Кафедра автоматизації та енергоменеджменту
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Відповідальна за розділ: Тимошенко Наталія Анатоліївна, доцент кафедри автоматизації та енергоменеджменту аерокосмічного факультету. E-mail: n.tymoshenko@nau.edu.ua
Browsing Кафедра автоматизації та енергоменеджменту by Title
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Item An Adaptive Prediction of Aircraft Motion with the Elements of Virtual Reality(Electronics and Control Systems, N 3(53) – Kyiv: NAU, 2017. – pp. 39–45., 2017) Tovkach, S.S.; Romanovska, A.A.The problem of adaptive method for predicting the aircraft state, which, by the dynamics control of the object, allows to reduce the load on the distributed network of virtual reality (with data consistency), while improving the accuracy of prediction the objects state, has been considered. The high-level protocol interaction approach let to organize interprocess communication network at a higher logical level, with less network loading, by supporting variable-length messaging and built-in mechanism the data replication control based on the principle “the election of consistency”. Method develops to reach better the prediction of the object rotation and trajectory motion correction of the aircraftItem Automated identification system baseds on the changing of the temperature field of aircraft elements(National Aviation University, 2013) Шевчук, Д.О.In this article, system of identification collisions (structural damage) in the air, based on the change of the temperature field was given. Identification system provides information about type and size of aircraft damage to all systems during recovering the controllability of the aircraft when an unexpected problem occurs during a flight is proposedItem Automation and remote control of lighting airfields systems modern civil aviation(Aviation in the XXI-st century. Safety in aviation and space technologies: the seventh world congress, 19-21 of september 2016: abstracts. – K., 2016. – V.1. – P. 1.1.7-1.1.9., 2016) Ilyenko, S.SOne way to increase the level of safety of civil aviation aircraft is automation lighting airfields systems. Automation is provided by remote control lighting equipment to obtain the required warning about the system and its individual elements according to international specifications and technical documentation to the type of equipment.Item CUDA-based massively parallel computing application for improving the efficiency of turbulent flows modeling and methods of their control(Aviation in the XXI-st century. Safety in aviation and space technologies: the seventh world congress, 19-21 of september 2016: abstracts. – K., 2016. – V.1. – P. 1.1.17-1.1.20., 2016) Tovkach, S.S.; Shkvar, E.A.A perspective approach of increasing the computing performance properties of turbulent flows, based on productivity of Graphics Processing Units utilization has presented. It can be effectively applied for development of new principles of adaptive turbulent flow control strategies.Item Decision making in complex systems(National Aviation University, 2016) Churina OleksandraThis article describes methods of decision-making in complex systems - fuzzy mathematical programming methods, implemented in the man - machine decision-making procedures with the use of the decisions support systems (DSS)Item Decision making in complex systems(Проблеми інформатизації та управління: Збірник наукових праць: Випуск 1 (53).-К.:НАУ, 2016.- С.83 – 86., 2016) Churina, O.I.This article describes methods of decision-making in complex systems - fuzzy mathematical programming methods, implemented in the man - machine decision-making procedures with the use of the decisions support systems (DSS)Item Designing an automated decision support system for energy management system of educational institutions(Aviation in the XXI-st century. Safety in aviation and space technologies: the seventh world congress, 19-21 of september 2016: abstracts. – K., 2016. – V.1. – P. 1.1.11-1.1.14., 2016) Zaharchenko, Y; Sokolova, N; Burenina, GDetermining the causes and sources of losses in the accounting and energy consumption is the basis for making management decisions and construction of power management and energy efficiency measures.Item Fuzzy automatic control system synthesis of the propeller fan the aviation gas turbine engine(2018) Єнчев, С.В.; Мазур, Т.А.; Товкач, С.С.The article deals with the method of automatic control systems synthesis of with a fuzzy controller, which is considered as a separate subsystem within the general control system. Due to the use of the harmonic linearization method, the research of the electronic control system according to the given index of oscillation has been carried out and the fuzzy control system of the aviation engine fan propeller has been designed. Through the simulation, the dependences of the quality the transient process on the parameters of the membership functions for closed systems with fuzzy PI- and PD-regulators were revealed; detected dependencies can be used to form the base rules expert system to configure the regulator from the condition of fulfilling the specified quality criteria.Item Integrated automated test control systems of aviation equipment(Aviation in the XXI-st century. Safety in aviation and space technologies: the seventh world congress, 19-21 of september 2016: abstracts. – K., 2016. – V.1. – P. 1.1.15-1.1.16., 2016) Zakharchenko, V.P.; Tovkach, S.S.An approach of solving the integrated automated test control systems (IATCS) tasks has been considered. The structure of IATCS, conditions of functioning, composition by the unity matrix, classification according to different criteria have been presented for understanding the system operation. It makes better to increase the level of automation as part of a complex system throughout the life cycle of aviation equipment.Item Intelligent Control System Against Aircraft’s Structural Damage in the Flight(IEEE 4th International Conference «Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control» Conference Proceedings, 18-20 October 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine. – Р. 241-244., 2016) Shevchuk, D; Tymoshenko, NIn this paper, intelligent flight control system for recovering controllability of the aircraft when an unexpected problem (such as faults or failures to the actuators/sensors or structural damage) occurs during a flight is proposed.Item Measuring Model of Helicopter’s Hovering Stabilization Parameters Against Point Objects(Electronics and control systems. – 2016. – №3(49). – С.121-125., 2016) Tymoshenko, N; Shevchuk, D; Prochorenko, IHere we explain measuring model of helicopter's hovering stabilization parameters against point object that requires smaller volume of calculation and preserves high speed and accuracy of stabilization. Also we investigate reduction of number of state vectors and volume of calculation via usage of extended Kalman filter and standard sensors.Item Method of dynamic programming for information robot’s branching path optimization(Electronics and control systems.