Palu ve ukrayna halk masallarinin kahramanlari üzeri̇ne bi̇r karşilaştirma
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Fırat Üniversitesi Harput Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Uluslararası Palu Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı. – Elazığ : 2018, Cilt 2, s. 275-285
Halkın ortak duygu ve düşüncelerini ifade eden hemen her şey, halk biliminin konusuna girer. Halk bilimine konu olan bu unsurların edebiyatın çeşitli türlerinde de kullanıldığı görülür. Bunlardan bir tanesi de masallardır. Gerçeği ve hayâli birleştiren bir tür olan masallar somut olmayan kültürel mirasın sözlü anlatımlar başlığı altında yer almaktadır ve korunması gereken bir değer olarak kabul edilmektedir.
Folklorun, özellikle de masal türünün incelenmesi, Türk ve Ukrayna halklarının sanatsal yaratıcılıklarına yönelik karşılaştırmalı çalışmaları yürütmek için değerli bir malzemedir. Kültürlerarası iletişimin sorunları, bireysel bireyin etnik özelliklerinin araştırılması ve anlaşılmasında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Son zamanlarda, evrensel ideallerin değerini, ulusal kültürel mirasın derin bir analizi ve sentezi temelinde arttırma ihtiyacı giderek artmaktadır. Her ulus kendi özel zihniyetine ve dünya hakkında bir görüş ve fikir sistemine sahiptir. Bununla birlikte, uzak bölgelerde yaşayan etnosun gelenekleri, halk masalının folklor bileşeninde, özellikle de masal türlerinde tezahür eden birçok ortak özellik ve unsuru göstermektedir.
Türk ve Ukrayna masallarında genellikle aynı karakterler tarafından temsil etmekte, eserleri bir araya getirmekte ve daha geniş bilimsel araştırmalar ve ortak özelliklerin açıklığa kavuşturulması ve karakterlerin içerdiği tamamen bölgesel ya da ulusal karakteristikler için zemin vermektedir. Kahramanların tipolojisinin incelenmesi, hayatın popüler sanatsal görüntüsünün derin katmanını ayırt etmeyi, bilincin egemenliklerini ve insanların değer sistemlerini bir nesilden diğerine hareket eden bir kod karakter sistemi olarak ayırmayı mümkün kılmaktadır.
Palu ve Ukrayna'nın masal anlatıları çerçevesinde, farklı türlerde kahramanlar ortak ve farklı işlevler, özellikler ve görevlerle birlikte kullanılmaktadır. Palu ve Ukrayna'nın masallarının analizi, figüratif sistemin genel ve ayırt edici özelliklerini ve iki halkın masallarındaki kahramanlık sınıflandırmasını anlatarak, kamusal bilincin belirli fenomenlerini anlamayı sağlamaktadır.
Bir masal karakteri sadece bir masalda yapısal bir bağ olarak değil, aynı zamanda halkın bilincinin taşıyıcısı olarak da hareket etmektedir. Masallarda hayal kahramanları, Palu'nun büyülü ve sosyal masalları ve Ukrayna halk masallarının davranışlarının karşılaştırmalı analizi, ulusal bir karakterin arketiplerini ve stereotiplerini izlemeyi sağlamaktadır.
Almost everything that expresses emotions and thoughts of people are studied within the scope of folklore. These factors which have been topics of folklore are also used in various types of literature. One of them are tales. The fairytale which is a kind that combines reality and imagination, is under the title of intangible cultural heritage and is considered to be a value that needs to be protected. The study of folklore, in particular the genre of fairy tales, is a valuable material for carrying out comparative studies of artistic creativity of Turkish and Ukrainian peoples. Issues of intercultural communication occupy an important role in the study and understanding of the ethnic characteristics of an individual people. Recently, there is a growing need to raise the value of universal ideals on the basis of a deep analysis and synthesis of the national cultural heritage. Each nation has its own special mentality and a system of views and ideas about the world. However, the traditions of ethnoses living in remote areas demonstrate many common features and elements that are manifested in the folklore component of the people's culture, in particular in the genre of fairy tales. In Turkish and Ukrainian tales are often represented by the same characters, brings together works and gives grounds for wider scientific research and clarification of the common features and purely regional or national characteristics inherent in the characters. The study of the typology of heroes makes it possible to distinguish the deep layer of the popular artistic display of life, to single out the dominants of consciousness and the system of values of the people as a code character system, moving from one generation to another. Within the framework of the fairytale narratives of Palu and Ukraine, various types of heroes are used with common and distinct functions, features and tasks. The analysis of the fairy tales of Palu and Ukraine reveals an understanding of the general and distinctive features of the figurative system and the classification of heroes in the tales of two peoples, in turn, provides an understanding of the specific phenomena of public consciousness. A fairy-tale character acts not only as a structural link in a fairy tale, but also as a bearer of the people's consciousness. Comparative analysis of the behavior of heroes in fairy tales about animals, magical and social fairy tales of Palu and Ukrainian folk tales, allows tracing archetypes and stereotypes of a national character.
Almost everything that expresses emotions and thoughts of people are studied within the scope of folklore. These factors which have been topics of folklore are also used in various types of literature. One of them are tales. The fairytale which is a kind that combines reality and imagination, is under the title of intangible cultural heritage and is considered to be a value that needs to be protected. The study of folklore, in particular the genre of fairy tales, is a valuable material for carrying out comparative studies of artistic creativity of Turkish and Ukrainian peoples. Issues of intercultural communication occupy an important role in the study and understanding of the ethnic characteristics of an individual people. Recently, there is a growing need to raise the value of universal ideals on the basis of a deep analysis and synthesis of the national cultural heritage. Each nation has its own special mentality and a system of views and ideas about the world. However, the traditions of ethnoses living in remote areas demonstrate many common features and elements that are manifested in the folklore component of the people's culture, in particular in the genre of fairy tales. In Turkish and Ukrainian tales are often represented by the same characters, brings together works and gives grounds for wider scientific research and clarification of the common features and purely regional or national characteristics inherent in the characters. The study of the typology of heroes makes it possible to distinguish the deep layer of the popular artistic display of life, to single out the dominants of consciousness and the system of values of the people as a code character system, moving from one generation to another. Within the framework of the fairytale narratives of Palu and Ukraine, various types of heroes are used with common and distinct functions, features and tasks. The analysis of the fairy tales of Palu and Ukraine reveals an understanding of the general and distinctive features of the figurative system and the classification of heroes in the tales of two peoples, in turn, provides an understanding of the specific phenomena of public consciousness. A fairy-tale character acts not only as a structural link in a fairy tale, but also as a bearer of the people's consciousness. Comparative analysis of the behavior of heroes in fairy tales about animals, magical and social fairy tales of Palu and Ukrainian folk tales, allows tracing archetypes and stereotypes of a national character.
masal, motif, kahraman, formel unsurlar, palu, Ukrayna, folk tale, motif