Improving the efficiency of maintenance of structural elements of the airframe
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National Aviation University
Aviation industry grows from year to year because of modern aircraft
development. The term „safety‟ is socially made and relative organisational
property dependent upon organisational meanings, values and safety practice.
A different aviation technologies and techniques are used to ensure proper
level of flights safety. The creation of new airplanes makes it possible, satisfying
the customer needs and providing good reliability and safety, for example: Boeing
- 737 NG, Airbus - 320, Boeing - 777, Airbus – 330, etc.
Presently, aviation enjoys an enviable rate of reliability, safely transporting
millions of passengers each day. However, as the sheer number of passengers and
departures increase, accidents will likely experience a similar increase. Though the
mishap rate remains exceedingly low, extrapolating upon the current rate of growth
in air travel.
Successful operation of modern aviation techniques is possible only at a high
level and perfection of system of maintenance service and repair at which the basic
purposes of maintenance service and repair are achieved at the minimal labor
expenses, costs and an idle time of aircraft at maintenance service.
Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 29.12.2020 р. №580/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт вищої освіти в репозиторії НАУ" . Керівник проекту: доцент, к. т. н. Хімко Андрій Миколайович.
strength, reliability, operating, airframe, aircraft structure, fatigue factor