Principle characteristics of identity of georgian people in Jean Chardin's work "The travels of Sir John Chardin into Persia and the East-Indies"

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Talkom, Kyiv


The work of the famous French traveler John Chardin contains interesting information about Georgia of the XVII century. Chardin came to Georgia in September 1672 and left Tbilisi in February 1673. In his work he writes about culture, history and socio-political situation of Georgia. He describes the cities and the villages, geographic location of Georgia in detail. He emphasizes the significance of the trade route through Georgia.



identity, georgian people, Jean Chardin, John Chardin, Persia, East-Indies, Georgia


Vardoshvili E. Principle characteristics of identity of georgian people in Jean Chardin's work "The travels of Sir John Chardin into Persia and the East-Indies" /E. Vardoshvili// National identity in language and culture: collection of scientific works. – K.: Talkom, 2021. – p. 219-220