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Showing results 2111 to 2130 of 39972 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-05Improvements power aggregates construction on transportTrofimov, Igor
2021-10Improvements to dispatch of material flowsof technological unitsDehtiar, Yu.V.; Dehtiar, N.V.; Дегтяр, Ю.В.
2015-09Improving efficiency of automated designing of UAVSineglazov, Viktor; Синєглазов, Віктор Михайлович; Godny, Andrew; Годний, Андрій Павлович
2015-07Improving Images Quality by Combination of Filtering MethodsKucherov, D.P.; Katsalap, R.G.; Zbrozhek, L.V.
2022-11Improving of wear resistance of aeronautical equipment parts by gas-thermal coatingsZadniprianyi, Artem; Задніпряний, Артем
2019-11-21Improving supply chain planningШевченко, Юлія Вікторівна; Shevchenko, Yuliya Viktorivna; Мединський, Денис Володимирович; Medynskyi, Denis
2020-12-23Improving the effectiveness of the product policy of limited liability company «Technocom», taking into account world experienceKryvoshei, Daria Serhiivna
2014-09Improving the efficiency of development process of automated helicopter flyingSineglazov, Viktor; Синєглазов, Віктор Михайлович; Shmelev, Juriy; Шмельов, Юрій Миколайович
2016Improving the efficiency of fuel combustion with regard to the uncertainty of measuring oxygen concentrationBabak, V.; Mokiychuk, V.; Zaporozhets, A.; Redko, O.
2020-12Improving the efficiency of maintenance of structural elements of the airframeAvdieienko, Dmytro Oleksandrovych
2021-12Improving the efficiency of maintenance of structural elements of the airframeKonovchenko, Artem Volodymyrovych; Коновченко, Артем Володимирович
2020-12-23Improving the efficiency of sales activities of public joint stock company "lviv confectionery factory "Svitoch" taking into account international experienceLytvynov, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych
2022-11Improving the information interaction of supply chain participantsDostatnii, Roman; Достатній, Роман Русланович
2021-12Improving the information support of the processes of maintaining the airworthiness of aircraftLiakh, Vladyslav; Лях, Владислав
2016Improving the professional speech culture of the aviation sector’sfuture employees by compiling non-normative glossaryФедчук, Лілія Іванівна
2021-04-03Improving the quality of transport servicesZozulia, Olha; Зозуля, Ольга Владиславівна
2022Improving the technology of product supply chain management in the context of the development of multimodal transportation systems in the European union countriesPrymachenko, Hanna; Примаченко, Ганна; Shapatina, Olha; Шапатіна, Ольга; Pestremenko-Skrypka, Oksana; Пестременко-Скрипка, Оксана; Shevchenko, Anna; Шевченко, Анна Валеріївна; Halkevych, Maryna; Галькевич, Марина