Політ. Психологічні аспекти людського фактору у світі високих технологій. 2021

Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/50953


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 34
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    Cognitive Styles as the Main Resource of Pilot Professional Activity
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Zakrevska, Anna; Закревська, Анна Ігорівна
    Aircraft piloting is one of the types of human activity, which is the ability of the pilot to smoothly and accurately control the aircraft within the established operational limitations of flight parameters, ensuring the successful completion of the flight task. Such activities require the implementation of a number of mental processes of high, strength and intensity in a shortage of time due to the rapid change of flight situations.
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    Modern Researches of Emotional Intelligence as a Component of the Individual’s Social Ineraction
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Zakrevska, Anna; Закревська, Анна Ігорівна
    During formation, concept of emotional intelligence has caused many controversy and criticism about the impossibility of combining rational intelligence and irrational emotional sphere of the individual. But just as we use intelligence to communicate with the external world, we can also use it to form and understand the predictive effect of emotions.
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    Aggressiveness and Conflict as Determinants for Choosing Coping Strategies in the Military during Decompression
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Yarmolchyk, Maria; Ярмольчик, Марія Олегівна
    Important parameters when you choosing coping strategies are aggression and conflict of personality. According to E.P. Ilyin and P.A. Kovalev, aggressive behavior, aggression (from the Latin aggression - attack) - is a motivated destructive behavior that contradicts the norms of human existence, causes physical or psychological harm to the object of attack.
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    Researches of Self-Esteem as an Element of Professional Formaton of Personality
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Zakrevska, Anna; Закревська, Анна Ігорівна
    Self-esteem is one of the concepts of individual psychology, which has the largest research base and different interpretations. For example, according to L. S. Vygotsky, self-esteem is a generalized, stable, differentiated (also can be said ranked) attitude of the individual to his social “Me”.
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    The Factors of the Development of Anorexia Nervosa in Female Students
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Yemelyanova, Kateryna; Ємельянова, Катерина Євгеніївна
    The development of anorexia nervosa in girls of student age is an extremely important problem today. This is due to the spread of social networks among young people. Modern Internet networks and mass media have a significant influence on the opinion of young people, in particular, on their spiritual and beauty ideals.
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    Theoretical-empiric Authoring of the Librarian Professiogram
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Vakhnovan, Diana; Вахнован, Діана Святославівна
    In order to investigate the impact of self-management on the performance the executives of the Scientific and Technical Library of the National Aviation University, we have developed a professionogram, which refers specifically to the profession – librarian. The profession of librarian is not very prestigious yet, but remains important enough because librarian is a navigator in the information space. Though all mankind has shifted to the Internet space during the pandemic, but the need for books, professional literature remains, because behind this need is self-development of personality. Therefore, it is important to define the principles and functions of the modern librarian. Unfortunately, representatives of this profession, in a certain way, have not come to the attention of specialists in occupational psychology, which was the impetus for independent creation of a professiogram according to the methodical recommendations of L.V. Pomitkina.
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    Influence of Personal Characteristics of Library Staff on their Job Satisfaction
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Vakhnovan, Diana; Вахнован, Діана Святославівна
    When choosing a profession a young person is guided more by prestige, his feelings, skills and knowledge in the profile subjects, he may listen to the opinion of others, but rarely takes into account his individual personal characteristics, which make a significant contribution to the effectiveness and interest of the work performed. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of the personal characteristics of library staff on their job satisfaction.
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    Features of Interpersonal Relationships in Adolescence with Different Perceptions of Marriage
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Yudina, Valeriia; Юдіна, Валерія Ярославівна
    The modern life requires us to change the point of view on the place and role of traditional social institutions and the habitual behavior in them. Recent studies suggest that different attitudes toward sex and marriage have been found in different generations, which was unacceptable even 30 years ago. Currently, there are various points of view that marriage can be not only a classic monogamous, but also polygamous, which is divided into polyandry and polygyny.
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    Technology for Developing a Competence Profile for a Psychologist of the Internal Affairs Bodies of Ukraine
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Vakhnovan, Diana; Вахнован, Діана Святославівна
    The competence approach is basic for modern technologies of personnel selection and assessment. In the current conditions of Ukrainian business this approach is actively applied in various areas of professional activity. Given the competition on the market of professions, we can see that people do not stay in one position for long and the search for specialists is constantly on. However, this is not the fault of employees, because a large percentage of employers do not use the services of, or do not have in their company, a specialist in the HR department. Thus, competence profiles, on the basis of which potential employees could understand their own professional competence and employers could register and evaluate the competences required by their organisation, are not always applied.
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    Simple Lifestyle Technologies to Increase the Level of Happiness in Adolescents
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Ustinova, Ulyana; Устінова, Ульяна Ігорівна
    Relevance of the problem of happiness is related to the results of the international global survey Gallup International, according to which Ukraine in 2020 was in the TOP of unhappy countries. The happiness index in Ukraine has fallen sharply comparing to last year: in 2019 - 33%, in 2020 - 14%. However, this index is higher than in 2018 (then it was 8%).
