surfaces. It was determined that lubricity of bio-additives is intensively higher comparing to conventional jet fuel. Bio-additives derived from camelina oil provide formation of better oxidative film on friction pairs’ surface with higher elasticity. It is stipulated by the chemical composition of fatty acids ethyl esters: high polarity of molecules stipulate its’ good adsorption at the surface of friction pair. Adding bio-additives into jet fuel provides strengthening of boundary film and thus improves anti-wear properties of fuel blends.
- ItemAntioxidant capacity of alcoholic beverages based on infusions from non-traditional spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials(Ukrainian Food Journal, 2020) Kuzmin, Oleg; Kucherenko, Volodymyr; Sylka, Iryna; Isaienko, Volodymyr; Furmanova, Yuliia; Pavliuchenko, Olena; Hubenia, ViacheslavThe aim of the study is to determine the antioxidant capacity of aqueous-alcoholic infusions using nontraditional spicy-aromatic raw materials in the technology of alcoholic beverages.
- ItemApplication of Wavelet Transform for Determining Diagnostic Signs(CEUR-WS, 2019-06) Babikova, Kateryna; Isaienko, Volodymyr; Eremenko, Volodymyr; Zaporozhets, ArturIt is proposed to apply the wavelet transform to localize in time the frequency components of the information signals in this article. The wavelet transform allows to fulfil time-frequency analysis of signals, which is very important for studying the structure of a composite material from the mode composition of free oscillations. The proposed approach to the development of information signals using wavelet transform makes it possible to further study the nature of the occurrence of free oscillations and the propagation of acoustic waves in individual layers of composites and to study the change in the structure of composites from the changes in the three-dimensional wavelet spectrum.
- ItemAssessment of environmental and resource-saving technologies and technical means for processing and disposal of man-made formations and waste(Private enterprise “Тесhnology Сеntеr”, 2020-08-31) Lyashenko, Vasil; Khomenko, Oleh; Chekushina, Tatjana; Topolnij, Fedor; Dudar, Tamara; Ляшенко, Василь; Хоменко, Олег; Чекушина, Тетяна; Топольний, Федір; Дудар, ТамараThe object of research is environmental and resource-saving technologies and technical means for the pro- cessing and disposal of man-made formations and waste in the underground mining of mineral deposits with backfilling of the worked-out space. One of the most problematic areas is the management of the state of ore- containing energy-disturbed massifs and the delivery of hardening filling mixtures to the place of their laying, as well as the shortage of components for their preparation. This increases the importance of the management of the stress-strain state (SSS) of the rock mass, ensuring the safety of the earth’s surface from destruction and vital activity of the population living in the zone of influence of the mining region. The paper presents the main scientific and practical results of the substantiation of technologies and technical means for the disposal of mining and metallurgical waste into underground goaf (man-made voids) as components of hardening filling mixtures of various composition and strength. Methods of theoretical generalizations with the use of mathematical statistics, physical and mathematical modeling, with the implementation of calculations and feasibility studies, laboratory and field experimental studies, industrial tests in the conditions of operating enterprises of mining and metallurgical production are described. On the basis of the study of the mechanism of stress-strain state of a rock mass using geophysical and surveying methods, an environmental technology for extinguishing technogenic voids in energy-disturbed massifs is proposed. This technology makes it possible to ensure the safety of the earth’s surface and the vital activity of the population living in the zone of influence of mountain objects (mines, dumps, industrial sites for stowing complexes, tailings, ore-processing plants (OPP), etc.). It was found that for the mines of the state enterprise «VostGOK» (Ukraine), the utilization rate of own production waste for hardening backfill is from 0.45 to 0.68; hydraulic – from 0.56 to 0.75; free-flowing – 0.62, and the extraction of each ton of commercial ore is accompanied by the output of 0.7-0.8 tons of waste. An as- sessment of the utilization level of wastes of mining and metallurgical production is given and an inventory for wastes of mining enterprises is given, which gives an estimate and directions of their possible use for the needs of the national economy. The research results can be used in underground mining of complex ore deposits and mining and metallurgical production.
- ItemAналіз методик розрахунку втрат бензинів із горизонтальних резервуарів унаслідок випаровування(Національний авіаційний університет, 2013) Чернобаєва, Ніна Андріївна; Бойченко, Сергій Валерійович; Лазорко, Олександр ІвановичРозглянуто існуючі на сьогодні методики розрахунку втрат бензинів унаслідок випаровування. Проаналізовано основні недоліки та переваги наведених методик прогнозування та розрахунку втрат бензинів від випаровування.
