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Browsing Кафедра бізнес-аналітики та цифрової економіки by Title
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- Item3D-modeling flight safety in aviation(2016-12) Oleshko, T.; Kuznetsova, T.Evaluation of the effectiveness of the technology is a strong and stable factor of success which results human lives preservation and accidents prevention. 3D-modelling can take an essential part in technology if they are used by true professionals. To prevent risks authors suggest the usage of prediction based on the work of not only quantitative but also qualitative information obtained directly from the experts with sophisticated 3D-models.
- ItemAdaptation of international environmental policy to the National Environmental Policy of Ukraine: composition, path criteria(MIND, 2016) Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівнаState environmental policy of Ukraine relies on several components of its formulation and implementation – these are administration, promotion, restrictions, on the other side – these are planning, forecasting, monitoring. In addition, the policy can be distinguished between domestic and international, on an object, local, regional, national and others. However, not all components of the State environmental policy are realized harmoniously and balanced. Now international environmental policy is out of sights of scientific exploration and its institutional support. International environmental policy practically was not studied from the perspective of economic mechanisms of formation and from the standpoint of regulatory and methodological support of its implementation.
- ItemAgile як модель управління проектами в сфері ІТ(Національний авіаційний університет, 2020-12) Коваль, Юрій ЛеонідовичУ сучасному світі редакції приділяють увагу не тільки способам і жанрами подачі інформації, а й організації праці, методам і способам управління людськими та іншими ресурсами, оптимізації діяльності. Новою тенденцією в регулюванні роботи ІТ компаній сьогодні є проектний менеджмент, який включає в себе ряд методологій. їх можна розділити на три групи: гнучкі, жорсткі і гібридні. В той час як західні колеги застосовують гібридні методології, українські ІТ компанії тільки починають робити перші кроки в бік застосування гнучкого управління, зокрема, Agile. Його використання допомагає компаніям в виявленні прихованого потенціалу, вивченні і застосуванні нових підходів до управління. Актуальність переходу на гнучкі методології для ІТ компаній обумовлюється наступним: безперервний розвиток науково-технічного прогресу, постійне посилення конкуренції на сучасному ринку інформаційних технологій України та іншими інтеграційними явищами. Управління проектами сьогодні відрізняється від управління проектами в 1950-х, коли ця наука стала вперше застосовуватися будівельними та інженерними копання в якості інструменту для ефективної організації нової діяльності. Зараз управління проектами використовується практично у всіх областях, так як це дозволяє підтримувати економічну активність організацій.
- ItemAssessment of marketing activity management in territorial units: theoretical-methodological approach(Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2018) Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна; Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Walid, Atia
- ItemComparison of service provision by the leaders in the world mobile communication services market(National Aviation University, 2021-03) Georgiev, Rumen; Zhavoronkov, Volodymyr; Георгієв, Румен; Жаворонков, ВолодимирThe mobile market is developing at an unprecedented pace. It seems that almost every day the new devices appear. They are faster, more convenient and more powerful than the old ones. And almost every moment new types of mobile devices are created, and the number of applications running on them is estimated at millions. There is a huge need for new devices and applications that should generate huge amounts of mobile data.
- ItemConception of Social orientation of Marketing on Macro and Micro Level as a tool for managing the competitiveness of objects(Sciemcee Publishing London, 2018) Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна
- ItemCultural and Civilizational Dimension of Ukraine in S. Rudnytsky’s Philosophy(Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika w Torunia, 2015) Orochovska, LiudmylaThe article investigates the philosophical views of the Ukrainian scholar S. Rudnytsky, who justifies the Ukrainians’ right to establish their own national state on the basis of his analysis of historical development, geopolitical situation of Ukraine, and the idea of natural right of the nation to have its own state.
- ItemCultural studies approach to mass-media as a factor of mankind’s socio-cultural development(2017) Orochovska, Liudmyla; Abysova, MariaThe article is devoted to cultural studies concepts of massmedia aimed at investigating the impact of media on the socio-cultural development of society. These concepts allow identifying the mass media with the principal way of giving people information about culture to join it, analysing the interaction of media-system with relevant cultural values, investigating media role in the evolution of world civilizations and forming specific socio-cultural systems.
