Economic security potential management mechanism of enterprises in the system of strategic decisions

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SHS Web of Conferences


The article is devoted to the development of an economic security potential management mechanism of an enterprise in a dynamic external environment. Theoretical approaches to defining its essence are investigated, their systematization is carried out and the concept of “economic security potential management mechanism of an enterprise” is suggested, based on a two-pronged approach and, based on it, it is possible to make adaptive management decisions. The characteristic features and the main purpose of the economic security potential management mechanism of an enterprise are determined, its subject and object are substantiated. The basic approaches to forming the economic security potential management mechanism of enterprises are summarized, namely: systemic, process, resource, strategic, target, synergistic, functional and complex. It is established that the economic security potential management mechanism of enterprises performs both universal functions, namely: organizational, control, motivation, planning, and specific, including protective, regulatory, preventive, information, innovative, compensatory and social. It is suggested to consider a strategic approach as a management approach, as managing economic security potential is a complex task with many variables, random factors and various constraints. Errors in managerial decisions lead to bankruptcy.



economic, security, potential, management, mechanism, enterprise, system, strategic decisions


Arefieva Olena. Economic security potential management mechanism of enterprises in the system of strategic decisions / Olena Arefieva, Yuri Kopcha, Volodymyr Arefiev, Iryna Miahkykh // SHS Web of Conferences. - 2019. - 67. - С. 1-6.