Феномен навчання дорослих крізь призму сучасних соціокультурних реалій
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Національний авіаційний університет
Змістовий сегмент тематики статті торкається однієї із найбільш значущих
андрагогічних проблем – особливостей феномену навчання дорослих. Підкреслено пріоритетність
впливу соціокультурних реалій на траєкторію організації та реалізації завдань навчання дорослої
цільової аудиторії. Останню тенденційність співвіднесено із сучасними запитами ринку праці та
існуючими викликами науково-технічного прогресу.
Метою дослідження є теоретичне відрефлексування проблеми впливу сучасних
соціокультурних реалій на особливості організації та реалізації завдань навчання дорослих.
Мета наукового пошуку проблематизована необхідністю реалізації комплексного
теоретичного аналізу заявленої тематики під андрагогічним кутом, що уможливлює
співвіднесення досліджуваного із цілим спектром ендогенних та екзогенних чинників, визначаючих
особливості феноменологічної природи. Деталізовано значущість впливу на особистісному рівні
мотиваційної складової, яка може набувати ролі вирішальної складової на рівні ефективної
реалізації завдань навчальної діяльності. У ході проблемного викладу акцентовано увагу на
ключових відмінностях дорослих суб’єктів пізнання, що враховується на етапі організації та
реалізації для них навчального процесу.
Процедура дослідження передбачала поєднання відповідного методологічного
інструментарію представленого на рівні методів індукції, дедукції, порівняльного аналізу та
проблемного викладу. Завдяки залученню такого широкого спектру методів дослідження, вдалося
спроектувати особливості навчання дорослих під андрагогічно-психологічних кутом дослідження,
що вчергове підтвердило міждисциплінарний характер окресленої тематики. Акцентовано увагу
на значущості компетентнісного підходу у фокусі реалізації завдань навчання дорослих, що
уможливлює підсилення практичної складової, сприяє розвитку ціннісних орієнтирів та
особистісних якостей суб’єктів пізнання.
Результатом дослідження стало проектування моделі навчання дорослих,
репрезентованої наступною компонентною структурою: самосвідомість, мотивація, мета
(навчальна, розвиваюча та виховна), навчальні цілі (знання, уміння та навички), самонавчання,
досвід навчальної та професійної діяльності.
У висновках підсумовано, що сьогоденні соціокультурні реалії актуалізували сприйняття
феномену навчання дорослих не лише з позиції перспективності отримання професії, а передусім
важливої умови забезпечення свого функціонування у ринкових умовах конкурентної боротьби.
Означена ситуативність на феноменологічному рівні нерозривно була співвіднесена з
неперервним навчанням – рушійною силою соціокультурного поступу.
The article touches upon one of the most significant andragogic problems – the peculiarities of the phenomenon of adult learning. The priority of the influence of socio-cultural realities on the organization and implementation of the tasks of teaching the adult target audience is emphasized. The latest trend is correlated with the modern demands of the labour market and the current challenges of scientific and technological progress. The purpose of the study is to theoretically reflect on the problem of the influence of modern socio cultural realities on the peculiarities of the organization and implementation of the tasks of adult learning. The purpose of scientific research is determined by the need to implement a complex theoretical analysis of the stated topic from an andragogical perspective, which makes it possible to correlate the research material with a whole spectrum of endogenous and exogenous factors that determine the peculiarities of the phenomenological nature. The significance of the influence on the personal level of the motivation component, which can take on the role of a decisive component at the level of effective implementation of educational tasks, has been considered in detail. During the problem presentation, attention is focused on the key differences of adult cognitive subjects, which are considered at the stage of organization and implementation of the educational process for them. The research procedure involved a combination of appropriate methodological tools presented at the level of methods of induction, deduction, comparative analysis, and problem statement. Due to the involvement of such a wide range of research methods, it was possible to single out the peculiarities of adult learning from the andragogical-psychological perspective of the study. This once again confirmed the interdisciplinary nature of the outlined topic. Attention is focused on the importance of the competence approach focused on the implementation of the tasks of teaching adults. This makes it possible to strengthen the practical component, as well as promote the development of value orientations and personal qualities of subjects of cognition. The result of the study was the design of an adult learning model, represented by the following component structure: self-awareness, motivation, purpose (educational, developmental, and educational), educational goals (knowledge, abilities, and skills), self-study, experience of educational, and professional activities. The conclusions were made that today's socio-cultural realities have actualized the perception of the phenomenon of adult learning not only from the standpoint of the perspective of profession obtaining but above all from the conditions of ensuring its functioning in terms of market competition. The identified situation at the phenomenological level was closely linked with continuous learning – the driving force of socio-cultural progres
