Corpus-Based Concept Translation
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National Aviation University
The paper makes an overview of the corpora and corpus tools which are classified according to their content, functionality, aim and adaptability. The adaptable corpus tool is developed to complete specific linguistic tasks and aimed at resolving the issues of concept translatability while doing comparative corpus-based translation studies research. Main tasks of translating concepts are discussed and some examples of adaptable corpus-based comparative concept analysis are shown. The linguistic background methodology of the concept translation study is based on conceptual analysis, componential analysis, semantic triangle theories, system of values theory.
concept translation, religious concept, corpus-based translation studies, conceptual analysis, system of values
Попович Н. М., Луцків А. М., Тищук А. Г. Corpus-Based Concept Translation / Nataliya Popovych, Andriy Lutskiv, Alla Tyshchuk // Фаховий та художній переклад: теорія, методологія, практика: збірник наукових праць / за заг. ред. А.Г. Гудманяна, С.І. Сидоренка. – К.: Аграр Медіа Груп, 2020. – С. 306-314