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    Methods for assessing the quality of the organization of air passenger transportation
    (National Aviation University, 2022) Elshikh, Mostafa Mohamed; Ельшейх, Мостафа Мохаммед
    The aviation sector has become one of the most important components of the country's economic development. It is responsible for moving various products and people from one place to another. Due to the increasing number of air transport activities, the demand for airport services has also increased. As airports look to maximize their revenues, they are also exploring new ways to provide non-aviation services. These include commercial facilities that are commonly used by the airport. The objective of this study is to identify and assess the various non-aviation services that are offered at the airport to improve the passenger experience.
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    Методи оцінки якості організації пасажирських авіаперевезень
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2021) Хамська, Юлія Миколаївна; Hamska, Yuliia
    Здійснення ефективного управління та розробка заходів щодо поліпшення якості обслуговування авіапасажирів, що задовольняє споживачів, вимагає застосування нових наукових підходів до вирішення проблеми підвищення конкурентоспроможності авіакомпанії шляхом оцінки рівня якості обслуговування авіапасажирів. Висока якість послуг стимулює підвищений попит до послуг авіакомпанії, внаслідок чого зростає обсяг продажів, доходи, прибутковість компанії, і, в кінцевому рахунку, її конкурентоспроможність
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    Comparative Characteristics of the Development of the Airline Fleet
    (National Aviation University, 2021) Hrytsiuk, Bohdan; Грицюк, Богдан
    Fleet efficiency, like business efficiency, focuses on generating the most output from the least amount of resources. This entails increasing output while keeping expenses down. Productivity, fuel consumption, emissions, routes, and expenses are all factors that go into determining fleet efficiency. One of the most difficult aspects of the airline industry's decision-making process is fleet planning. An excessively large fleet size would result in an airline incurring unnecessary costs, as expanding capital assets make for a significant amount of the airline's operating expenditures. An undersized fleet, on the other hand, would result in a large number of passengers fleeing to other market competitors. Furthermore, with the airline industry's profit margins around the world under constant pressure from long-term exposure to a high-cost and low-fare environment, an irrational fleet composition will inevitably impair the airline's operations. As a result, airlines may need to create a more practical fleet planning method at a strategic level in order to meet passenger demand with reduced costs and more manageable risks.
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    Organization of air passenger transportation in cooperation with travel agencies
    (National Aviation University, 2021) Chaika, Mariia Mykolayivna; Чайка, Марія Миколаївна
    Air transport is developing rapidly and dynamically and every year occupies a stronger position in the global transport system. The high growth rate of popularity is due to the constant expansion of the geography of travel and the steady trend of reducing travel time in favor of their frequency. Air transportation has become an integral part of the tourism product, which leads to close cooperation between airlines and travel agencies, which involves booking seats and buying tickets through booking systems, concluding an agreement between the travel company and the airline on a quota of seats on scheduled airlines, agency agreement, organization of charter. Such cooperation is now necessary for both parties, as it allows travel companies to obtain favorable rates for the transportation of their tourists, and airlines - to increase sales of their tickets.
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    Technology of interaction of air transport and tourist enterprises
    (National Aviation University, 2021) Glimbovska, Yulia Anatoliivna; Глімбовська, Юлія Анатоліївна
    Transport is one of the most important components of the material base of the economy of any country. Since ancient times, transport has been the engine of progress. The man used any means at hand to transport people and goods. With the invention of the wheel, and somewhat later of various types of engines, man began to develop the means of transportation accordingly: carts, carriages, steam locomotives, airplanes, etc. This made it possible to travel long distances and for various purposes. International tourism involves the movement of people from country to country. In studying its development, it is very important to define its relationship with the transportation industry. Success in the generating tourism markets and adequate transport infrastructure are one of the most important prerequisites for the development of any tourist center.