Assessment of phytotic toxicity of mixed aviation fuels using of plant testers

The possibility of using plant tests to evaluate fuel toxicity has been investigated. Plant tests to be susceptible to contamination by mixed aviation fuels in the early stages of plant germination have been found. Indicator plants with mixed aviation fuels that respond to low fuel content in the soil at the approximate permissible concentration level have been established. The specificity and sensitivity of phytotests (Lolla Rossa lettuce and Rudolph radish) were revealed, which indicates the possibility of their use for the toxicity assessment of oil-contaminated soils.
The article is devoted to the study of toxicity of aviation cyan fuels modified with ethyl esters of rapeseed fatty acids
toxicity, biotests, plants, aviation fuel, biofuel, phytotests, indicators, pollutants
Trofimov I. Assessment of phytotic toxicity of mixed aviation fuels using of plant testers / I. Trofimov, L. Pavliukh, T. Novakivska, D. Bondarenko // International independent scientific journal, Vol. 1, №. 11, 2020. p. 9-17.