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- ItemA computer system for images compression(Національний авіаційний університет, 2019-04-25) Kucherov, Dmytro; Kucherov, D.P.; Кучеров, Д.П.A new approach to images compression is proposed. The approach involves the use of elements of tensor analysis based on singular decomposition. A feature of this approach used is the representation of the image by the matrix triad, which includes the tensor core and a pair of unitary matrices containing right and left singular vectors, respectively. Compression is achieved by one recurrent procedure, which involves lowering the rank of the triad to the level of allowable errors while maintaining the original image size. The result of semi-natural modeling the system components is provided.
- ItemAn algorithm for information processing in implementation of landscape data dynamic loading(Національний авіаційний університет, 2014-09) Глазок, Олексій Михайлович; Глазок О.М.; Глазок, Алексей Михайлович; Глазок А.М.; Glazok O.M.; Ходченко Ф.С.; Khodchenko F.S.The use of Continious Level of Detail (CLoD) approach for visualization of flight over the huge landscape is considered. Foe the tasks of visualization of aircraft flight, it is necessary to provide acceptable performance at high speed of movement. In order to achieve this goal, the algorithm of phased processing of chunks of the landscape is offered.
- ItemAn Algorithm of Setting the Weights of a Neural Network Controller(2016-02) Kucherov, D.P.; Dikhtyarenko, V.N.; Kozub, A.N.The paper considers a novel method of setting a neural networks controller that takes part in the control of a dynamic plant with unknown parameters. The uncertainties are usually overcome by using sliding mode for controller with a switching input signal. Consequently, as a result the obtained system not sufficiently reliable by reason of high frequency switching control signal and long processing time. To remove this deficiency, the paper considers the neural network controller that is set by means of its learning based on the results of the latest testing. The characteristic feature of the algorithm is its ability to fix the faulty control situations introduced into the learning algorithm, thus giving it the properties of self-learning. The suggested algorithm provides the control quasi-optimality on time and accuracy in controlling a dynamic object. Finally, numerical examples are presented to demonstrate system efficiency for developed method
- ItemAnsible architecture and language tools(National Aviation University, 2022-10) Hlazok, O.M.; Kondra, M.V.; Глазок, О.М.; Кондра, М.В.; Глазок, Олексій МихайловичAnsible is a system for configuration management automation. Its target items are computer systems and network equipment. Ansible automates the management of remote systems and controls their desired state. Its configuration scripts are human readable while being machine parsable. A basic Ansible environment has three main components: the control node (a system on which Ansible software is installed); a managed node (a remote system or host, that Ansible controls; inventory (a list of managed nodes that are logically organized). Language base includes Python scripts, Linux shell scripting and the YAML – a human-readable data serialization language. YAML, like many other data serialization languages (such as JSON), is based on several simple concepts such as declarations, lists, associative arrays.
- ItemApplication of the deflection method for the investigation of the dynamic properties of highly-manevrous dynamic objects and constructing of quality non-linear regulators(Національний авіаційний університет, 2002-04) Глазок, Олексій Михайлович; Глазок О.М.; Глазок, Алексей Михайлович; Глазок А.М.; Glazok O.M.; Hlazok O.M.Constructing regulators for highly-manevrous dynamic objects leads to the necessity of formulating and solving the problem of synthesis of regulators in the universal form. During the procedure of calculating the regulator the summands of the higher powers by the changes of the phase coordinates and controls are consequently included into the equation describing the object under control. Such an approach gives a possibility of complete usage of the allowed rudder deflections.
- ItemArtificial neural network for the blind method of jpeg steganography(National Aviation University, 2022-10) Suprun, О.М.; Супрун, О.М.Hiding messages in images (steganography) is used for both legitimate and illegitimate purposes. Detecting hidden messages in images stored on websites and computers (stegan analysis) is a top priority for cyber forensics personnel. Models for describing data embedding and extraction processes can be represented as a communication channel, with the cover image acting as the communication channel through which the data is transmitted, and the embedded message acting as the data stream being sent. Thus, the cover image can be seen as noise; a simple model imitates image as a Gaussian noise implementation. Under these signal detection assumptions, information theoretic concepts can be applied to model embedding algorithms, extraction algorithms, and message detection algorithms. Pattern recognition models can also be applied, and in this study we apply an artificial neural network to classify feature data samples extracted from cover and stego image data.
