Кафедра теорії та історії держави і права
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Е-mail: mariia.bukher@npp.nau.edu.ua
Browsing Кафедра теорії та історії держави і права by Title
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- ItemA concept to implement a protective function of administrative law(Актуальні питання державотворення в Україні: матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (20 травня 2016 року) / Редкол.: д.ю.н. І. С. Гриценко (голова), к.ю.н. І. С. Сахарук (відп. ред.) та ін. – В 3-х томах. - Том 3. – К.: ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2016. – 304 c., 2016-05-20) Миронець, Оксана МиколаївнаРозглянуто поняття реалізації охоронної функції адміністративного права.
- ItemA conflict of interest in the legal profession(National Аviation University, 2021-02-26) Rudkovska, Olena; Yaroshenko, TaisiaConflicts are an integral part of human existence in society and communication with other people. As every person has some interests and needs, which may differ from the interests of other people, this usually leads to disputes and can be the basis for various conflicts. A lawyer can be a direct participant in the conflict in his / her professional activity. Therefore, the ability and skills to identify, analyze, and resolve the conflict are extremely important factors.
- ItemA GENERAL REVIEW ON LEGAL EDUCATION IN TURKEY(Сучасна правова освіта: [матеріали VIІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, Київ, Національний авіаційний університет, 23 лютого 2018 р.]. – Тернопіль: «Вектор», 2018., 2018-02-23) Nisan Yuce
- ItemADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL PROCEDURES IN THE SPHERE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF UKRAINE.(Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Юридичний вісник «Повітряне і космічне право». – К.: НАУ, 2017. – № 4(45). – С. 65-72., 2017) Бородін, Іван Лук'янович; Миронець, Оксана МиколаївнаPurpose: the task of scientific research is to determine a concept of administrative legal procedures, also, basic directions to solve problems of their legal support in Ukraine. The administrative procedures according to the nature of their legal influence on social relations have been classified and analyzed. Methods: general scientific, philosophical and specially-legal methods of the scientific research have been used. A system analysis method has been used to determine rulemaking, adoption of individual acts of public administration, control procedures. A dogmatic method was valuable to formulate conclusions and recommendations of practical character within the research issues concerning the determination of investigated administrative legal procedures at the legislative level of Ukraine. Results: particularities of three groups of administrative procedures id est: a) rulemaking; b) adoption of individual acts of public administration; c) control have been defined, the stages and problems of their implementations have been investigated. Discussion: national legislation concerning the administrative legal procedures. The lack of regulations that would determine a procedure for rights and duties implementation, provided by substantive norms in the field of public administration, leads to the fact that those substantive rules do not work. The development of administrative legal procedures and the investigation of problems of their implementation is an important topic for the future research.
- ItemAdministrative liability of legal entities: history and present(Науковий журнал "Proceedings of the National Aviation University" (“Вісник Національного авіаційного університету”). – 2016. – № 3. – Том 68. – С. 133-139., 2016) Миронець, Оксана Миколаївна; Бородін, Іван Лук'яновичРозглянуто історичні та правові аспекти адміністративної відповідальності юридичних осіб
- ItemAir safety as a key category of ICAO standards(2017) Головко, Світлана Григорівна
- ItemAirspace sovereignty: basic principles and their significance for state security(National Aviation University, 2023-02-24) Vodolaskova, K.Yu.; Водоласкова, К.Ю.Starting from February 24, 2022, all of Ukraine suffers from illegal, terrorist, barbaric interference on its territory, which takes place both on the ground and in the air. It is a pity that the basic principles, which are clearly defined by international agreements adopted after the Second World War in order to avoid further military conflicts, are now again rudely and brazenly violated by some and do not receive effective protection from others.
- ItemChallenges of legislative procedures during ukrainian accession to EU(National Aviation University, 2024-05-17) Ryabokon, Yu.V.; Рябоконь, Ю.В.23rd June 2022, based on the opinion of EU Commission, European Union granted Ukraine the candidate status. Despite of the fact, the EU Commission identified the requirements to be fulfilled by the Ukrainian government in order to be the fill member of EU.
- ItemChristian values in the formation and development of the concept of human rights(National Aviation University, 2024-02-23) Balzhyk, I.A.; Балжук, І.А.In the realm of values, law and Christianity are united by their anthropocentrism, their focus on the individual. The current issue of the universality of legal values is essentially a particular aspect of the debate surrounding the existence of so-called universal human values, which include Christian values
- ItemConcerning space law development(National Aviation University, 2023-11-23) Andoh Ernest, Nyame Yie; Myronets, O.М.; Андох Ернест, Няме Йі; Миронець, О.М.Space law, much like other branches of public international law andindeed international law itself, has its origins in the need to establish acertain number of more or less simple rules to govern relations betweenmembers of an increasingly organized international community, primarilythe community of states.
- ItemConcerning the historical realities of the north atlantic treaty organization enlargement(National Aviation University, 2024-05-17) Shovt, V.Y.; Шовт, В.Ю.The fall of the Berlin Wall on 19 November 1989 marked the end of the Soviet occupation of East Germany. After lengthy negotiations and the withdrawal of Soviet forces, Germany was finally reunified in 1990. This led to a long-standing debate about the circumstances surrounding the collapse of the Soviet Union.
- ItemContinuous struggle of Georgia with occupation(National Aviation University, 2024-05-17) Bregvadze, Mariam; Брегвадзе, МаріамAlong with the restoration of Georgia’s independence, the country has been fighting an ongoing battle against occupation, confronting multiple threats to its sovereignty and territorial integrity. This article explores Georgia’s varied struggle, both past and present. Significantly, despite concerted efforts to settle the situation, the occupation persists, casting a pall over the country’s hopes for peace and stability.
- ItemCourse Training Program "Fundamentals of Roman Private Law"(2018-04-06) Калюжний, Ростислав Андрійович; Шапенко, Людмила Олександрівна; Козачок, Ірина Ярославівна
- ItemCourse Training Program "History of States and Law of Ukraine"(2018-02-13) Головко, Світлана Григоріївна; Водоласкова, Катерина Юріївна
- ItemCourse Training Program "Jurudical Deontology"(2018-04-06) Макеєва, Олена Миколаївна; Козачок, Ірина Ярославівна
- ItemCOURSE TRAINING PROGRAM on “Fundamentals of Law”(2016-12-19) Миронець, Оксана МиколаївнаCOURSE TRAINING PROGRAM on “Fundamentals of Law” for all Fields of Study and Majors, EC-№institute-№Major/15-№order
- ItemCOURSE TRAINING PROGRAM on “Fundamentals of Law”(2016-12-19) Миронець, Оксана МиколаївнаCOURSE TRAINING PROGRAM on “Fundamentals of Law” for all Fields of Study and Majors, EC-№institute-№Major/15-№order
- ItemCOURSE TRAINING PROGRAM on “Law Science”(2016-12-19) Миронець, Оксана МиколаївнаCOURSE TRAINING PROGRAM on “Law Science,” Field of Study: 0306 “Management and Administration,” Major: 6.030601 “Management,” EC6 - 6.030601/15-
- ItemCOURSE TRAINING PROGRAM on “Law Science”(2016-12-23) Миронець, Оксана МиколаївнаCOURSE TRAINING PROGRAM on “Law Science,” Field of study: 07 “Management and Administration,” Speciality: 073 “Management,” Specializations: “Logistics,” СB-6-073/16-2.1.4