Aircraft life cycle supporting technologies

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Центр інформаційних технологій ІТС
Product lifecycle management (PLM) originated front two roots. One is enterprise management which can be further subdivided into material resource planning (MRP) enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and supply chain management (SCM). Because otf the visibility across the complete lifeeyele of a product, the attendant risks can be estimated. In this sense, PLM serves as a decision support tool. The other root is the management of product information throughout the entire lifecycle of the product. In this context, system integration facilitates the collaboration among virtual enterprises.
This Laboratory Guide is intended for mastering the computer information technologies which have regular application in the course of an aircraft life cycle. The LabGuide covers the general principles of investigating the structure of a product life cycle, and in particular, the structure of an aircraft life cycle. It also covers such themes as getting skills in CAD-"CAE technologies, general principles of deve10ping databases, using spreadsheets for the life cycle cost assessment and preparing business presentations. This LabGuide is intended for students of engineering specialties.
aircraft, life cycle, conceptual model, structure, management, airworthiness, maintenance
Aircraft life cycle supporting technologies:student laboratory guide / L.A.Zhuravlyova. - K.: ITC, 2012/ - 77 p.