AI, NI and national languages: interaction possible?

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Talkom, Kyiv


We always seem to live in interesting and exciting times, the times of change. This current junction is a rather unique one. It seems that never before in all of its history the humankind had to make a choice between AI/ robotization and human-bondage retainment scenarios. Even in the times of the First Industrial Revolution the newly developed automatic machines exercised a lesser effect onto people’s lives, minds, ways of life, and became indispensable at narrower territorial expanses.


References 1. CIUTI Forum (2017). Short- and long-term impact of artificial intelligence on language professionals. Who is afraid of AI in language professionals? Retrieved from:


national languages, robotization, technology advancement, technology, machine-assisted, communication


Snegireva E. AI, NI and national languages: interaction possible? /E. Snegireva// National identity in language and culture: collection of scientific works. – K.: Talkom, 2021. – p. 197-201