Віртуальне освітнє середовище в системі іншомовної підготовки сучасного закладу вищої освіти
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Збірник наукових праць «Педагогічні науки». - Випуск LXXXVII: Херсонський державний університет, 2019. - с.198-203.
The following objectives have been defined in this study: to clarify the concepts “virtual learning
environment”, “virtual language environment”; to list the modern software and tools for creating virtual
learning environment in the foreign language teaching process and to identify their technical and didactic
The authors investigate also the main requirements for teachers’ information and communication competence
that can develop their teaching skills and strategies.
A virtual learning environment is a system of learning resources delivering to the students via Internet. It
consists of a set of tools, information resources, web connections to support the teaching process, in which
teachers can create and publish in Internet the educational content, and students are to use this content to
improve their foreign language knowledge.
A virtual learning environment can be defined also as a platform that includes a content management
system and incorporates course materials, tests, student tracking, assessments, electronic communication tools,
social media tools, etc.
Teachers should become nowadays more proficient in the use of new information and communication
technologies, Internet-resources, because these provide many diverse opportunities for teachers in terms of
new effective teaching strategies. They should be able to use blogs, wikis, apps for creating and sharing
multimedia, including audios, videos, book and text collections, web links, etc.
віртуалізація освіти, віртуальне освітнє середовище, віртуальне мовне середовище, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, інформаційно-комунікаційна компетентність, вебінар