- ItemAssessing the operator’s readiness to perform tasks of controlling by the unmanned aerial platforms(2020-08-09) Кучеров, Дмитро; Kucherov, Dmytro; Кучеров, Дмитрий; Кучеров, Дмитрий ПавловичTogether with the intensity of development in the field of technology of unmanned platforms and their effective use for solving various tasks of peacetime and war, the requirements for the training of the operator managing the platform also increase. This fully applies to personnel providing the flight of manned means.Nevertheless, there are significant differences inthe requirement of operator preparedness for an unmanned platform.This is, first of all, control in conditions of remoteness from an unmanned platform, orientation on the display of the control panel, delays in the passage of information, and possibly a complete loss of communication.In such conditions, the requirements for the reaction time of the operator increase,he must also have the ability to anticipate the development of the situation, be able to work with available equipment for a long time.These and severalother criteria determine the general criterion of operator productivity, which is introduced in the work.The productivity criterion is a linear convolution function of particular criteria with some weighting factors, the exact values of which are unknown.A detailed analysis of particular criteria made it possible to establish their inconsistency and heterogeneity.The article proposes an approach that allows us to eliminate the inconsistency of local criteria by separately calculating weight coefficientsfor each part based on the hierarchy analysis method.The basic properties of the proposed approach are also given; modeling confirms the correctness of the solutions.This approach can be useful inthecertification of operators of various fields of activity.
- ItemAsymptotic Behaviour of Gradient Learning Algorithms in Neural Network Models for the Identification of Nonlinear Systems(Science Publishing Group, 2015-07-27) Azarskov, V.N.; Kucherov, D.P.; Nikolaienko, S.A.; Zhiteckii, L.S.This paper deals with studying the asymptotical properties of multilayer neural networks models used for the adaptive identification of wide class of nonlinearly parameterized systems in stochastic environment. To adjust the neural network’s weights, the standard online gradient type learning algorithms are employed. The learning set is assumed to be infinite but bounded. The Lyapunov-like tool is utilized to analyze the ultimate behaviour of learning processes in the presence of stochastic input variables. New sufficient conditions guaranteeing the global convergence of these algorithms in the stochastic frameworks are derived. The main their feature is that they need no a penalty term to achieve the boundedness of weight sequence. To demonstrate asymptotic behaviour of the learning algorithms and support the theoretical studies, some simulation examples are also given.
- ItemAutomated Systems in the Aviation and Aerospace Industries(IGI Global, 2019-03-12) Kucherov, Dmytro; Kucherov, D.P.; Кучеров, Дмитро; Кучеров, Дмитрий Павлович; Kucherov, Dmytro P.A solution is proposed for the task of controlling a group of UAVs moving along a given route. The group is considered as a limited-size formation consisting of n-agents moving relative to the leader, which allows us to treat the group as some aggregate with the center of motion. The quantitative composition of a group can change while maintaining the integrity of the group. The chapter proposes the use of smooth laws governing the motion of a group. The safety of motion is ensured by introducing into the law of control the components equivalent to the creation of attractive and repulsive fields.
- ItemCalculation of integrals by Monte Carlo in the illumination problem of synthesized objects(Society for Cultural and Scientific Progress, BUDAPEST, 2016-10-22) Kucherov, Dmytro Pavlovich; Кучеров, Дмитрий Павлович; Кучеров, Дмитро ПавловичThe problem of calculation of multidimensional integrals by the Monte Carlo method, which is most often used in the calculation of global illumination synthesized objects created by different software system known as the single task of rendering. The equation global illumination transformed to a form suitable for the application of the Monte Carlo method. We are proposed method and algorithm for calculation of such integrals. The problems of constructing a solution of the algorithm on a personal computer are considered. Modeling results are proposed.
