Bail as a measure of ensuring presence of the defendant in criminal procedure (standard and practice in the Republic of Serbia)

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In the criminal procedural law of the Republic of Serbia, and thus in its criminal procedure legislation, special attention is paid to measures ensuring the presence of the defendant in criminal proceedings. One of the reasons for such treatment of this issue is the fact that the presence of the defendant in the criminal procedure is obligatory. For the purpose of practical implementation of this standard, the Criminal Procedure Code of the RS (hereinafter referred to as CPC of RS) also provides for measures to ensure the presence of the defendant 234 in criminal proceedings. One of the seven foreseen measures is bail.
Тези виступу зарубіжного гостя в рамках ІІІ Міжнародного молодіжного наукового юридичного форуму.
bail, measure of ensuring, defendant, criminal procedure
Cvorovic D. Bail as a measure of ensuring presence of the defendant in criminal procedure (standard and practice in the Republic of Serbia) / Dragana Cvorovic // Матеріали форуму, м. Київ, Національний авіаційний університет, 14-15 травня 2020 р. / Dragana Cvorovic. – Тернопіль: Вектор, 2020. – С. 233–236.