Кафедра телекомунікаційних та радіоелектронних систем
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- ItemA model of telecommunication system using VSAT satellite technology(National Aviation University, 2022-06) Kliovan, К.Е.; Кльован, К.Є.Modern society cannot be imagined without mobile communications or the Internet. Telecommunications have firmly and deeply penetrated into our lives and strengthened their positions. No area of life today can do without communication. Despite this, the problem of security and reliability of communication channels is still acute. One of the systems to solve this problem is VSAT.
- ItemA multi-service communication network of a company on the basis of the existing infrastructure(National Aviation University, 2022-06) Vashchenko, R.А.; Ващенко, Р.А.In the rest of the hour, radical changes appeared at the gallery, as if the activities of all telecommunication companies were bumped. First, there is an active promotion of new technologies for access, transport and services. In another way, the appearance of a wide range of new services and a decrease in the cost of traditional services of communication. At the link with the cim until prompted by that operation, the transfer of data is shown by arched vimogi. The security of the possibility of handy, cheap and cheap interchange and the creation of a highly efficient, protected means of data transmission is one of the most important and urgent problems in the field of telecommunications. The key to the solution of the problem is to encourage the current multi-service link.
- ItemAnalysis of consumer satisfaction with mobile operator services(National Aviation University, 2023-12) Zhezhel, Y.S.; Жежель, Я.С.The degree to which the company's product or service meets the client's expectations is known as customer satisfaction. It is an abstract idea that encompasses several elements, including the cost of the good or service, the environment of the location where it is bought, the caliber of the product or service, and numerous other relevant elements. Customer satisfaction gauges how well your business's goods or services live up to the expectations of the clientele. Finding the elements, justifications, and incentives that affect a consumer's choice to buy as well as the actions of the intended audience is known as satisfaction research.
- ItemAnalysis of Quality Control and Management in Mobile Networks Considering the Requirements of 4G and 5G Technologies(National Aviation University, 2023-12) Lomachevska, A.D.; Ломачевська А.Д.In the modern world, where mobile technologies become an integral part of our daily lives, the rapid development of 4G and 5G technologies poses important problems and challenges for mobile networks. The speed of transition from the previous generation to the latest, as well as the unstoppable expansion of service capabilities, make issues of control and quality management so relevant that they become key success factors for mobile network operators. The technological shift from 4G to 5G sets new standards for data transfer speed, information processing, and device interaction. User expectations for stable and high-quality mobile communication have never been higher. In this context, ensuring effective quality control becomes strategically important for operators to meet the demands of the modern user.
- ItemCybersecurity system for enterprise telecommunications resources(National Aviation University, 2022-06) Topala, Р.Р.; Топала, Р.Р.This work presents one of the most relevant Cybersecurity systems that are based on the endpoint protection method. These systems provide the one of most complicated detective and response probability for their users. Considered systems conclude many components that help to find and neutralize threats. Such as rules mode that users can edit for the most needed situation. All of these mechanisms help to simplify threat protection. The telecommunication systems were built in Cisco Packet Tracer. The other part of the work was tested with help of the Cortex XDR on the Windows operating system platform.
- ItemData Mining algorithms for analyzing the customer base of a mobile operator(National Aviation University, 2022-06) Zhezhel, Y.S.; Жежель, Я.С.Data Mining projects developed locally and in the client-server architecture. The package supports the implementation of all necessary procedures within a single integrated solution with the ability to work together and comes as distributed client-server application, which is especially convenient to implement data analysis on the scale of large organizations. SAS Enterprise Miner package designed for data analysts, marketing analysts, marketers, risk analysis specialists, fraud detection specialists.
- ItemError correcting codes for present generations of mobile communication systems(National Aviation University, 2022-06) Lomachevska, A.D.; Ломачевська, А.Д.The rapid development of global telecommunications technologies in the field of mobile communications is due to the increasing every year the need of users for faster and more accessible Internet. Currently, the most popular mobile system is 4G. However, when transmitting channels with noise and a specified signal-to-noise ratio, problems such as noise and interference occur. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution to these problems, the services were delivered continuously and uninterruptedly.