The article touches upon one of the most significant andragogic problems – the peculiarities of the phenomenon of adult learning. The priority of the influence of socio-cultural realities on the organization and implementation of the tasks of teaching the adult target audience is emphasized. The latest trend is correlated with the modern demands of the labour market and the current challenges of scientific and technological progress. The purpose of the study is to theoretically reflect on the problem of the influence of modern socio cultural realities on the peculiarities of the organization and implementation of the tasks of adult learning. The purpose of scientific research is determined by the need to implement a complex theoretical analysis of the stated topic from an andragogical perspective, which makes it possible to correlate the research material with a whole spectrum of endogenous and exogenous factors that determine the peculiarities of the phenomenological nature. The significance of the influence on the personal level of the motivation component, which can take on the role of a decisive component at the level of effective implementation of educational tasks, has been considered in detail. During the problem presentation, attention is focused on the key differences of adult cognitive subjects, which are considered at the stage of organization and implementation of the educational process for them. The research procedure involved a combination of appropriate methodological tools presented at the level of methods of induction, deduction, comparative analysis, and problem statement. Due to the involvement of such a wide range of research methods, it was possible to single out the peculiarities of adult learning from the andragogical-psychological perspective of the study. This once again confirmed the interdisciplinary nature of the outlined topic. Attention is focused on the importance of the competence approach focused on the implementation of the tasks of teaching adults. This makes it possible to strengthen the practical component, as well as promote the development of value orientations and personal qualities of subjects of cognition. The result of the study was the design of an adult learning model, represented by the following component structure: self-awareness, motivation, purpose (educational, developmental, and educational), educational goals (knowledge, abilities, and skills), self-study, experience of educational, and professional activities. The conclusions were made that today's socio-cultural realities have actualized the perception of the phenomenon of adult learning not only from the standpoint of the perspective of profession obtaining but above all from the conditions of ensuring its functioning in terms of market competition. The identified situation at the phenomenological level was closely linked with continuous learning – the driving force of socio-cultural progres
The article touches upon one of the most significant andragogic problems – the peculiarities of the
phenomenon of adult learning. The priority of the influence of socio-cultural realities on the organization
and implementation of the tasks of teaching the adult target audience is emphasized. The latest trend is
correlated with the modern demands of the labour market and the current challenges of scientific and
technological progress.
The purpose of the study is to theoretically reflect on the problem of the influence of modern socio cultural realities on the peculiarities of the organization and implementation of the tasks of adult
The purpose of scientific research is determined by the need to implement a complex theoretical
analysis of the stated topic from an andragogical perspective, which makes it possible to correlate the
research material with a whole spectrum of endogenous and exogenous factors that determine the
peculiarities of the phenomenological nature. The significance of the influence on the personal level of
the motivation component, which can take on the role of a decisive component at the level of effective
implementation of educational tasks, has been considered in detail. During the problem presentation,
attention is focused on the key differences of adult cognitive subjects, which are considered at the stage of
organization and implementation of the educational process for them.
The research procedure involved a combination of appropriate methodological tools presented at
the level of methods of induction, deduction, comparative analysis, and problem statement. Due to the
involvement of such a wide range of research methods, it was possible to single out the peculiarities of
adult learning from the andragogical-psychological perspective of the study. This once again confirmed
the interdisciplinary nature of the outlined topic. Attention is focused on the importance of the
competence approach focused on the implementation of the tasks of teaching adults. This makes it
possible to strengthen the practical component, as well as promote the development of value orientations
and personal qualities of subjects of cognition.
The result of the study was the design of an adult learning model, represented by the following
component structure: self-awareness, motivation, purpose (educational, developmental, and educational),
educational goals (knowledge, abilities, and skills), self-study, experience of educational, and
professional activities.
The conclusions were made that today's socio-cultural realities have actualized the perception of
the phenomenon of adult learning not only from the standpoint of the perspective of profession obtaining
but above all from the conditions of ensuring its functioning in terms of market competition. The
identified situation at the phenomenological level was closely linked with continuous learning – the
driving force of socio-cultural progress.
андрагогіка, навчання дорослих, соціокультурні реалії, феномен, adult learning, socio-cultural realities, phenomenon, andragogy
Дудка Т. Феномен навчання дорослих крізь призму сучасних соціокультурних реалій / O. Дацун // Вісник Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Педагогіка. Психологія: зб. наук. пр. – К. : Національний авіаційний університет, 2023. – Вип. 2(23). – С. 31-37