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Title: Management of the risks of multimodal transport operators
Other Titles: Управління ризиками мультимодальних транспортних операторів
Authors: Шевченко, Юлія Вікторівна
Shevchenko, Yuliya Viktorivna
Sokolova, Olena Evgeniivna
Соколова, Олена Євгеніївна
Borets, Irina Valeriivna
Борець, Ірина Валеріївна
Keywords: multimodal transportation
мультимодальні перевезення
Issue Date: 11-Oct-2018
Publisher: National Aviation University
Citation: Yulia Shevchenko, Olena Sokolova, Irina Borets. Efficiency of introduction of "green technologies" on aviation transport // Proceeding of The Eighth World Congress “AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY - Safety in aviation and space technology'', 11 October, 2018, Kyiv.Management of the risks of multimodal transport operators
Abstract: Modern trends in the global economy assume the construction of complex and cumbersome supply chains, where there is interaction between participants who are not only in different countries, but also in continents. The material flow of the supply chain crosses the borders of states, continents, seas and oceans. At the same time, each territory that is crossed by the material flow of the supply chain has its own distinctive features in the legal, economic, geographical area. At the same time, all operations were subject to risk in connection with the lack of knowledge of all the features of legislation and business rules in foreign countries. All this led to the fact that the goods were lost on the way, the carriers were mistaken with the execution of documents, there were fines in connection with the failure of deliveries
Description: Thus, the risks arising in the course of transportation depend on how much the carrier thought out, professionally designed and organized the transportation. At each stage of the transport process planning, the multimodal transport operator has the ability to manage the very specific and specific format of the transportation process by risks.
Appears in Collections:Матеріали конференцій кафедри організації авіаційних перевезень

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