Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Фаховий та художній переклад: теорія, методологія, практика» 2023

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    Автоматизація вибірки антиметаболи за допомогою мови корпусних запитів CQL
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2023-04) Фокін, Сергій Борисович
    The article discusses the automation procedure for extracting stylistic devices, specifically, antimetaboles (a type of chiasmus). Antimetabole is characterized by a set of formal parameters, such as the repetition of lexemes in the sequence A – B – B – A. However, its context and semantic features are necessary for it to be fully functional. One approach for automating the extraction of antimetaboles from textual corpora is to use a specific corpus query language. In the absence of an annotated corpus, regular expressions are a powerful tool for the automatic extraction of antimetaboles. The strengths and weaknesses of both approaches are analyzed in the article.
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    Використання CAT-інструментів у професійній діяльності перекладачів
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2023-04) Пилипчук, Марина Леонідівна; Гастинщикова, Любов Олександрівна
    The research considers using computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools in translators’ modern professional activity. CAT tools can handle everything from editing to performing quality assurance, using indexing tools, applying formal rules or style guides, correcting formatting, and standardizing terminology. The article presents the top 5 CAT tool software programs designed to help translators do their job faster and more efficiently in the modern market. The authors explain the difference between machine translation and computer-assisted translation. The emphasis is made on common features of modern CAT tools, namely translation memory, term base, real-time collaborative teamwork, quality assurance functionality, and machine translation. The methods of optimizing the translator’s work through the use of CAT tools are analysed. It’s stated that CAT tools can benefit in reaching such goals as profitability, competitiveness, time management, high quality and teamwork.
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    Самостійна робота студентів у системі дистанційної освіти за воєнного стану в країні
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2023-04) Клочко, Лариса Іванівна; Рудіна, Марина Володимирівна
    The paper features the problem of updating the content and assignment of self work of students in a higher education institution. Educational specialistsresearchers define self work as a cognitive activity aimed at self-education and the achievement of personally significant goals. Self work is based on independence as a personal quality and contributes to students’ formation of self-education skills. The fact that modern students' misunderstanding of the role of self work as an individual research educational activity is obvious. The survey results show the need of updating online learning methods in order to stimulate students' motivation to work independently which is an important form of acquiring individual professional competences in the higher education system.
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    Когнітивні аспекти вивчення термінології як метод інтенсифікації процесу підготовки перекладачів
    (2023-04) Ляшина, Алла Георгіївна; Тищук, Алла Геннадіївна
    The article deals with the cognitive aspects of studying terminology as a method of intensification the process of translators training. The article examines the conditions and ways of forming intercultural competence of a student as an integral personality. In the process of research we came to the conclusion that cognitive approach to the study of the term allows us to consider the term as a result of cognitive activity of translators. The study of terminological systems with the help of cognitive analysis makes it possible to explore the processes of specific cognitive models formation and functioning.
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    Розвиток компетентності перекладача у контексті редакторської діяльності
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2023-04) Журавльова, Оксана Михайлівна; Свердлова, Тетяна Геннадіївна
    The article analyses the role of editing in the process of the translator’s expertise development. Editing of Translations as an educational subject can become a helpful tool contributing to the development of different skills (competencies) all translators need in terms of their professional activities. In support of the stated arguments, the definitions of the terms “translator’s expertise” and “editing” are given, the structure of the translator’s expertise is described, particularl y the skills (competencies) which are considered the integral components of the translator’s expertise. Correlation between studying editing of translations and development of the translator’s expertise is shown.