Політ. Організація перевезень і управління на транспорт. 2021
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/49970
Recent Submissions
Item Analysis of development trends in transport logistics(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Basanez, Sergiy Vitaliyovych; Басанець, Сергій Віталійович; Мирончак, Максим Вадимович; Myronchak, Maxim Vadymovych; Суховецька, Олена Юріївна; Sukhovetska, Olena YuriivnaToday, the transport industry is not standing still, it is in a state of constant improvement. Leading international companies attract significant investment through significant investments that are used to optimize their core business. Transport logistics - a system of delivery, namely the movement of any tangible objects or substances from one point to another on the optimal route. The very concept of logistics is quite modern, but compared to other industries, it is developing quite rapidly. An example of innovative transport implementations is the use of 3D printers on board a truck. Such a truck will go directly to the delivery address of orders, and "print" all the necessary goods to the customer on the spot.Item Method for calculating the optimal number of loading and uploading points of the airport cargo warehouse(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Kryvobok, Valeria; Кривобок, Валерія; Глущенко, Микита; Hlushchenko, Nikita; Chenfan, HuangThe cargo complex of the airport is a warehouse of temporary storage of cargo arriving and departing by planes serviced at the airport. The airport operator or handling company services the cargo complex. The cargo terminal carries out ground handling of cargo transported by foreign and domestic airlines, as well as provides freight forwarding, customs brokerage and warehousing services. The airport cargo complex helps you to solve the issues of transportation, warehousing and customs clearance of goods, as well as provides professional advice on all related issues. Cargo warehouses of a modern airport are complex engineering structures, most of which are mechanized and automated. They are equipped with special vehicles and means of mechanization, weighing, transportation and storage of goods and mail, including: stationary and self-propelled lifting equipment and mechanisms; weight measuring equipment; means of transportation of goods and mail; means of loading and unloading cargo and mail to / from the aircraft; means of loading and unloading containers (pallets) to / from the aircraft; engineering and technical means of aviation security; means of detecting radioactive and explosive substances; means of communication, information, radio broadcasting.Item Automatization resource management systems of a transport company(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Ivanets, Ivan Оlexandrovich; Іванець, Іван Олександрович; Thorevskaya, Amina Volodymirivna; Тхоревська, Аміна Володимірівна; Mruts, Bogdan Igorovich; Мруць, Богдан ІгоровичThe current trend of transition to digital methods of creating, transmitting, processing and storing information leads to the widespread introduction of static and dynamic databases, the organization of telecommunications for access to information through terrestrial and satellite information channels. Accordingly, in logistics systems there is a transition to digital technology in all areas of document management, including the replacement of paper transport documents with electronic ones. The integration of information flows and communication support in the transportation of goods has received a general name – telematics. The introduction of information technologies and their integration on the basis of telematics are implemented in transport in several main areas. First of all, it is the active implementation and use of automated control systems of the transport company. Management of any enterprise requires a high level of information and analysis of the information obtained to form a management decision, so companies implement automated control systems (ACS) of different levels for quality collection and processing of information about the enterprise. ACS is based on the integrated use of technical, mathematical, informational and organizational tools.Item Algorithm for ordering goods and its delivery process to Ukraine(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Viter, Ivanna Dmytrivna; Вітер, Іванна Дмитрівна; Molodid, Iryna Olegivna; Молодід, Ірина Олегівна; Mruts, Bogdan Igorovych; Мруць, Богдан ІгоровичIn order to understand the whole life cycle of goods entering the territory of Ukraine, we will describe how the process takes place in general. It all starts with the ordering process, the moment when Ukraine decided to order a certain product from the head office in Germany. The logistician will place an order, send a request and receive an invoice in format, which contains information about specific products, their quantity and price. After receiving this file, enter the invoice into the system, start processing data, then check the