Fundamentals of Chemmotology
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National Aviation University
The manual presents a modern interpretation of Chemmotology science, its role in development of technology and society. It shows that development and promotion of alternative fuels and Chemmotology problems solving are impossible without systematic approach. In addition, having both theoretical part and practical application, Chemmotology science ensures energy and environmental security of the country's economy, rational use of traditional and alternative fuels and lubricants in operation of advanced modern equipment. The manual focuses on the fact that in recent years one of the most important issues has been the ecological constituent of Chemmotology science, which is aimed at ultra-minimization of negative impact of fuel lubricants and technical liquids on ecosystems.
It is well-known that transport sector is an important component of the economy that have an impact on the development and prosperity of the population. Efficiency, reliability of operation of transport, rational use of operating materials depends on their correct selection. According to its quality performance materials must conform to both the model and operating conditions of transport means. The use of poor quality fuels and lubricants leads to a decrease in the durability and reliability of machinery and machine parts; the use of materials of higher quality than required causes unreasonable increase in costs. Thus, knowledge of the range of fuels and lubricants, its functional purpose, operational properties allow using them correctly and efficiently.
The authors tried to integrate and systematize in the presented manual the knowledge of many experts from different countries to characterize main trends in the development of conventional and alternative fuels and lubricants, its modern assortment and tendencies in development.
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chemmotology, motor fuel, jet fuel, diesel fuel, motor oil, grease, technical liquids, alternative fuel
Boichenko S. V., Yakovlieva A. V., Vovk O. O., Radomska M. M., Cherniak L. M., Shkilniuk I. O. Fundamentals of Chemmotology. K.: National Aviation University, 2019. 296 p.