- ItemBioassay techniques of ecological status assessment near the airports(Видання НАУ, 2013) Madzhd, S.M.Представлено результати біологічних методів оцінки визначення токсичності ґрунтів на територіях прилеглих до авіапідприємств. Здійснено якісну оцінку ґрунтового покриву на біотестах різних трофічних рівнів. Визначено токсичність ґрунтів поблизу авіапідприємств.
- ItemBiological risks of aviation fuel supply(2019) Shkilniuk, Iryna; Boichenko, SergiiThe work is focuses on microbial contamination in refined petroleum products and product handling systems. Uncontrolled microbial contamination in aviation fuels and fuel systems remains a largely unrecognized but costly problem at all stages of the petroleum industry from production through fleet operations and consumer use. A limited amount of oil resource, the introduction of 1CAO and IATA standards, satisfaction of safety and operational safety requirements, economic indicators, financial profitability require a risk- hased approach in aviation fuel supply. The risks and consequences of microbiological pollution of aviation fuels have been identified, evaluated and systematized
- ItemBuilding climate change resilience through the university education(Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2023) Radomska, Marharyta Myroslavivna; Радомська, Маргарита МирославівнаThe climate changes are inevitable part of the upcoming future; therefore it is necessary to address corresponding issues in education of children and adults. The paper presents the overview of the implementation of CCE in university education in and outside Ukraine. The commitments of the majority of countries to implement CCE in the curriculum at different levels hasn’t been fulfilled completely yet. Even the majority of European countries have only elements of CCE at the level of school training, as it was shown by the global survey across 46 UNESCO Member States. The university degrees, offered at Master level on the West include some elements of climate change issues included in training, but only 11,5% has direct relation to them as it was shown by our study. In Ukraine only tree Master degrees, indicating relation to climate changes, were offered in previous years and this demonstrates lack of attention to the development of adaptation potential among future professionals. Since there is no branch of human activity, which will not experience effect of climate changes, we consider implementation of special course in higher education a necessary response to provide graduates with specific adaptation skills. The experience of teaching the course “Adaptation to Climate Changes” is presented in the paper. The survey conducted among the students of the university has showed considerable gaps in the understanding of climate change implications for their personal and professional life and fragmented awareness of the adaptation approaches and the benefits adaptation offer. It is finally recommended to introduce similar course as elective to provide high quality of skills and competencies of future specialist, forced to life and work in challenging environment with changing climate.
- ItemCase study of alternative Jet fuel production with bio-additives from plant oils in Ukraine and Poland(Springer International Publishing, 2018) Яковлєва, Анна Валеріївна; Бойченко, Сергій Валерійович; Вовк, Оксана Олексіївна; Лейда, Казімір; Грищенко, Олександра ВолодимирівнаThe present-day situation in civil aviation is discussed. Taking into account limitation of crude oil resources for jet fuel production and worsening of ecological situation, tendency to transition to alternative fuels is presented. Perspectives of Ukraine and Poland in production and application of alternative jet fuels are figured out. The main attention is paid to reveal possibilities of these countries for production of jet biofuels derived from plant oils. The potential of biofuel production from various feedstocks is presented and analyzed. Advantages of oil-derived biofuel production and application are discussed.
- ItemCause-effect analysis of the modern state in production of jet fuels(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Яковлєва, Анна Валеріївна; Бойченко, Сергій Валерійович; Гай, Анджела ЄвгеніївнаThe main methods of fuels for gas-turbine engines manufacturing are presented in the given article. Taking into account limitation of the world deposits of oil and other fossil fuels, the perspectives of various kinds of raw materials application for jet fuels production are discussed. Processes of raw materials extraction and processing, further manufacturing and use of jet fuels were analysed and their impact on environment was estimated. Various kinds of natural renewable resources are proposed as an alternative to traditional raw materials for production of fuel for gas-turbine engines.
- ItemComparative characteristics of low-temperature properties of jet fuels modified with bio-additives(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2018) Бойченко, Сергій Валерійович; Лейда, Казимир; Яковлєва, Анна Валеріївна; Вовк, Оксана ОлексіївнаThe work is devoted to the investigation of low-temperature properties of alternative jet fuels mixed with bio-additives derived from rapeseed oil, methanol and ethanol. For this work, a modification of conventional jet fuel from rapeseed oil, methanol and ethanol was chosen to develop alternative jet fuels. The main low-temperature characteristics – freezing point and pour point of conventional jet fuel and three types of bio-additives were identified and compared with the requirements for conventional Jet A-1 fuel. The influence of bio-additives from rapeseed oil, methanol and ethanol on low-temperature characteristics of new jet fuels has been studied and explained. The necessity of studying new technologies is grounded.
