Кінематичний синтез механізму регулювання форми стрічки конвеєра
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З метою підвищення ефективності роботи та розширення функціональних можливостей стрічкових конвеєрів під час транспортування як сипких так і поштучних вантажів розроблена конструкція конвеєра, що містить пристрій для швидкого регулювання форми поперечного перерізу стрічки. Проведено кінематичний синтез механізму. Для кожної структурної групи механізму проведено силовий аналіз. Щоб спроектувати механізм регулювання форми стрічки конвеєра з найменшими габаритними розмірами і найменшою рушійною силою необхідно надати куту розмаху коромисла і куту його нахилу у нижньому положенні максимально можливі значення.
For the rational design and operation of the upgraded equipment, it is necessary to investigate the operation of the mechanism for regulating the shape of the belt cross-section, to determine its geometrical parameters at which productivity will be maximum. In order to increase work efficiency and expand the functionality of belt conveyors during the transportation of both bulk and piece goods the conveyor, containing a device for quickly adjusting the shape of the cross section of the tape is designed. The middle roller with supports is fixed on the rigid frame of the conveyor and pivotally connected to external rollers, which in turn are fixed to the free ends on the ropes. The flexible rope suspension is mounted on lever devices, allow them to move branches in the cross section of the conveyor. This design allows to expand the possibilities of transporting various types of goods by creating for them the best operating conditions. A kinematic synthesis of the mechanism has been carried out, the forces that arise in kinematic pairs have been determined, and recommendations have been formulated for designing a mechanism for regulating the shape of a conveyor belt. It was established that the dimensions of the links decrease with increasing stroke of the leading link; the dimensions of the links decrease with increasing both the angle of inclination of the rocker arm in the lower position and its span; parameters of the compact tape changing mechanism are defined. For each structural group of the mechanism, force analysis has been carried out; its purpose is to determine the geometrical dimensions of the mechanism, at which the effort with which it will be necessary to move the control element will be the smallest. In order to design a mechanism for regulating the shape of a conveyor belt with the smallest overall dimensions and lesser driving force, it is necessary to bring the maximum possible values to the angle of the rocker arm amplitude and angle of rocker arm inclination in the lower position. It has been determined that the smallest force that must be applied to the device for quickly adjusting the cross-sectional shape of the belt will have a mechanism with a maximum swing arm angle of 420 and a greatest angle of inclination of the rocker arm in the lower position 300.
For the rational design and operation of the upgraded equipment, it is necessary to investigate the operation of the mechanism for regulating the shape of the belt cross-section, to determine its geometrical parameters at which productivity will be maximum. In order to increase work efficiency and expand the functionality of belt conveyors during the transportation of both bulk and piece goods the conveyor, containing a device for quickly adjusting the shape of the cross section of the tape is designed. The middle roller with supports is fixed on the rigid frame of the conveyor and pivotally connected to external rollers, which in turn are fixed to the free ends on the ropes. The flexible rope suspension is mounted on lever devices, allow them to move branches in the cross section of the conveyor. This design allows to expand the possibilities of transporting various types of goods by creating for them the best operating conditions. A kinematic synthesis of the mechanism has been carried out, the forces that arise in kinematic pairs have been determined, and recommendations have been formulated for designing a mechanism for regulating the shape of a conveyor belt. It was established that the dimensions of the links decrease with increasing stroke of the leading link; the dimensions of the links decrease with increasing both the angle of inclination of the rocker arm in the lower position and its span; parameters of the compact tape changing mechanism are defined. For each structural group of the mechanism, force analysis has been carried out; its purpose is to determine the geometrical dimensions of the mechanism, at which the effort with which it will be necessary to move the control element will be the smallest. In order to design a mechanism for regulating the shape of a conveyor belt with the smallest overall dimensions and lesser driving force, it is necessary to bring the maximum possible values to the angle of the rocker arm amplitude and angle of rocker arm inclination in the lower position. It has been determined that the smallest force that must be applied to the device for quickly adjusting the cross-sectional shape of the belt will have a mechanism with a maximum swing arm angle of 420 and a greatest angle of inclination of the rocker arm in the lower position 300.
З метою підвищення ефективності роботи та розширення функціональних можливостей стрічкових конвеєрів під час транспортування як сипких так і поштучних вантажів розроблена конструкція конвеєра, що містить пристрій для швидкого регулювання форми поперечного перерізу стрічки. Проведено кінематичний синтез механізму. Для кожної структурної групи механізму проведено силовий аналіз. Щоб спроектувати механізм регулювання форми стрічки конвеєра з найменшими габаритними розмірами і найменшою рушійною силою необхідно надати куту розмаху коромисла і куту його нахилу у нижньому положенні максимально можливі значення.
стрічка конвеєра, кінематичний синтез, силовий аналіз, геометричні параметри, механізм регулювання, кут розмаху коромисла, кут нахилу коромисла, conveyor belt, kinematic synthesis, force analysis, geometric parameters, adjustment mechanism, angle of the rocker arm amplitude, angle of rocker arm inclination
Кінематичний синтез механізму регулювання форми стрічки конвеєра / [В. Р. Пасіка, П. С. Коруняк, П. Л. Носко та ін.]. // Проблеми тертя та зношування. – 2018. – №4(81). – С. 72–80.