Новітня термінолексика як мовне віддзеркалення війни: перекладознавчий аспект

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Національний авіаційний університет


The paper deals with a thorough investigation of the characteristics of Ukrainian terminological lexical translation into English, which has developed as a result of full-scale Russian invasion on Ukrainian land. The methods for categorising neologisms are outlined, the terms “semantic neologism,” “transnomination,” and “neologism proper” are defined, and the characteristics of the terms “nonce word” and “word play” are looked at. On the basis of the formal and dynamic equivalence ideas put forward by American theorist E. Nida, translational research of examples of neologisms, nonce words, and word play has been conducted. The study has allowed us to draw the conclusion that translators either resorted to elaborating on word or phrase meanings when translating emotionally charged terminological lexis that can be found on the pages of contemporary newspapers into English, or they looked for a lexical unit in the target language that was similar in content to the original.



термінна лексика, газетний текст, термінолексика, неологізми, семантичний неологізм, гра слів, terminological lexis, newspaper text, neologism, neologism proper, semantic neologism, nonce word, word play, military and aviation translation


Єнчева Г., Тузак В. Новітня термінолексика як мовне віддзеркалення війни: перекладознавчий аспект. Фаховий та художній переклад: теорія, методологія, практика: збірник наукових праць / за заг. ред. Л. Г. Буданової, Г. Г. Єнчевої. Київ, 2023. С. 8-14.