Air traffic controllers activity in conditions of increased workload


Every person who for the first time somehow finds himself in the hall where air traffic controllers work, has the impression of a very calm atmosphere. But it is deceptive. Outside this calm hides a huge internal tension. The tension of responsibility that each of the employees in the control room bears personally and cannot be transferred to someone else. And the point here is neither in clearly described procedures and rules, nor in the desire to prove that they can cope with the situation, but in the unusual nature of these people. Each of them throughout the nervous system feels that the dots that glow on the indicator are hundreds of human hearts, which they have no right to stop because of, sometimes, nonsensical errors. Therefore, no matter how difficult the situation, no matter how strong the tension, the most important task of the dispatcher is the obligation to remember, On average, about 3,000 people die each year in plane crashes worldwide. In comparison with these data we will give the same statistics of road accidents, and we will see that the indicator of victi is much bigger. This type of transport takes more than 30,000 lives, and only in Ukraine. That is, according to statistics, civil aviation is the safest mode of aero port. However, gradually the intensity of air traffic increases, the number of airlines and, accordingly, the transportation of both passengers and cargo. According to Eurocontrol statistics for the next 3 years in the European region is projected to increase air traffic by an average of 3.7% annually. Despite the introduction of the concept of flexible use of airspace, the activities of air traffic controllers are becoming more complex every year. They have to work in conditions of constant increased workload and stress. It is known that at relatively low levels of functional stress, performance is restored fairly quickly, and no harmful effects on the human body do not occur. However, in cases where the functional stress reaches levels at which the restoration of the spent functional potential during the work shift is impossible, conditions are created to reduce the efficiency of the employee. Usually short-term rest and change of activity promote restoration of the spent resources of an organism.


Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 21.01.2020 р. №008/од "Про перевірку кваліфікаційних робіт на академічний плагіат 2019-2020р.р. навчальному році ". Керівник проекту: доц. Аргунов Геннадій Федорович


дипломна робота, human factors, air traffic services, risk professional reliability