- ItemDIAGNOSING ECONOMIC SECURITY OF AN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE(Economy of Industry, 2014) Kasyanova, Natalia Vitalievna; Kasyanov, Anton VolodimirovichIn the article it is shown, that the basic methodological approaches to the analysis of the probability of bankruptcy industry, have different imperfections. The necessity of appraisal of the crisis on the basis of weak signals and early prediction of potential crisis, leaded to the creation of the model diagnosis of the industrial enterprises' crisis, which is based on an analysis of all components of economic security, and allows us to estimate the depth of the crisis the company. Assessment of the level of economic security is done from the perspective of the several components that characterize the presence of the crisis at the enterprise and the use of certain elements of the economic potential of the enterprise. To estimate the signal intensity of the loss of economic security, it is proposed to use the theory of fuzzy sets. The mechanism of calculating the integral indicator of the economic security level, which reflects the efficiency of the economic potential of the company was given. Also, it should be noted, that the method of analysis of economic security may be subject to adjustment in the context of the analyzed enterprise specifics and characteristics of the industry. The paper addresses important scientific and practical tasks for the formation of the methodological approach for the level of economic security diagnosing. The main practical recommendations for the use of given research is to use the algorithm of choice strategy of crisis management now, depending on the depth of the crisis and identifying elements of economic security for its respective recess.
- ItemEnvironmental orientation of consumer behavior: motivation component(Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2018) Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівна; Смерічевський, Сергій Францович; Колбушкін, Юрій ПетровичEnvironmental issues are a priority, since global environmental problem has become perceived as a threat to humanity’s existence. The necessity and timeliness of conceptual marketing approaches revision are dictated by the formation of new economy sector of ecological goods and services, and the environmentally responsible marketing concept is being formed. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the environmental factor influence on consumer behavior motives and formation of consumer demand for environmental products within the frame of environmentally responsible marketing. Changes in the external marketing environment lead to changes in the internal environment of the market entity, causing its environmental development. The recorded tendencies and changes in the marketing environment form the marketing ecological imperative, which takes into account the environmental factor in marketing activity of the market player. The research allows to determine the position of ecologically responsible marketing as a basic marketing concept that defines the philosophy and technology of marketing management by socio-economic systems regardless the sphere of the market entity activity in conditions of ecological imperative. The analysis shows that the modern Ukrainian society began to strive not only to purchase and consume desired products, but also to improve and to preserve the ecological situation. In a market environment, the specific marketing activity feature, which changes under the influence of the factor of ecological situation quality deterioration, adds new tasks, concomitant to main classical. The development of the enterprise environmental management system will promote the implementation of environment-oriented goals: formalization of the environmental products concept, environmental products market development, certification programs development, preservation of the environment quality, formation of ecologically oriented consciousness of the society. Considering the understanding of the needs, the motivational aspects of ecologically oriented consumer behavior in the market are stated in the form of the system based on the need for the security. Through the development of eco-responsible marketing tools and their step-by-step introduction into enterprise activity, it becomes possible to develop the ecological products market through the implementation of proactive environmental activity and satisfaction of individual consumer demand.
- ItemFeatures of the enterprise development management during the crisis(National Aviation University, 2016-01) Касьянова, Наталія ВіталіївнаIn the article the key moments in the development of the economic system were described, the problem of determining bifurcation points was solved and, on this basis the trajectory of the enterprise was chosen. The essence and characteristics of enterprise development management during the crisis was overviewed. A choice of methodological support development strategy was made based on a study of possible trajectories. Practical aspects of business management in the proposed methodologies were scientifically reasoned.
- ItemGlobalization and the problems of economic security in Georgia(Національний авіаційний університет, 2023-03) Kvaratskhelia, MurmanThe process of globalization is closely connected with the economic security of the states and concerning the influence of globalization arise a lot of arguable questions. In this connection it is necessary to differentiate the main markers indicating and characterizing the level of security
- ItemInnovative approaches in the management of competitiveness of businesses(Innovative approaches in the management of competitiveness of businesses: collective monograph / edited by A. Berezin, M. Bezpartochnyi, in 2 vol. / ISMA University. – Riga: «Landmark» SIA, 2016. – Vol. 1. – 188 p., 2016) Клименко, Вікторія ВікторівнаThe growing globalization of production and trade, development of information and telecommunication technologies (ubiquitous distribution of wireless networks, the emergence of cloud computing, the development of machine to machine technology, the development of software-configurable network), the transition from "Internet of people" and the "Internet of things" to "Industrial internet" have marked the 18 beginning of the fourth industrial revolution, which sets new challenges and tasks to the business sector.
- ItemIntegrative determinants of development through the activation of the green economy(National Aviation University, 2023-03) Arefiev, Serhii; Ареф'єв, СергійThe integrative determinants of development through the activation of the green economy, which is crucial in ensuring economic growth are considered. In connection with significant negative changes in the natural environment in recent decades, the issues of ecology, preservation and protection of the environment are becoming more and more urgent.
