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    Education in modern conditions
    (National Aviation University, 2023-04-04) Klymenko, Pavlo; Safarov, Mykhailo; Клименко, Павло; Сафаров, Михайло
    In recent times, physical activity and fitness have become increasingly important aspects of public health, with research showing the correlation between regular physical exercise and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Physical education in modern times is an essential tool for promoting health and preventing these diseases, especially in children and young adults.
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    Features of the organization of physical education of students in higher education institutions in today’s realities
    (National Aviation University, 2023-04-04) Shlapak, Anna; Шлапак, Анна
    In European countries and Ukraine, the main problem of the social program is the preservation and strengthening of the health of different segments of the population. During the long existence of Ukraine, scientists have made many developmentsto ensure the educational processofphysical education,but today, due to the introduction of martial law a long time, distance learning has been introduced. Therefore, the need for new methods for organizing physical education in the conditions of this type of education has increased.
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    Challenges and prospects of physical education in modern conditions
    (National Aviation University, 2024-04-04) Palamarchuck, Myroslav; Паламарчук, Мирослав
    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a shift towards distance learning, which has also affected the way physical education is taught. In this paper, we explore the challenges and opportunities of teaching physical education in the current climate of distance learning. We examine the use of technology, the role of teachers, and the impact on students' physical health and wellbeing. We conclude that while distance learning presents challenges, it also provides opportunities forinnovative teaching methodsthat canpromote physical activity and health.
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    The role of gender in sports participation and achievement: a comparative study of male and female athletes
    (National Aviation University, 2023-04-04) Hnatiuk, Vladyslav; Hryshko, Vladyslav; Гнатюк, Владислав; Гришко, Владислав
    Sports are an important part of human life. It not only provide physical fitness, but also serve as a means of recreation, socialization and personal development. However, sport has traditionally been viewed as a male domain, with female athletes receiving far less recognition and opportunities than male athletes. This article examines the role of gender in sport participation and performance by comparing the experiences of male and female athletes.
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    Influence of sport achievements on the formation of nation’s international image in times of war
    (National Aviation University, 2023-04-04) Myroniuk, Ivan; Миронюк, Іван
    In the current circumstances of the civilizational development every nation has to fight for the world recognition. The competition for foreign investor attention prompts countries to use many diverse means for it. In this process a special place belongs to forming a positive image of the country. This concept isinfluenced bya group offactors: geographical placement ofa country, it’s history, culture and contribution to the global humanity. A positive perception abroad can give a push to the economic development of a country. The countries international image is influenced by it’s achievemnts in sciences, literature, culture, medicine and sports.