Educational-methodical complex of discipline "International Monetary and Foreign Exchange Transactions"

The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize students with peculiarities of organization of international credit and payment transactions in banks, payment transactions in international trade system of national enterprises and international companies.
Мета дисципліни - ознайомити студентів із особливостями організації міжнародних кредитних та платіжних операцій у банках, платіжних операцій у системі міжнародної торгівлі національних підприємств та міжнародних компаній.
Tasks of the discipline focused on the study of theoretical foundations and obtaining practical skills in: - organization of international payment transactions; - identifying peculiarities of foreign trade operations crediting; - assessment of risks in international monetary and foreign exchange transactions and determination ways of their minimization etc.
documentary forms of international payments, exchange markets, сurrency values, international money orders