- ItemControl of Information Stream for Group of UAVs in Conditions Lost Packages or Overloading(IGI Global, 2019-01-16) Kucherov, Dmytro; Kucherov, Dmytro P.; Кучеров, Дмитро; Кучеров, Д.П.; Кучеров, Дмитрий ПавлвичThe chapter deals with the problem of controlling the flow of information coming from a group of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) by radio channel. The stream is a sequence of binary information packages. The inevitable data losses are compensated by repetition of lost packages or reconfiguration network. Modern methods control of data flow assumes using a mechanism ARQ based on the method sliding window. The consequence of these problems is a partial or total loss of its performance, manifested in a decrease in the network's starting throughput. Part of the problem of restoring the network is solved by routing mechanisms, which lead to a reconfiguration of the network due to the elimination of faulty nodes. Management of computer network overload is solved by well-known routing protocols, such as OSPF, IS-IS, RIP, and others. In solving the problem, the representation of the output of individual nodes of the network using the "death and reproduce" scheme was used substantially. This scheme of network operation presupposes its representation by the Markov chain and the derivation of probabilistic characteristics by solving the Kolmogorov equations.
- ItemControl System Objects with Multiple Streams of Information(IEEE, 2015) Kucherov, Dmytro P.; Kozub, Andrii M.; Кучеров, Дмитрий Павлович; Козуб, Андрей Николаевич; Кучеров, Дмитро Павлович; Козуб, Андрій МиколайовичThe article deals with the problem of controlling the flow of information coming from a group of UAVs by radio channel. The stream is a sequence of binary information packages. The inevitable data losses are compensated by repetition of lost packages. Modern methods control of data flow assumes using a mechanism ARQ based on the method sliding window. In this paper the comparative analyses of the known methods are given. The property matching the volume of information, which is transmitted from UAVs with the size M of the sliding window, is set. In base of theoretical calculations is used the concept of bandwidth. Computing bandwidth radio channel with the ARQ technology allows are confirming the main result investigation.
- ItemCRM-система «Електронний журнал» викладача навчальних курсів на базі платформи WPF(Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-07) Бігняк, Олександр ГригоровичСучасне інформаційне суспільство спонукає людину до спрощення його життя, в чому йому допомагає діджиталізація – оцифровування різних видів інформації. Діджиталізація дозволяє обробляти величезні обсяги інформації, тим самим спрощуючи і прискорюючи роботу. Прикладів впровадження діджиталізація різні сфери суспільного життя безліч. Наприклад, сучасна освіта відчуває незворотні зміни, що пов'язано головним чином з розвитком і поширенням інформаційних технологій. В даний час швидкість обміну інформації та обсяги даних сприяють розвитку інформаційно–комунікаційної інфраструктури як всередині освітнього закладу, так і за його межами. Уже сьогодні сучасна школа повинна позиціонувати себе як цілісний організм у відкритому інформаційному просторі мережі Інтернет, створюючи тим самим сприятливі умови для формування позитивних відгуків про свою діяльність і високого рейтингу серед існуючих шкіл. Також електронний шкільний документооборот повинен знизити адміністративне навантаження на освітні заклади.
- ItemDecentralized electronic voting system based on blockchain technology(National Aviation University, 2022-10) Suprun, O.; Savorona, N.; Супрун, О.; Саворона, Н.Blockchain is a technology for organizing databases while ensuring its integrity and openness. The urgency of the implementation in voting system is determined by a number of reasons: there is no need to physically appear at polling stations and such system will have resistant to different cyber-attacks. Creating the prototype, following architecture is taken as basis for decentralized anonymous voting system: Validators; User identification system; End users (voters). Validator nodes process user transactions and reach consensus on a distributed database. User identification systems are required to provide information about user IDs that voters will use to authenticate themselves right to vote. The identification system can be both centralized and internal (or external) identity provider, as well as a distributed system identification and certification.