completeness of the file, if the file is incomplete, you need to re-apply to the main office in Germany, if the file is complete, its processing begins. Upon arrival of the car in a warehouse unloading of the goods, and its decomposition on places begins. The algorithm of the order of the goods is presented. To increase the efficiency of the level of delivery of goods to the customer, we will form additional tasks to automate the process of ordering goods. First, the operator generates an order in the tab "Order of goods", it sends it manually via data channels.Item Interaction of aviation and tourism enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Chaika, Maria; Чайка, Марія ОлександрівнаThe COVID-19 pandemic has been a test of activity and in the worst cases, even a threat of existence to the tourism and aviation business. Due to traffic restrictions and the complete cessation of passenger transport connection, these sectors of the economy, which are directly related to transportation, have suffered the most. With the establishment of strict quarantine measures from March to May 2020, aviation and tourism companies suffered significant losses. SkyUp airline announced about $30 million in losses during the period. The main problems were that the operators had to: • return significant funds for booking unused tickets to customers; • hold aircraft fleets indefinitely.Item The state and prospects of development of the world air and market for renovation of air technologies(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Ayrapetyan, Ganna; Айрапетян, Анна ГеоргіївнаOver the past three years, the aviation industry has been negatively affected by the reduction of the defense sub-industry in the United States. But some growth is expected, associated with an increase in defense budgets in the U.S., Britain, France, Japan, a number of countries in the Middle East and other countries; relatively stable growth in global GDP; lower prices for oil and other raw materials; and continued growth in demand for passenger transportation. So, it is expected that the military aircraft industry will emerge from the crisis, and the commercial will continue its decade-long trend of above-average growth (in 2015 the volume of aircraft production was twice as high as in 2005). The number of people in the world using air transport is increasing, because the prosperity is growing and visa processes are becoming easier. Revenues for individual countries, regions and companies are growing as a consequence. Thus, according to Airports Council International (ACI) estimations, European aviation industry earns 4.1% of the GDP and provides about 12,300,000 workplaces.Item Optimization of the process of cargo transportation by road(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Довга, Аліна Анатоліївна; Dovha, Alina; Кочмарівська, Павліна Миколаївна; Kochmarivska, PavlinaThe existing system of organization of road transport in Ukraine almost does not allow the introduction of modern logistics methods of cargo delivery and reduce transportation costs. It is necessary to find alternative schemes of traffic organization, which will allow to increase the competitiveness of road transport, and reduce the cost of transportation. Observation and research of the issues of ensuring the efficient operation of motor transport enterprises, classification and description of the components of improving the management and optimization of freight transport, which will enable motor transport enterprises to influence the design of rational transportation process, reduce transport costs and production in general. Correlation-regression analysis of the efficiency of determining the rational route of movement of vehicles allows to improve the technical and operational indicators of rolling stock and increase the productivity of vehicles and reduce the cost of transported goods.Item Aviation safety provision in civil aviation(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Rishko, Andriy; Рішко, АндрійThe emergence of aviation as a distinguished, independent transport industry took place in the twenties of the twentieth century. However, in the second half of the twentieth century, the network of international air routes covered almost all countries of the world. Operations on modern air transport are characterized by mass (number of transport units and volumes), rhythmic (frequency of traffic units) and adequate complexity. In this regard, there is a need for a rigorous legal mechanism for carrying out air transportation, fixing the obligations and rights of the transport process participants and, most importantly, ensuring a reliable level of security. Aviation security as a scientific field is a relatively new aspect of scientific activity. Aviation security is a state of protection of the sector of civil aviation from threats of external factors associated with the implementation of acts of illegal intrusion. The basis of aviation security is a complex of organizational and legal, financial, technical