Application of the deflection method for the investigation of the dynamic properties of highly-manevrous dynamic objects and constructing of quality non-linear regulators

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Національний авіаційний університет
Constructing regulators for highly-manevrous dynamic objects leads to the necessity of formulating and solving the problem of synthesis of regulators in the universal form. During the procedure of calculating the regulator the summands of the higher powers by the changes of the phase coordinates and controls are consequently included into the equation describing the object under control. Such an approach gives a possibility of complete usage of the allowed rudder deflections.
dynamic object, динамічний об'єкт, quality functional, функціонал якості, optimal regulator, оптимальний регулятор
Glazok O.M. Application of the deflection method for the investigation of the dynamic properties of highly - manevrous dynamic objects and constructing of quality non-linear regulators /O.M.Glazok //Aerospace&Electronic Systems and technologies. Авіація, космонавтика, електронні системи та технології: міжнар. наук.-техн. конф. студентів та молодих вчених, 9-11 квітня 2002 р.: тези доп. – К., 2002. – С. 57-58.