- ItemComparative characteristics of proprties of jet fuel bio-additivies based on plant oils(2019) Yakovlieva, Anna; Boichenko, Sergii; Boshkov, VasiliyThe work is devoted to the investigation of basil physical-chemical properties of various bio-additives for jet fuels was studied, in particular fatty acids methyl esters and fatty acids ethyl esters of rapeseed oil and fatty acids ethyl and fatty acids iso-butyl esters of camelina oil. The modern situation in aviation industry and its impact on environment is shown. It is found that properties of bio-additives significantly differ from properties of conventional jet fuel and, thus, they can't be used as a complete substitute of jet fuels. It is possible to use bio-additives to substitute jet fuel in quantity up to 30 %.
- ItemComposition and properties of petroleum sludge produced at the refineries(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Вдовенко, Сергій Вікторович; Бойченко, Сергій Валерійович; Кочубей, ВікторіяPetroleum sludge composition and physicochemical characteristic and thermal stability of its organic matter have been investigated. The regularities of sludge layers distribution in the storage ponds have been established.
- ItemCurrent challenges in environmental education: case study of human-induced landscapes dynamics(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2022-12) Dudar, Tamara Viktorivna; Saienko, Tetiana Vasylivna; Matvieieva, Iryna Valeriivna; Groza, Valentyna Anatoliivna; Karpenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Kozlova, Anna Oleksandrivna; Radomska, Marharyta Myroslavivna; Savytskkij, Volodymyr Dmytrovych; Yavniuk, Andrian Andrianovych; Дудар, Тамара Вікторіана; Саєнко, Тетяна Василівна; Матвєєва, Ірина Валеріївна; Гроза, Валентина Анатоліївна; Карпенко, Тетяна Володимирівна; Козлова, Анна Олександрівна; Радомська, Маргарита Мирославівна; Савицький, Володимир ДмитровичThe purpose of the article is to present the research results on the landscape changes dynamics in the frame of the Educational and Professional Program “Ecology and Environmental Protection” developed at the Department of Environmental Sciences at National Aviation University. The noosphere paradigm as the most integral bio-adequate basis of the interaction between the society and ambient environment under conditions of present-day challenges is highlighted. The advantages of education in English are emphasized in terms of the abundance of primary educational sources to tackle environmental challenges especially connected with the warfare activities in the country. Digital technologies and remote sensing development within the framework of the educational and professional program provide students, in particular, with the opportunity to perform landscape changes assessment due to long-term anthropogenic stress. The example of the border region landscapes of the Novgorod-Siverskyi Polissia is considered.
- ItemCurrent challenges in environmental education: case study of human-induced landscapes dynamics(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2022-10) Dudar, Tamara Viktorivna; Saienko, Tetiana Vasylivna; Matvieieva, Iryna Valeriivna; Hroza, Valentyna Anatoliivna; Karpenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Kozlova, Anna Oleksandrivna; Radomska, Margaryta Myroslavivna; Savytskyi, Volodymyr Dmytrovych; Yavniuk, Andrian Andrianovych; Дудар, Тамара Вікторіана; Саєнко, Тетяна Василівна; Матвєєва, Ірина Валеріївна; Гроза, Валентина Анатоліївна; Карпенко, Тетяна Володимирівна; Козлова, Анна Олександрівна; Радомська, Маргарита Мирославівна; Савицький, Володимир Дмитрович; Явнюк, Андріан АндріановичThe purpose of the article is to present the research results on the landscape changes dynamics in the frame of the Educational and Professional Program “Ecology and Environmental Protection” developed at the Department of Environmental Sciences at National Aviation University. The noosphere paradigm as the most integral bio-adequate basis of the interaction between the society and ambient environment under conditions of present-day challenges is highlighted. The advantages of education in English are emphasized in terms of the abundance of primary educational sources to tackle environmental challenges especially connected with the warfare activities in the country. Digital technologies and remote sensing development within the framework of the educational and professional program provide students, in particular, with the opportunity to perform landscape changes assessment due to long-term anthropogenic stress. The example of the border region landscapes of the Novgorod-Siverskyi Polissia is considered.
- ItemCurrent paradigm and growth prospects of chemmotology(Springer Science+Business Media New York, 2013) Аксенов, Олександр Федотович; Серегін, Євгеній Петрович; Яновський, Леонід Самойлович; Бойченко, Сергій ВалерійовичThis article describes the development of the modern paradigm of chemmotology as a set of concepts, definitions, and terms and shows the importance of modern chemmotological terminology