and scientific-methodological measures that ensure the organization of civil security in the aviation at all its levels.Item Application of the theory of complex systems in studies of the functioning of air transport systems(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Huchak, Bogdan; Гучак, Богдан ОлексійовичA complex system is a system that consists of elements of different types and has heterogeneous connections between them, so the air transport system consists of a set of jointly operating aircraft, a complex of ground facilities for flight preparation and support, personnel engaged in flight operation, maintenance, and repair of aircraft and ground facilities, as well as subsystems for controlling the process of flight and technical operation. Structurally, ATS includes the following elements: crew, aircraft, flight and technical operation system, flight support system, ATS. Further applying a systematic approach to considering the problem of flight safety, individual elements of the ATC or their combination, in turn, can be considered as an independent system, for example, "Crew - Aircraft".Item Імітаційна математична модель процесу доставки вантажу(Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-08) Трахановська, Марія РоманівнаДля навчання нейронної мережі необхідно, принаймні два набори даних. Такі набори повинні досить повне представляти всі очікувані умови виконання завдання. Якщо база даних підприємства вже має таку інформацію то описаний вище метод прогнозування може бути реалізований з її використанням. У разі невиконання цієї умови данні для підготовки мережі можуть бути отримані методами математичного моделювання. При цьому така модель на початку використання буде спиратися на деякі апріорні гіпотези. При накопиченні даних про реальні виконані рейси така модель повинна бути ідентифікована. Розроблена модель базується на методі Монте-Карло. Під цим методом розуміється чисельний метод вирішення різних задач з допомогою моделювання випадкових величин.Item Modeling the functioning of airlines аnd their subsystems(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Nesterov, Oleksiy; Нестеров, ОлексійIn recent years, in the practical activities of air transport enterprises, there has been an intensification of the processes of searching and synthesizing rational management methods. Organizational changes in the structure of enterprises in the industry are expressed not only in the division of united air squadrons of airports and airlines, but also in the formation of airline alliances, the widespread use of outsourcing methods in the practice of organizing the production of air transport services. In practice, at present, a sufficiently large number of methods and techniques are used that allow solving individual particular problems of operational management of the production activities of an air transport enterprise. In modern conditions, the design and creation of simulation models reproducing the work of an air transport enterprise is focused on modeling large systems in which there is no place for simulation in the operational circuit of the enterprise. However, a detailed study of the system of transport support for the production of air transport services reveals large reserves of increasing the efficiency of management of an air transport enterprise.Item Designing the future of the USA airport security(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Gritsiuk, Bogdan; Грицюк, БогданAccording to a 2019 Ipsos Global Market Research survey, speed and efficiency in the preflight experience are the most important components of the user journey. Primary research showed passengers spend an average of 21-30 minutes to get past airport security in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security states the Transportation Security Administration deploys more than 2,300 officers trained in behavior detection at airports across the country. In a 1993 book published by Brian Massumi, “The Politics of Everyday Fear”, states that a mindset to prevent an incident that has already happened will only influence the incident to happen again. Controlling the prevention of another terrorist attack by checking people, bags, and objects as risks, doesn’t allow for someone to clearly see problem. Primary research showed that 6 out of 17 participants experienced a racial incident by security during their check-in process.Item Systematic approach in the study of air transport system(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Bilotskaya, Alina; Білоцька, АлінаThe use of a systematic approach in our research makes it possible to perceive air transport as a set of elements that are necessary to ensure the continuous development of an integral air transport system in the event of their interrelated and interdependent functioning. The basic concept of a systematic approach to the air transport system as a process is the interconnection of parts or subsystems of an enterprise. This approach involves setting goals and focusing on building