Архітектурний аспект проблеми інклюзивного навчання дітей з особливими потребами
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У статті розглядається актуальна проблема формування інклюзивної освіти в Україні, зокрема забезпечення архітектурної доступності існуючих та нових учбових закладів, сформульовано вимоги до комфортного навчання дітей з особливими потребами в масових закладах, пропонуються відповідні заходи щодо їх виконання.
The article reflects the current formation of the inclusive education in Ukraine, in particular — the processes of providing the architectural accessibility of existing and new educational institutions, formulations of requirements for children with special needs' comfortable education in mass institutions and propositions of appropriate measures for their implementation. The policy guidelines in this area developed by UNESCO in 2009 consider inclusion in the educational field as a dynamic process of responding positively to the diversity of the student contingent and the relation to individual differences. They tend to accept those differences not as problems but as an opportunity for enriching the educational process. The concept of inclusive education reflects one ofthe main democratic concepts — that all the children in the world are valuable and active members of society. Education and training in inclusive educational institutions are as useful for children with special educational needs as for children with normal needs and all the other members of society. Inclusive education involves the creation of an educational environment that meets the needs andсapabilities of each child, regardless of the peculiarities of his psychophysical development. Inclusive education as the main principle of state educational policy will contribute to the formation of an environment that could provide current and future generations with equal chances of education and participation in social, economic and cultural activities, regardless of age, gender, individual qualities or cultural roots.
The article reflects the current formation of the inclusive education in Ukraine, in particular — the processes of providing the architectural accessibility of existing and new educational institutions, formulations of requirements for children with special needs' comfortable education in mass institutions and propositions of appropriate measures for their implementation. The policy guidelines in this area developed by UNESCO in 2009 consider inclusion in the educational field as a dynamic process of responding positively to the diversity of the student contingent and the relation to individual differences. They tend to accept those differences not as problems but as an opportunity for enriching the educational process. The concept of inclusive education reflects one ofthe main democratic concepts — that all the children in the world are valuable and active members of society. Education and training in inclusive educational institutions are as useful for children with special educational needs as for children with normal needs and all the other members of society. Inclusive education involves the creation of an educational environment that meets the needs andсapabilities of each child, regardless of the peculiarities of his psychophysical development. Inclusive education as the main principle of state educational policy will contribute to the formation of an environment that could provide current and future generations with equal chances of education and participation in social, economic and cultural activities, regardless of age, gender, individual qualities or cultural roots.
діти з особливими потребами, інклюзивна освіта, універсальний дизайн, архітектурна доступність, children with special needs, inclusive education, universal design, architectural accessibility, divercity
Бармашина, Л. М. Архітектурний аспект проблеми інклюзивного навчання дітей з особливими потребами / Л. М. Бармашина // Сучасні проблеми архітектури та містобудування: Наук.-техн. збірник / Відпов. ред. М. М. Дьомін. – Київ : КНУБА, 2018. – Вип. 51. – С. 3-10.