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Title: The challenges of legal translation
Authors: Vladyka, Svitlana
Keywords: translation
international relations
legal translation
legal text
Issue Date: Apr-2021
Publisher: Talkom, Kyiv
Citation: Vladyka S. The challenges of legal translation /S. Vladyka// National identity in language and culture: collection of scientific works. – K.: Talkom, 2021. – p. 224-225
Abstract: The extended international relations and development of cooperation require appropriate legal framework. Since many international actors are involved in these processes, it gives an important impetus for the development of legal translation. Translation of legal texts is complex. The difficulty of legal translation is attributed to the vocabulary typical for legal instruments. Legal language is clichéd. Thus, translation of legal terms must be accurate, correct and reasonable. The inaccurate use of terms may result in misunderstanding or loose interpretation of the legal text and subsequently cause legal disputes.
Description: References 1. Šarčević S. New Approach to Legal Translation. The Hague: Kluwer Law International. 1997. 308 p. 2. Grossfield B. Comparative Law as a Comprehensive Approach: A European Tribute to Professor Jack A. Hiller // Richmond Journal of Global Law & Business. 2000. Vol.1. Issue 1. P. 1-31. 3. Srl CILFIT v Ministry of Health (1982) Case 283/81 // European Court Reports 1982 -03415. 4. Black’s Law Dictionary //
ISBN: 978-617-8016-02-9
Appears in Collections:Національна ідентичність в мові і культурі. ХІV Міжнародна конференція

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