Кваліфікаційні роботи здобувачів вищої освіти кафедри конструкцій літальних апаратів : [141] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 141
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-11Infrared nondestructive testing images research of glass fiber reinforced polymer compositesZhou, Junjiang; Чжоу, Цзюньцзян
2022-11Progressive damage model of Carbon FiberWu, Xiaohui; У, Сяохуей
2022-11Perspectives of laser selective melting usage for Al/Ti alloysWang, Yanfei; Ван, Яньфей
2022-11Structural design of composite wing sparsWang, Qingle; Ван, Цінле
2022-11Cutting tools improvement by pulsed magnetic field processingWang, Lulu; Ван, Лулу
2022-11Effective Humidification In Aircraft Cabin As A Safety StandardSukhytska, Liliia; Сухицька, Лілія Леонідівна
2022-11Design issues of flight compartment for transport category aircraftBevz, Serhii; Бевз, Сергій Віталійович
2022-11Innovative safe and rescue system for passenger aircraftShpak, Artur; Шпак, Артур Петрович
2022-11Disposal and recycling electric aircraft and its equipmentTurabi, Ali; Турабі, Алі
2022-11Crack initiation and propagation mechanism during uniaxial compression of SiC/AZ91D magnesium matrix compositesLiang, Chaoqun; Лян, Чаоцюнь
2022-11Study of Hot Compression Deformation Behavior and Processing Map of Cobalt-based superalloy GH5188Lai, Xuechi; Лай, Сюечи
2022-11Numerical simulation of laser shock peening of titanium helicopter hub connectorHao, Jiayu; Xао, Цзяюй
2022-11Analysis of the hybrid power plant practicability for a regional passenger aircraftSamoilenko, Yelyzaveta; Самойленко, Єлизавета Олександрівна
2022-11Development of a new aircraft interior passenger cabin design with panoramic viewPohnirybko, Liana; Погнірибко, Ліана Олегівна
2022-11Cutting tools improvement for optimization of aviation components manufacturing processFan, Zikang; Фань, Цзикан
2022-11Numerical simulation of laser shock peening of aircraft engine gearsFan, Longgang; Фань, Лунган
2022-11Investigation of nonlinear behaviour of materials properties during cycling loadsChen, Weiqun; Чень, Вейцюнь
2022-11Design of small fixed unmanned aerial vehicles launch deviceCai, Liang; Цай, Лян
2022-11Optimization of aircraft boarding processesHorian, Ivan; Горян, Іван Андрійович
2022-06Preliminary design of a short-range aircraft with 86 passenger capacityTerzi, Artem; Терзі, Артем Вікторович
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 141