- ItemFog computing for IoT infrastructure improving(National Aviation University, 2022-06) Suzdaltsev, М.М.; Суздальцев, М.М.Modern information technologies permeate all spheres of public life. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest stage in a long and ongoing revolution in computing and communications. IoT is a term used to describe a growing set of interconnected smart devices, from home appliances to tiny sensors. The Internet of Things is gaining more and more rapid development and is being implemented in many spheres of domestic, economic, industrial and social life. Internet of Things technologies are increasingly being used locally. They are a necessary condition for the development of smart devices and even cities.
- ItemHFC мережа(Національний авіаційний університет, 2023-06) Лісовський, Л.А.Метою кваліфікаційної роботи є отримання глибокого розуміння технології HFC, оцінка переваг і обмежень, вивчення ефективності використання ресурсів та надійності мережі, а також аналіз перспектив розвитку цієї технології. Об’єктом дослідження – є фізична інфраструктура мультисервісної мережі HFC та її функціональні та експлуатаційні аспекти. Предметом дослідження – є технологія Hybrid fibre-coaxial (HFC) і її застосування для створення мультисервісної мережі. Практичне значення отриманих результатів. Отримані результати дослідження мають важливе практичне значення для різних зацікавлених сторін, таких як оператори зв'язку, постачальники послуг, технічні спеціалісти та рішення приймальники в цій галузі.
- ItemInformation and communication system for Online banking(National Aviation University, 2022-06) Kolchyn, М.V.; Колчин, М.В.The purpose of the thesis is to analyze one of the types of banking services - Online banking, identify problems of its implementation and prospects for development in Ukraine, as well as development opportunities, taking into account the rapid spread of information technology in the field of finance. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of Online banking. Develop the architecture of the information and communication network of the bank.
- ItemISC SI2000 в ролі шлюзу IP-мережі(Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-06) Христенко, О.І.На сьогоднішній день IP-телефонія як і будь яка сучасна технологія стрімко розвивається, але нові технології впроваджуються не так швидко як розвиваються. На підприємствах продовжують використовуватися аналогові та цифрові АТС завдяки своїм перевагам таким як можливість використання в важкодоступних місцях, що не входять в зону покриття стільникового зв'язку, незалежності від Інтернету та електропостачання, а також оскільки вони були придбані ще в часи коли IP-телефонія тільки починала свій розвиток. Але недоліки аналогової телефонії такі як низька якість переданого звуку, обмеженість функціоналу, а також необхідність в прокладанні окремих дорогих ліній для кожного номера змушують використовувати IP-АТС такі як Asterisk.
- ItemMethods of artificial intelligence for analysis and management of customer experience of a telecom company(National Aviation University, 2022-06) Voichak, І.V.; Войчак, І.В.Artificial intelligence has been gaining more and more attention recently, and of all modern innovations, AI has the most potential to change our lives: making it more productive, efficient, and easier. Soon, people will completely change the way they think about the possibilities of technology. In general, the subject of artificial intelligence research - any human intellectual activity subject to previously unknown laws. Artificial intelligence is a field of study at the intersection of science. Experts working in the field are trying to understand what behavior is considered reasonable (analysis) and create a working model of that behavior (synthesis). Researchers are asking questions about how to learn with the help of new theories and models understand the principles and mechanisms of intellectual activity.
- ItemMethods of improving cybersecurity of IP PBX(National Aviation University, 2023-12) Zhukova, K.A.; Жукова, К.А.As we sail into the digital age, Voice-over-IP (VoIP) has emerged as a novel mode of communication that is steadily replacing conventional phone lines. A sizable number of corporations are shifting to VoIP and distancing themselves from old-school modes of interaction. Apart from being cost-effective, VoIP offers remarkable flexibility allowing employees to carry out their duties from diverse locations on various devices -a testament to its potential for shaping future business dialogues.
- ItemModel of VoIP service for private business based on Nextiva Business Phone System(National Aviation University, 2022-06) Zhukova, К.А.; Жукова, К.А.Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that allows you to make voice calls over a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) telephone line. Some VoIP services may allow you to call only those users who use the same service, while others allow you to call anyone who has a phone number, including local, long-distance, mobile, and international numbers. In addition, although some VoIP services only work through the user's computer or dedicated VoIP phone, other services allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter.