– K.: NAU, 2017. – № 3(53). – P. 100-105., 2017) Tachinina, O.M.The article describes and proves the necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality of information robot’s branching path with branching profile containing the central and lateral branches without interaction of subsystems after separation. The formulated conditions make it possible to determine the optimal coordinates and instants of the branching time of the trajectory, as well as the optimal controls and trajectories of the components of the information robot to the specified purposes along the hotel branches of the trajectory after they are separated from the carrier. The practical importance of the obtained conditions lies in the fact that it is possible to develop on its base the computational procedures for on-line calculation of optimal branching paths of such compound dynamical systems.Item Method of path constructing of information robot on the basis of unmanned aerial vehicle(Proсeedings of the National Aviation University. –K.: NAU, 2017. –№ 4(73). – P. 60-67., 2017) Tachinina, O.M.; Lysenko, O.I.The purpose of this article is to present a method for constructing the branching path of the information robot (IR) that is a compound dynamic system (CDS) allowing us to formulate, in terms of optimal control theory, conditions of CDS path modeling with an arbitrary branching scheme. Methods: The article describes a method of theory of discontinuous dynamical systems optimal control, which is used to prove the optimality conditions for phase coordinates in the points of structural transformations of the IR’s branching path. Results: The necessary conditions for the optimality of the branching path along which the IR moves are defined. These conditions allow using standard subprograms to solve ordinary differential and algebraic equations and thereby to solve the task of modeling the optimal path of CDS with an arbitrary branching scheme. Discussion: The proposed method is the methodological basis for definition the computing algorithms allowing to simulate the optimal CDS paths. The proposed procedure of optimal branching paths simulating is part of the IR’s computer-aided design software and can be used to define computing algorithms taking into account the peculiarity of information-telecommunication interaction of CDS’s specific elements.Item Method of State Estimation and Identification of the Arial Vehicle under Destabilizing Action of Weather Conditions(IEEE 4th International Conference «Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control» Conference Proceedings, 18-20 October 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine. – Р. 241-244., 2016) Tymoshenko, N; Shevchuk, D; Prochorenko, IHere we explain method and models for hover mode of aerial vehicle (helicopter) as well as measurements of parameters of this flight mode that requires smaller volume of calculation and preserves high speed and accuracy of stabilization. Also we investigate reduction of number of state vectors and volume of calculation via usage of extended Kalman filter and standard sensors.Item Neural network model for predicting the level of residual knowledge of the subjects of study(Aviation in the XXI-st century. Safety in aviation and space technologies: the seventh world congress, 19-21 of september 2016: abstracts. – K., 2016. – V.1. – P. 1.1.4-1.1.6., 2016) Prochorenko, I; Tymoshenko, N; Galchenko, SThe task is to build a neural network model depending on residual knowledge the trainees with whom they come into the labor market. Neural network model makes it possible with enough precision to predict the level of professional training according to their individual abilities.Item Optimal path of nanosatellites group injection for earth remote monitoring(Electronics and Control Systems 2016. N 3(49): 106-111, 2016) Tachinina, E.N.The paper proposes the solution of model problem considering all occurrences and effects related with motion of multiple head rocket injecting the group of nanosatellites. The research led to determining the optimum path that can be used for orbital injection of group of nanosatellite multisensor-based platforms for the purpose of integrated study of Earth superstandard layer.Item Optimal principle for dynamical system with alterative orbiting(Electronics and Control Systems 2016. N 4(50).- p.108-113, 2016) Lysenko, O.I.; Tachinina, O.M.Lagrange problem with the account of functional limitation at any functional limitations at any moment in a given interval is presented. The required conditions for optimal trajectories of the determinated dynamic system synthesized as space vehicle trajectories have been obtained.Item Scatternet в системах керування автономними авіаційними енергооб’єктами(XVIIІ Міжнародна науково-практична конференція молодих учених і студентів "Політ. Сучасні проблеми .: тези доп. – К., – 2018., 2018-04) Товкач, С.С.; Шум, Я.О.Робота присвячена розгляду проблеми підвищення точності вимірювань, а також візуалізації даних в системах автоматичного керування (САК) портативними фотоелектричними системами на авіаційному підприємстві. В роботі запропоновано побудову розподіленої структури САК ПФС з використанням безпровідних сенсорних модулів технології ZigBee. Також в роботі розглянута блок-схема автономної розподіленої САК енергосистеми, яка реалізує раціональну топологію безпровідної сенсорної мережі (БСМ)Item Synthesis of an Intelligent UAV Control System Based on Fuzzy Logic in External Disturbance Conditions(Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, 2020-12) Shevchuk, D; Prokhorenko, I; Tymoshenko, N; Korobiichuk, ITo ensure reliable execution of flight tasks in the presence of both external perturbations and internal parametric perturbations, deterioration of the characteristics of the sensors, a control system structure based on intelligent technologies is proposed. The process of forming a “knowledge base” of a fuzzy controller is considered. The results of mathematical modeling of the longitudinal UAV control channel with a PID-controller and a fuzzy controller in the control loop are presented.Item The scenario-based approach for control of multi-object dynamic system motion(2016) Tachinina, O; Lysenko, O; Chumachenko, SThis paper proposes a scenario-based approach for control of multi-object dynamic system motion for the cases when the relative position of the objects relative each to other plays the primary role.