Cause-effect analysis of the modern state in production of jet fuels
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Lviv Polytechnic National University
The main methods of fuels for gas-turbine
engines manufacturing are presented in the given article.
Taking into account limitation of the world deposits of oil
and other fossil fuels, the perspectives of various kinds of
raw materials application for jet fuels production are
discussed. Processes of raw materials extraction and
processing, further manufacturing and use of jet fuels
were analysed and their impact on environment was
estimated. Various kinds of natural renewable resources
are proposed as an alternative to traditional raw materials
for production of fuel for gas-turbine engines.
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Iakovleva, A.Email Author, Boichenko, S., Gay, A. 2014. Cause-effect analysis of the modern state in production of jet fuels. Chemistry and chemical technology. 8(1). 107-116.