the whole as opposed to building components, stages, or subsystems. Purpose: to substantiate the use of a systematic approach as a method of understanding the air transport system, considering its essence and the author's interpretation of the concept under study. Methods: to achieve this goal, general scientific research methods were used, such as analogy, analysis, synthesis, systematization.Item Methods of studing the laws of functioning of air transport systems(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Maslak, Oleksiy; Маслак, ОлексійAir transport is an important enabler to achieving economic growth and development. Air transport facilitates integration into the global economy and provides vital connectivity on a national, regional, and international scale. It helps generate trade, promote tourism, and create employment opportunities. Air transport is one of the fastest modes of public transport which connects international boundaries. Air transport allows people from different countries to cross international boundaries and travel other countries for personal, business, medical, and tourism purposes. Although, air transport provides the fastest means by saving the time of journey, another aspect of air transport is the facilities and comfort level of the passengers.Item Transport system of Singapore(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Parzhytska, Daria Vyacheslavivna; Паржицька, Дар'я В'ячеславівна; Pokrovsky, Georgiy Alexandrovich; Покровський, Георгій ОлександровичSingapore is one of the first in the ranking of the development of the transport system, and is also among the cities with the safest and most environmentally friendly transport systems. The entire transport system is well thought out, so in Singapore you are unlikely to ever get stuck in a traffic jam. We will start from maritime transport. Sea transport is a vital mode of carriage for Singapore's prosperity. This affects the rate of economical development of the country, which has used its strategic position in Asia to further expand the maritime manufacturing that supports world trade. Singapore's maritime industry is extremely fatefully to the national economy, contributing almost 7 percent of Singapore's GDP.Item Analysis of airlines state during pandemic(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Kuno, Nikita; Куно, Нікіта ЄвгенійовичNowadays we cannot imagine our life without air transportations. Transportation plays a huge role not only in everyday life, but also in the formation of the economy and gross domestic product both domestically and internationally. Air transportation is the carriage of passengers, mail, load and freight by aircraft and helicopters and all types of air transportations are classified according to the territorial sign, to objects of transportation and to direction of transportation. Air transport entered our life like no other and was able to bring dreams into reality by the safety, comfort and speed. In 2020, aviation faced problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which made adjustments to the plans of all airlines around the world. That is why the main goal of this work is to analyze how the pandemic influenced two of the best airline around the world – Lufthansa. У наш час ми не можемо уявити своє життя без повітряних перевезень. Транспорт відіграє величезну роль не тільки в повсякденному житті, але й у формуванні економіки та валового внутрішнього продукту як на внутрішньому, так і на міжнародному рівні. Повітряні перевезення - це перевезення пасажирів, пошти, вантажу та вантажів літаками та вертольотами, і всі види повітряних перевезень класифікуються за територіальним знаком, за об'єктами перевезення та за напрямом перевезення. Повітряний транспорт увійшов у наше життя як ніхто інший і зміг втілити мрії в життя завдяки безпеці, комфорту та швидкості. У 2020 році авіація зіткнулася з проблемами, пов’язаними з пандемією COVID-19, яка внесла корективи в плани всіх авіакомпаній світу. Ось чому основною метою цієї роботи є проаналізувати, як пандемія вплинула на дві найкращі авіакомпанії світу - Люфтганза.Item Influence of COVID-19 on tourism industry in the world(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Телюк, Володимир Анатолійович; Teliuk, Volodymyr; Зелюк, Анастасія Максимівна; Zeliuk, AnastasiaThe tourism industry is the complex of different subjects of tourism activity (hotels, tourism complexes, camping, motels, ventures of nutrition, transport, culture complexes, sports clubs, etc.) which creates the conditions for welcoming, service, and transporting of tourists. During the recent decades, tourism was increasing very fast which also concerned air transport. Development of aviation infrastructure: the building of new terminals, creating of low-cost carriages regulated tariffs and the others influenced on the increase of passenger flow in the airports of the world (in general it is business and tourism) but in 2019 the world faced with the terrible pandemic of COVID-19. Tourism is a global