- ItemNetwork function virtualization in telecommunication(National Aviation University, 2023-12) Frolkov, A.O.; Фролков, А.О.The chosen topic holds profound relevance within the contemporary landscape of networking and information technology. As we navigate the complexities of an increasingly connected world, the integration of virtualized networks, specifically Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Physical Function Network (PFN), emerges as a critical frontier. The justification for the relevance of this work is multi-faceted and aligns with the dynamic developments in science, technology, and society. Traditional, hardware-dependent networks struggle to meet the demands of low- latency, high-throughput communication required by emerging technologies. The insufficiency of existing solutions prompts an exploration of virtualized networks, where NFV and PFN present innovative approaches to decouple network functions from rigid hardware, providing agility and scalability.
- ItemRouting system of telecommunication network data flows(National Aviation University, 2023-12) Dudka, A.S.; Дудка, А.С.The relevance of this work is due to a number of factors. First of all, the growing volume and complexity of telecommunications networks with increasing requirements for quality of service. The need to develop efficient routing systems to optimally manage data flows is becoming increasingly important. In addition, the rapid development of technology and the increasing scale of networks are leading to an increase in the amount of data that needs to be processed and routed. New methods and algorithms, such as Dijkstra's algorithm, are addressing these challenges and require further research and development.
- ItemSecurity system of mobile ad-hoc networks(National Aviation University, 2023-12) Kolchyn, M.V.; Колчин, М.В.Wireless networks (WN) are a technology for transmitting/receiving information (including voice, data, multimedia) using radio communication (modulated electromagnetic waves propagating in open space). Many modern BMs (let's tentatively call them "traditional") are now widely used, for example: mobile cellular communication, Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, etc. networks. Recently, another class of technologies based on the principle of communication organization (it is known as Ad-Hoc networks) with dynamic self-organization and multihop routing, which is intended for decentralized, dynamic, distributed applications, has been actively developing.
- ItemSmart house building technologies(National Aviation University, 2023-12) Anisimov, G.E.; Анісімов, Г.Є.The purpose of qualifcation work - the purpose of the qualification work is to study the technologies of building smart houses and develop the architecture of a smart house in the absence of server dependence. Research method - the following methods were used to solve the set of tasks: data aggregation with confidentiality, stability of quantum computing, coding and information theory, secure NFC communication, machine learning to detect anomalies, energy-efficient communication protocols, number theory approaches, human-computer interaction research computer, development of distributed systems, dynamic key management systems. It is recommended to use qualification work materials when creating an autonomous smart home, or improving the protection of the already existing.
- ItemTelecommunication technologies for the VANET networks functioning(National Aviation University, 2022-06) Frolkov, А.О.; Фролков, А.О.Today, 4.66 billion people use the World Wide Web, which is 58 percent of the people on Earth. The volume of Internet traffic is also growing strongly, which is associated with an increase in the number of users, the digitalization of all sectors of the global economy and an increase in demand for “heavy content”. According to CISCO research, on average, traffic will increase by 26% every year. The number of devices connected to the Internet is also increasing, the number of which by 2022, according to CISCO, will be 28 billion. And of course, the potential of the Internet is far from being unlocked.
- ItemThe method of building a virtual 4-5G network operator based on cloud technologies(National Aviation University, 2023-12) Voichak, I.V.; Войчак, І.В.Mobile virtual operators (MVOs) continue to be a hot topic in the telecoms industry. MVOs can offer more flexible tariff plans to meet the specific needs of users. This can be particularly attractive to those looking for customised solutions. In many countries, MVOs are gradually becoming key players in the telecoms market. They are able to compete with traditional operators, which helps to improve the quality of services and reduce costs for consumers. MVOs may be more willing to introduce new technologies and innovations in telecommunications, as they are often smaller and more flexible in their choice of partners and technologies. Many large companies, such as Google, Amazon, or Facebook, are showing interest in the MVO market. They can use their technology and expertise to create unique services for consumers. The development of 5G and other wireless technologies is creating new opportunities for MVOs, which can use these networks to provide high-speed internet and other services. Mobile virtual operators can specialize in specific markets or user groups, allowing them to focus more on the specific needs of their customers.