- ItemInternational Economic Relations(Кондор-Видавництво м. Київ, 2018) Литвиненко, Лариса Леонідівна; Литвиненко, Сергій ЛеонідовичThe concept and the essence of international economic relations, their forms and modern trends of development were outlined. Also features international labiur division, international trade in the system of international economic relations, international trade regulation, international capital flows, functioning of free economic zones, transnational corporations in world economic relations, international technology transfer, international labour migration, international monetary and credit relations, international market pricing were highlighted. Within the framework of main contemporary development trends international economic integration, in particular on the example of the European Union, globalization and global problems of humanity were considered. For students studying in the field of knowledge 07 “Management and Administration”.
- ItemLocalization in the management of international ecological policy(Economic Processes Management., 2014) Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівнаThe article stated the need for integrated ecological-economical management that is based on principles of general management, the implementation of which enables the integration of ecological priorities in business management; examined the organizational structure of business entities operating functions in the system of economical-economical management, on this basis is separate ecological problem and the methods of its solution at the operational level of enterprise management; reasonably place the tasks and functions of ecological marketing in integrated ecological-economical management and set forth a range of ecological marketing, which is the basis of using ecological factors to improve the competitiveness of products and businesses in general.
- ItemManaging the Potential of Digital Transformation of Ukraine’s Economy(International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019-11) Kasianova, Nataliia; Smerichevskyi, Serhii; Klimova, Olena; Kolbushki, YuriiThe possibilities of digitalisation can become a point of growth for economic systems when the standard tools for improving efficiency begin to exhaust themselves. The main goals of digital transformation are to increase the speed of decision-making, increase the variability of processes depending on the needs and characteristics of the client, and reduce the number of employees involved in the process. The problem of identifying the main drivers of digitalisation of the economy requires the study of the possibility of implementing digital transformation by industrial enterprises of Ukraine. A typical problem of modern domestic enterprises is the gap between automated production and outdated forms of corporate management. The above mentioned determined the aim of the paper – to assess the digitalisation potential of Ukraine's economy and identify the problematic issues of digital technologies at industrial enterprises. For the transition to the digital form of business, it is necessary to conduct a digital transformation of business entities, which implies the use of the entire pool of modern information and communication technologies. The effectiveness of transformation processes depends not only on the power of external influences but also on the potential of enterprises and the economy as a whole to perceive these impacts. In this regard, the first stage of development of the strategy of digitalisation of the economy of Ukraine has to become a stage of an assessment of the digitalisation potential of the country. The proposed approach to assessing the potential of digitalisation of the economy is based on the need to quantify the individual components of the digitalisation resources and catalysts, to determine their harmony under the strategic goal and taking into account the degree of involvement of the enterprise in digital processes. Evaluation of the catalysts impact on the digitalisation of the economy is implemented using the Fuzzy Logic Theory. The structure of the model for the catalysts impact evaluation contains four submodels: model of digitalisation potential dependence on the level of professionalism and qualification factors; model of potential dependence on financial and investment state; model of dependence on the state of infrastructure support of digitalisation processes; model of dependence on management actions and organisational support.
- ItemMerger and acquisition in international economics: motives, state, and trends(National Aviation University, 2023-06) Hrabovska, Anna; Грабовська, АннаIn today's world, mergers and acquisitions are one of the key strategic actions used in business to achieve various goals. The development of these processes requires a deep understanding of their theoretical foundations and practical aspects, as well as an analysis of the state and trends in the mergers and acquisitions market. This work is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of mergers and acquisitions of companies, as well as a global analysis of the state and trends in this field
- ItemMethodology for assessing the quality of air passenger service(Безпека в авіації та космічні технології: VIII Всесвітній конгрес «Авіація у XXI столітті», 2018-10-10) Князєва, Тетяна В'ячеславівнаThe paper presents a methodology for assessing the quality of services in the field of airport activities, which allows to give scientifically grounded recommendations for increasing the competitiveness of airports in the transport services market while maintaining the required level of passenger service efficiency
- ItemModern strategies of international competition in the world economy(Національний авіаційний університет, 2023-06) Boboshko, Alyona; Бобошко, АльонаOne of the most important features of the current globalized economy is international rivalry. Businesses must compete in the global market to obtain an advantage and remain competitive in a world where boundaries are dissolving and limitations are easing. Understanding the idea, substance, and many sorts of international competition is critical for entrepreneurs, managers, and academics who want to succeed in this complicated environment.