Directions of communication relations development in the agriculnural aviation works market


The basis of better organization of production, strengthening the competitiveness of the business entity in the market, the formation of its image in the socio-economic environment is marketing and marketing communications. The article considers the theoretical foundations of the complex of marketing communications of a special purpose airline with consumers of agricultural aviation services. The target consumers for the special purpose airline in the market of agricultural aviation works are agricultural enterprises. This paper proposes the use of aviation method of plant protection, which is effective for both special purpose airlines and agricultural enterprises.



a special purpose airline, marketing complex, agricultural aviation work, No-Till technology, marketing communications, agricultural aviation market consumers, aviation method of plant protection


Soloviova O., Herasymenko I., Pron S., Кravchenko T., Vysotska I. Directions of communication relations development in the agriculnural aviation works market // Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. -. Kharkiv, 2022. - P. 238–247.