The petty offence of indecent misconduct under the polish law of petty offences (article 140 of the code on petty offences)
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Pursuant to Article 140 of the Code on Petty Offences, whoever publicly commits indecent behaviour shall be punished with custody, restriction of liberty, a fine of up to PLN 1,500 or the penalty of reprimand. This petty
offence is included in Chapter XVI of the Code on Petty Offences ("Petty Offences against Public Morality"). Article 140 of the Code on Petty Offences had its equivalent in the earlier codification of the substantive law of pettyoffences, namely Article 31 of the Law on Petty Offences of 1932, which originally had the same wording as the current Article 140 of the Code on Petty Offences. It was subsequently modified in 1946 by adding to it the conduct consisting in the public use of indecent words (currently this behaviour is penalized in Article 141 of the Code on Petty Offences).
Тези виступу зарубіжного гостя в рамках ІІІ Міжнародного молодіжного наукового юридичного форуму.
petty offence, indecent, polish law, code on petty offences
Wala K. The petty offence of indecent misconduct under the polish law of petty offences (article 140 of the code on petty offences) / Krzysztof Wala // Матеріали ІІІ Міжнародного молодіжного наукового юридичного форуму, м. Київ, Національний авіаційний університет, 14-15 травня 2020 р. / Krzysztof Wala. – Тернопіль: Вектор, 2020. – С. 236–240.