Наукові статті викладачів кафедри економіки повітряного транспорту
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Item Analysis of Innovation trends for Airline in E-commerce(Actual Problems of Economics, Management and Law in Modern Social and Economic Environment: Collection of scientific articles, Pegasus Publishing, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаThe article considers the innovation trends of development of E-commerce in the airline considering Twitter, Facebook and other systems. The analysis in terms of social networks, loyalty and booking engines, and also suggested the creation of a port in Google, which would become one of the major global reservation systems through SabreItem Challenges and pathways to improve company’s financial management by risk minimization(Київського національного університету технологій та дизайну, 2019-06-05) Ареф'єва, О.В.; Мягких, І.М.; Ящук, А.М.This paper seeks to explore the essence of financial activity and its principal objectives in the process of business functioning as well as the effects from changes in the capacity and structure of the company's equity and attracted capital. The study provides insights on the impact of financial management practices on the overall company performance and payment of financial liabilities to the government or other business entities along with identifying the key problems and barriers hindering successful development of modern enterprises. The nature of financial risk arising in the process of financial activities or financial transactions has been revealed. It is argued that the given classification of financial risks (systematic (market) / unsystematic (specific) risks) enables to take timely and relevant risk elimination or risk reduction measures, in particular, deploy risk mitigation methods to those risks which cannot be avoided. The purpose of financial risk management is to minimize financial loss.Item Corporate Management of Aircraft Construction Sector in Ukraine(Modern Transformation of Economics and Management in the Era of Globalization: International Scientific Conference, January 29, 2016: abstracts. – Klaipeda, Lithuania, 2016-01-29) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаItem Diagnostics of external environment effects upon enterprise competitive positions in the context of its economic security(Вісник Київського національного університету технологій та дизайну, 2019-08-19) Ареф'єва, Олена Володимирівна; Мягких, Ірина Миколаївна; Шкода, Мар'яна СергіївнаThe article reveals the nature of a competitive enterprise, identifies the external environment factors affect the enterprise competitive position and provides insights on the enterprise economic security concept. In thus study, the essence of the enterprise economic security category is viewed as a specifically built system of preventive measures aimed at conducting targeted permanent activities to ensure sustainable efficient enterprise performance through effective management of negative impact factors that affect hider its successful operation. The paper provides the analysis of a range of external factors that can damage the enterprise economy along with suggesting the structuring of external factors of competitiveness with regard to each stage of the enterprise business plan implementation. The functional objectives of the enterprise economic security and specifics of shaping the economic security diagnostics system are discussed. The study also offers the review on the methods used to diagnose the environment effects on the enterprise competitive position in the context of its economic security. It is argued that the most significant indicators estimated by a number of selected criteria (structural elements) of a business competitive position within the system for enterprise economic security diagnostics are the following: the level of security by the financial component, the level of security by personnel component, the level of security by innovation and technology component, the level of security by political and legal component, the level of security by analytical information component and the level of security by economic component. The paper also suggests the methods and tools for business economic security diagnostics and explores the key objectives of the enterprise economic security management system.Item Economic security potential management mechanism of enterprises in the system of strategic decisions(SHS Web of Conferences, 2019) Arefieva, Olena; Kopcha, Yuri; Arefiev, Volodymyr; Miahkykh, IrynaThe article is devoted to the development of an economic security potential management mechanism of an enterprise in a dynamic external environment. Theoretical approaches to defining its essence are investigated, their systematization is carried out and the concept of “economic security potential management mechanism of an enterprise” is suggested, based on a two-pronged approach and, based on it, it is possible to make adaptive management decisions. The characteristic features and the main purpose of the economic security potential management mechanism of an enterprise are determined, its subject and object are substantiated. The basic approaches to forming the economic security potential management mechanism of enterprises are summarized, namely: systemic, process, resource, strategic, target, synergistic, functional and complex. It is established that the economic security potential management mechanism of enterprises performs both universal functions, namely: organizational, control, motivation, planning, and specific, including protective, regulatory, preventive, information, innovative, compensatory and social. It is suggested to consider a strategic approach as a management approach, as managing economic security potential is a complex task with many variables, random factors and various constraints. Errors in managerial decisions lead to bankruptcy.Item Evaluation of the Coopetition level of Oneworld Aviation Alliance.(Promising Problems of Economics and Management: Collection of scientific articles, Scientific Journal «Economics and Finance», Publishing house «BREEZE», 2015-10) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаCoopetition strategies combine two contradictory forces: competition and collaboration. These strategies generate strong tensions between coopetitors [1, p. 671]. This article studies the activity of international aviation alliances and Codeshare agreements signed between them. While airlines are competitors in the global aviation market, they still manage to collaborate. Formation of an airline’s coopetition strategy in the air transportation market is a strategic course of development that forms a direction for further researchItem Forecasting of risks effect on product profitability by means of NARX neural network(Natsionalʹna Akademiya Upravlinnya, 2014) Piletska, Samira T.; Пілецька, Саміра ТимофіївнаThe paper proposes the use of NARX neural network of forecasting the impact of foreign economic contract risks on the profitability of an aircraft factory. Levenberg-Marquardt method serves as an optimization technique for quality function. This approach allows minimizing the negative impact of risks on the effectiveness of foreign economic activity of an aircraft factory.Item The impact of air service agreement liberalization: the case of Ukraine(Сучасні проблеми глобальних процесів у світовій економіці, 2017-11-09) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаAir transport regulation has been undergoing structural reform in various countries due to globalization and the free market economy concept. Consequently, the concepts of privatization, deregulation and liberalization of Air Service Agreements, such