Losses of power in the gear systems

This paper provides a review of experimental investigations and available models of gear load-independent power losses for spur, helical, and bevel gears. The aim of the review is to provide a comprehensive compilation of published information on gear load-independent power losses to assist gearbox designers in identifying relevant experimental and modeling information.
power loss, gear, efficiency, gearbox, oil, lubrication
Losses of power in the gear systems / В. В.Ставицький, О. В. Башта, П. Л. Носко, Ю. О. Цибрій. // «АВІА-2019»: матеріали ХIV Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції, 23-25 квітня 2019, Київ: НАУ, 2019. С. 19.49–19.53.