- ItemDetection of Signals from a LoRa System Under Interference Conditions(Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, 2018-10-02) Kucherov, Dmytro; Kucherov, D.P.; Кучеров, Д.П.; Кучеров, Дмитро; Кучеров, Дмитрий; Кучеров, Дмитрий ПавловичThe paper examines the factors that affect the detection of signals in devices using modern LoRa technology to exchange information between devices that are part of the Internet of things in an interference environment. Features LoRa technology is a long range of information exchange in comparison with similar technologies, which is achieved through the spreading spectrum, the transmission of information in short packages and suppression of multipath signal propagation. The article notes the contribution of each factor to the quality of reception and studies the reception of the messages at the LoRa technology in a city with the significant interference that created by means of cellular communication and Wi-Fi devices.
- ItemEstimation of computational workload on the resources of unmanned aviation complex in the process of aerodynamic problems solving(Національний авіаційний університет, 2013-05) Глазок, Олексій Михайлович; Глазок О.М.; Глазок, Алексей Михайлович; Глазок А.М.; Glazok O.M.A mathematical description of the amount of data and computational operations intended for solving aerodynamic problems in real time of flight on the distributed computing resources of an unmanned aviation complex is considered. The given estimation is made for solution based on the large eddy simulation approach.
- ItemGroup Behavior of UAVs in Obstacles Presence(National aviation university, 2016-10) Kucherov, Dmytro P.; Kucherov, D.P.; Кучеров, Д.П.; Кучеров, Дмитрий ПавловичThe article deals with the problem of controlling the multi-agent system that consists of n UAVs moving in environment with obstacles. One of UAVs is an agent-leader and the others are agent-members. Behavior of an agents group in dynamic environment is considered as aggregation. This task supposes describing UAVs group movement as integrator of the second order, and each agent has information about others. Bypass obstacles and avoidance of collision is the main problem of this paper. Therefore we are considering movement of agents group in potential field, which includes two components: attractive and repulsing. The movement law is only known for agent-leader and agent-members that follow him in potential field. Simulation demonstrates main result of proposed approach.
- ItemGroup of UAVs Moving on Smooth Control Law with Fixed Obstacles(ASTESJ, 2017-07-15) Kucherov, D.P.; Кучеров, Д.П.; Кучеров, Дмитрий Павлович; Кучеров, Дмитрий ПавловичIn this paper considered the movement of multi-agent system that consists of several UAVs that carry out monitoring ground surface. The multi-agent system includes a lead agent and several agents-members of the group. The motion of this system occurs along a trajectory, which is determined by the initial conditions, its mathematical model and obstacles on the route. Only the leader of the group knows the ultimate goal of the movement. The motion of this structure is considered in the potential field, which determined the forces of attraction and repulsion and created control signals by measuring the distances to the nearest neighbors. This allows the UAV group to consider an aggregate that has some size and to describe its motion the system of differential equations of second-order. As UAV selected Quadrotor. In this investigation, the stability conditions of such motion are considered, and simulation of approach is proposed.
- ItemImprovements to dispatch of material flowsof technological units(National Aviation University, 2021-10) Dehtiar, Yu.V.; Dehtiar, N.V.; Дегтяр, Ю.В.За рахунок автоматизації функцій розрахунку матеріального балансу та розробці алгоритмів, які використовуються під час конфігурації системи збору та обробки первинних даних досягнуто поліпшення якості та прозорості, а також зменшення інтервалу часу на підготовку матеріального балансу.
- ItemImproving Images Quality by Combination of Filtering Methods(The IJES, 2015-07) Kucherov, D.P.; Katsalap, R.G.; Zbrozhek, L.V.The article deals with digital images which are corrupted by interfering signal representing random homogeneous or rare changes brightness of individual pixels. These changes matched Gaussian noise, impulse noise and their joint action. As usually to decreasing noises on the picture is used filtering. The known spatial and frequency filtering methods are leads to deteriorating sharpness images and recovering sharpness images are uses methods based on computing the second derivations, for example Laplacian. The main idea proposed approach is combined filtering methods and increasing sharpness. On the basis of quantitative criteria for estimation of quality and criteria of visual perception is studied rational combination of known types of filters. Several illustrative examples are presented that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique.