Domain disputes: problem aspects
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National aviation university
Purpose: the purpose of this article is to clarify the main problems of litigation of domain disputes and
suggest ways to overcome them. The methodological basis of the study are general scientific and special
methods of cognition. The use of these methods made it possible to describe the problems of litigation of
domain disputes. Results: the study found that neither domestic law nor domestic justice is ready to deal
with cases related to domain disputes. Because in practice they face the problem of clarifying judicial
jurisdiction and the impossibility of applying the rules of international law. The plaintiff faces the problem of
identifying the defendant, there are difficulties in proving and the need to file a statement of claim. And the
plaintiff, most often, can only be the owner of a registered trademark (mark for services). Discussion: it is
possible to overcome the existing problems of litigation of domain disputes by improving the procedure of
domain name registration, which will prevent violation of the rights of owners of means of individualization
of participants in civil circulation, goods and services, and in case of violation of these rights
domain names, domain disputes, judicial proceedings, judicial jurisdiction, proof, defendant, security for claim
Diduk A., Lytvyn S. Domain disputes: problem aspects / A .Diduk, S. Lytvyn // Law Journal «Air and Space Law» / National aviation university. - К., 2021. - №2 (59). - С.128-135