Transformation of pedestrian route schemes in the parking – air terminal zones in the course of airport reconstruction
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National aviation university
The paper covers the results of the study of pedestrian route schemes on the terminal square, including multi-story parkings. Design decisions on compliance with regulatory requirements at Boryspil International Airport are analyzed. Principle solutions to reduce the length of pedestrian routes and travel time are presented.
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airport, parking, reconstruction, modernization, urban, design
Agieieva G. M., Kriveljov L. I. Transformation of pedestrian route schemes in the parking – air terminal zones in the course of airport reconstruction / The Х word congress aviation in the XXI-st century' "Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies" September 28-30.2022, Kyiv, Ukraine: Proceedings. - p.9.1.5 - 9.1.7. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7157512