Technology of passengers waiting time decreasing in the airport

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The research is devoted to development, implementation and technical support of the queue management system for Casablanca Mohamed V International Airport. The object of research. Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca, Morocco. The subject of research. Queue management process improvement in Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca, Morocco with the help of Queue Management System. The aims and objectives of the research. The aim is to improve time efficiency from Queue Management System implementation at Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca, Morocco for passengers queue management. To achieve the aim during performing, it is necessary to perform a number of tasks:  analyze queuing theory, queue mathematical models and choose one for implementation in queue management system;  collect and analyze passenger traffic and cargo volume statistical data of Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca and Boryspil International Airport in Kyiv Ukraine for comparation;  determine hardware and software components of the queue management system, calculation of total development, implementation and maintenance costs of the system for Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca based on minimum and maximum cost scenarios;  assessment of time efficiency improvement from queue management system implementation at Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca based on average passenger service rates for one or more control stations. The techniques presented in this research can be easily adapted for other airports with minimal changes.
Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 21.01.2020 р. №008/од "Про перевірку кваліфікаційних робіт на академічний плагіат 2019-2020 р.р. навчальному році" . Керівник проекту: д.т.н., професор Юн Г.М.
waiting time, passengers waiting time, master thesis, дипломна робота, airports management, security checkpoint management, semi-markovian queueing model, m/m/c queue