Managing the Potential of Digital Transformation of Ukraine’s Economy

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
The possibilities of digitalisation can become a point of growth for economic systems when the standard tools for improving efficiency begin to exhaust themselves. The main goals of digital transformation are to increase the speed of decision-making, increase the variability of processes depending on the needs and characteristics of the client, and reduce the number of employees involved in the process. The problem of identifying the main drivers of digitalisation of the economy requires the study of the possibility of implementing digital transformation by industrial enterprises of Ukraine. A typical problem of modern domestic enterprises is the gap between automated production and outdated forms of corporate management. The above mentioned determined the aim of the paper – to assess the digitalisation potential of Ukraine's economy and identify the problematic issues of digital technologies at industrial enterprises. For the transition to the digital form of business, it is necessary to conduct a digital transformation of business entities, which implies the use of the entire pool of modern information and communication technologies. The effectiveness of transformation processes depends not only on the power of external influences but also on the potential of enterprises and the economy as a whole to perceive these impacts. In this regard, the first stage of development of the strategy of digitalisation of the economy of Ukraine has to become a stage of an assessment of the digitalisation potential of the country. The proposed approach to assessing the potential of digitalisation of the economy is based on the need to quantify the individual components of the digitalisation resources and catalysts, to determine their harmony under the strategic goal and taking into account the degree of involvement of the enterprise in digital processes. Evaluation of the catalysts impact on the digitalisation of the economy is implemented using the Fuzzy Logic Theory. The structure of the model for the catalysts impact evaluation contains four submodels: model of digitalisation potential dependence on the level of professionalism and qualification factors; model of potential dependence on financial and investment state; model of dependence on the state of infrastructure support of digitalisation processes; model of dependence on management actions and organisational support.
digital transformation, digitalisation catalysts, economic and mathematical model, Fuzzy Logic Theory, innovations, potential of digitalisation
Kasianova N., Smerichevskyi S., Klimova O., Kolbushkin Y. Managing the Potential of Digital Transformation of Ukraine’s Economy. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. (November 2019). Volume-8, Issue 3C. Рр. 250-255.