as open skies agreements, have evolved.Item International aviation business: new airline SkyUp in Ukraine(Проблеми розвитку потенціалу підприємства в глобальних економічних умовах, 2018-05-21) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаItem Model of optimal forming capacity for concern "Antonov"(European Applied Sciences, 2013-02) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаОбеспечения конкурентоспособности экономики страны на мировом рынке зависит, в первую очередь, от развития высокотехнологичных отраслей. Авиационная промышленность Украины может сыграть роль ключевого фактора повышения конкурентоспособности национальной экономики. Сейчас авиарынок достаточно насыщенным, конкуренция на нем идет не между отдельными компаниями, а между авиационными государсвами. Роль эффективного промышленного производства в значительной степени зависит от объема, структуры, технического состояния и уровня использования основных производственных фондовItem Risk management in the sphere of state economic security provision using professional liability insurance(Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 2019) Arefieva, O.; Miahkyk, I.; Faiier, O.This study contains a comprehensive scientific analysis of modern problems of risk management in the sphere of state economic security provision using professional liability insurance. The elements of the mechanism for provision the economic security are defined, namely: subjects, objects and instruments of influence. It is stipulated that insurance is the means to provide the state economic security. Here are types of insurance that are important for the state and its economic security and we have focused on one of these types, namely: professional liability insurance. It is shown that this type insurance helps to manage the risks in different business activities. The concept of this type of insurance has been researched. It is identified its charachteristics. The classification of this type of insurance has been performed. It is proved the effectiveness of insurance as a method to provide the protection of the economic interests of all entities by transferring part of the risks to professional participants of the insurance market.Item The Global Market Aircraft Construction(The sixth world congress “Aviation in the XXI-st century” safety in aviation and space technologies, 2014-09-23) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаItem The impact of investment climate and financial analysis implications in making investment decisions(Вісник Київського національного університету технологій та дизайну, 2018) Ареф'єва, О.В.; Мягких, І.М.; Соловей, Н.В.The paper attempts to expose the most favourable conditions for domestic enterprises to be to competitive in manufacturing and selling of competitive goods and products and thus have prospects for further effective development. The study provides insights into the economic nature of enterprise financial management basics as well as explores the processes of financial and economic activities to reveal the key indicators dynamics for production and sales, product supply patterns, to measure the effects from external and internal factors of change over a certain period, to identify the reasons for change and justify the enterprise development trends, together with building pathways to boost the enterprise performance. A thorough study on the roots of investment, investment activity, investment attractiveness and the factors that affect the stability of enterprise business development and investment activity enhancement have been conducted. The findings also present the results of an in-depth study on the investment climate specifics and impact factors that shape the investment climate in Ukraine. The analysis of investment attractiveness of the national businesses and the factors affecting alternative investment projects have been performed. Based on the research results, the paper offers a generalized investment solutions framework as well as suggests the criteria that facilitate effective investment decision making. In this study, financial analysis is viewed as a critical element within the overall crisis management system to ensure investment efficiency and identify enterprise development trends as well as the reasons for change and to be able to justify the enterprise further development prospects. The conclusions provide recommendations for making effective investment decisions.Item The innovative activity of enterprises as a prerequisite for sustainable economic development(Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2018-06-07) Аrefieva, Olena; Piletska, Samira; Аrefiev, SerchiiThe purpose of the article is to analyse the nature of the innovative activity of enterprises, study issues of providing sustainable economic development by developing a mechanism of innovative activity of an enterprise, taking into account its innovative space. To achieve this purpose, there are the following tasks: to analyse trends in innovative processes and innovative activity of enterprises by corresponding directions; substantiate factors of innovative activity by levels of the economy and determine their effect by components; propose a mechanism of innovative activity by levels of the economy in order to stimulate enterprises to introduce innovations for ensuring increased capacity of activities.Item The issues of the development strategy formation of aviation industry companies in Ukraine(Національний авіаційний університет, 2016) Ареф'єва, Олена Володимирівна; Мягких, Ірина МиколаївнаThe article substantiates the notion of strategy, examines the issues of the formation and implementation of aviation company development strategy, and delineates the contingence of strategy formation upon internal and external factors influencing the long-term stability of companies’ business operation formation.Item Авіабудівна галузь України в контексті міжнародних відносин(Вісник Хмельницького національного університету, 2010-04) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаРозглянуто тенденції розвитку світового авіабудування, що знаходиться під значним впливом приватного капіталу та широкого залучена до міжнародної інтеграції. Охарактеризовані провідні країни на світових ринках авіакосмічної продукції та діяльність національних виробників авіаційної техніки. Проаналізований український експорт літальних, космічних апаратів та їх частин та надана статистика кількості повітряних суден, які було виготовлено в Україні в 2002-2008 рокахItem Авіакомпанія «Ryanair» на авіаційному ринку України(Політ. Сучасні проблеми науки: XVII міжнар. наук-прак. конф, 2017-04-07) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаItem Актуальні проблеми та сценарії розвитку авіаційного сектору України(Актуальні проблеми економічного розвитку та соціального розвитку виробничої сфери: VІІ міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. молодих вчених і студ., 20-21 травня 2010 р.: тези доп. – Донецьк, 2010. – С.133-134., 2010-05-21) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаItem Анализ конкурентоспособ-ности рынка авиационных перевозок Азербайджана и разработка стратегии развития(Проблеми системного підходу в економіці, 2014) Геєць, Ірина ОлегівнаУ статті проведено аналіз конкурентоспроможності авіакомпаній на ринку міжнародних авіаційних пасажирських перевезень Азербайджану, описано діяльність основних учасників ринку та розроблено напрямки розвитку в період лібералізації та глобалізації на світовому ринку авіаційних послугItem Аналіз динаміки розвитку ринку світового авіабудування(Авіа-2011: Х міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 19-21 квітня 2011р.: тези доп. – К., 2011. – С.68-71., 2011-04-19) Геєць, Ірина Олегівна