industry that is enormously suffering from economic consequences after COVID-19. As usual, the tourist-recreational branch is widely influenced by external shocks: actions, which are taking part in country-receiver can cause the global redistribution of trips to different recreation regions; military conflicts and terrorism dangers, climate changes and disasters, change of currency conditions, economic crises, etc. However, powerful shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic could paralyze the global tourism market indefinitely. Туристична галузь - це комплекс різних суб’єктів туристичної діяльності (готелі, туристичні комплекси, кемпінги, мотелі, підприємства харчування, транспорту, культурні комплекси, спортивні клуби тощо), що створює умови для прийому, обслуговування та транспортування туристів . Протягом останніх десятиліть туризм зростав дуже швидко, що стосувалося і повітряного транспорту. Розвиток авіаційної інфраструктури: будівництво нових терміналів, створення бюджетних вагонів з регульованими тарифами та інші вплинули на збільшення пасажиропотоку в аеропортах світу (загалом це бізнес та туризм), але в 2019 році світ зіткнувся з жахливою пандемією COVID-19. Туризм - це світова галузь, яка надзвичайно страждає від економічних наслідків після COVID-19. Як зазвичай, туристично-рекреаційна галузь знаходиться під значним впливом зовнішніх потрясінь: акції, які беруть участь у країні-реципієнті, можуть спричинити глобальний перерозподіл поїздок до різних регіонів відпочинку; військові конфлікти та небезпеки тероризму, кліматичні зміни та катастрофи, зміна валютних умов, економічні кризи тощо. Однак потужні потрясіння, такі як пандемія COVID-19, можуть паралізувати світовий ринок туризму на невизначений час.Item Elaboration of cost efficient plan for goods delivery from suppliers to consumers(National Aviation University, 2021-04-08) Tishyn, Igor; Тішин, Ігор АндрійовичTransport logistics becomes more prevalent in business, because the delivery of products from warehouses to the customers, in the most efficient, timely and cost effective manner is one of the most common conditions in world trade. In this paper we consider how to create the most cost-efficient plan for delivery of products from different points of supplier to different points of consumer, by using mathematical models. Such mathematical model is called “Transportation problem” and supposes several suppliers, who offer the same type of product, consumers who are characterized by cargo orders and transportation cost which means tariff for transportation of a single cargo unit from the Supplier i to the Consumer j. Транспортна логістика стає все більш поширеною у бізнесі, оскільки доставка продукції зі складів до споживачів найбільш ефективно, своєчасно та економічно ефективно є однією з найпоширеніших умов у світовій торгівлі. У цій роботі ми розглядаємо, як за допомогою математичних моделей створити найбільш економічно ефективний план доставки продукції з різних точок постачальника до різних точок споживача. Така математична модель називається "Транспортна проблема" і передбачає декількох постачальників, які пропонують один і той же товар, споживачів, які характеризуються замовленнями вантажів і вартістю перевезення, що означає тариф на перевезення однієї вантажної одиниці від Постачальника i до Споживача j .Item Вплив COVID-19 на економічний потенціал авіаційних перевезень(Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-08) Войтович, Марина ВолодимирівнаУ сучасних умовах, здійснення пасажирських перевезень за різними видами транспорту дещо знизилось. Увесь світ, починаючи з середини грудня 2019 року, потерпів від величезного впливу Всесвітньої пандемії коронавірусу, також відому, як COVID-19. Карантинні обмеження по всьому світу призвели до суттєвих змін в соціально-культурному житті населення і кардинально переписали тренди глобальної економіки. Зменшення економічного потенціалу країни призвело до скорочення транспортних потоків та обміну міжнародними повідомленнями. Метою цієї публікації є аналіз факторів впливу пандемії коронавірусу 2020 на економічну складову сфери авіаційних перевезень України на внутрішньому та міжнародному ринках, а також надання практичних рекомендацій з їх усунення.Item Стратегічні відповіді європейських авіакомпаній на пандемію COVID-19(Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-08) Аврамчук, Вікторія Вікторівна; Гелетчук, Владислав ВолодимировичПандемія COVID-19 спричинила безпрецедентну кризу для авіакомпаній світу. Уряди по всьому світу мають накладати обмежувальні заходи щоб запобігти подальшому швидкому поширенню хвороби. Міжнародна асоціація повітряного транспорту (IATA) підкреслює, що в результаті кризи доходи авіакомпаній скоротилися на 314 мільярдів доларів США в 2020 році, що є 55-відсотковим зниженням порівняно з 2019 роком. Незважаючи на зрозумілі спроби авіакомпаній мінімізувати збитки, ми спостерігаємо, як авіакомпанії беруть участь у всіх чотирьох типових стратегіях реагування.
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