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    Personal Markers of Professional Crises of Police Officers
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Tsyhankova, Viktoriia; Циганкова, Вікторія Олександрівна
    The police profession is an activity that takes place in special conditions and is associated with high stress, risk and responsibility. This profession is very difficult and dangerous to health (both physical and mental) and even life. Therefore, personal and professional crises, the passage of which is characteristic of any person, in police officers may become particularly acute and maladaptive. The level of responsibility of a police officer should always be at the highest level, which can also lead to rapid professional burnout, chronic stress. If you combine this with the presence of a crisis, you can face an employee who is desperate in himself and his profession, does not know what to do and where to move next. All this makes it impossible to feel job satisfaction, professional well-being, which in turn reduces efficiency and professional reliability. However, it is obvious that the professional activity of a police officer is a guarantee of the safety of citizens and himself. All this points to the need to create effective measures to maintain the vitality of police officers, maintain their health and psychological well-being.
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    Native American National Identity as a Psychohistorical Phenomenon
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Shostak, Oksana; Шостак, Оксана Григорівна
    Understanding the identity (or essence) of a nation determines the conceptual apparatus in which a particular culture and the civilization generated by it will be understood and represented. Concepts close to realism postulate it as a substance of the historical process, rooted in the development of the world history. In this context, the nation appears as a single continuum, deployed in social time and space. Various determinants are proposed that confirm the need for the nation's presence in the historical process, among them are nature (D. Dontsov, Y. Vassian, A. Bergson, O. Spengler), God (J. Haider, J. Fichte, S. Bulgakov), culture (L. Gumilev, L. Shaposhnikov) and social development (I. Kant, M. Groh, K. Gubner, E. Balibar, I. Wallerstein).
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    Emotional Intelligence as a Key to the Development of a Successful Personality
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Tymchuk, Olga; Тимчук, Ольга Юріївна
    In modern conditions is becoming increasingly urgent issue of the development of the emotional intelligence. Research shows that people's success depends not only on a high Intellect level (IQ), but also on the emotional intellect (EQ). After all, if people can understand their emotional experiences, control their emotional states; it is much easier for them to make difficult decisions, solve life problems, conflicts and communicate with other people.
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    Approaches to Understanding Psychological Readiness for Activity in Psychology
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Cherniavska, Svitlana; Чернявська, Світлана Миколаївна
    The necessary basis for the scientific study of the psychological readiness for action is understanding the methodological basis of the problem, including the methodological approach as a position on the understanding of the psychological phenomenon. Psychological readiness for different types of activities has its own specific features, but, at the same time, there are general views on the understanding of the article. The discussion of these views was the aim of our research at the theoretical stage.
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    Переживання почуття самотності в юнацькому віці
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-07) Дзюба, Вероніка Вікторівна
    Сучасне суспільство постійно зазнає змін в соціально-економічній, соціально культурній та інших сферах, що безпосередньо впливає на самосвідомість людини, її особистісні зміни та міжособистісні відносини, які викликають почуття самотності. Стрімкий розвиток технологій починає відводити живе спілкування на другий план, тому подолання кризи в юнацькому віці, яке обумовлене здатністю людини встановлювати соціальні взаємини з метою відчуження самотності, набуває все більшої актуальності.
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    Emotional Intelligence as a Factor of Socio-Psychological Adaptation of the Individual in Professions of "Humanhuman" Type
    (National Aviation University, 2021-04-07) Kapii, Igor; Капій, Ігор Орестович
    The relevance of the study is due to the fact that a high level of socio-psychological adaptation affects the productivity of the specialist; his ability to perceive the new, which is an attribute of information societies; maintaining mental balance and health. During the process of socio-psychological adaptation not only the individual changes but also his environment, thus, between the specialist and the professional environment, the relationship of adaptability is established, which is especially important for professions of "human-human" type.
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    Вплив сучасних інформаційних технологій на картину світу людини
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-07) Дубова, Анастасія Сергіївна
    З появою сучасних інформаційних технологій картина світу людини досить сильно змінилась, але як? Про це та інше поговоримо у нашій статті.
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    Штучний інтелект і психологія. чи може робот замінити психолога?
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-07) Бернацька, Дарина Леонідівна
    Тема штучного інтелекту є актуальною у сучасній науці та взагалі у суспільстві, адже наука не стоїть на місці і з кожним днем ми все стрімкіше наближаємося до машинізації, тож давайте розглянемо цю проблему. Штучний інтелект ("artificial intelligence", AI) відноситься до моделювання людського інтелекту в машинах, які запрограмовані думати як людина і імітувати її дії. Тому через постійний прогрес скоро можна буде спостерігати за впровадженням штучного інтелекту і в психологію.
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    Емоційний інтелект як фактор професійної самореалізації молоді
    (2021-04-07) Носаль, Марія Ігорівна
    Актуальність даної наукової проблеми грунтується на відсутності на даний момент теоретичного та практичного обґрунтування щодо кількісних та якісних показників емоційного інтелекту для забезпечення високого рівня готовності особистості до майбутньої професійної самореалізації.
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    Стильові особливості поведінки у конфліктних ситуаціях студентів з різним рівнем тривожності
    (Національний авіаційний університет, 2021-04-07) Тасмали, Галина Вікторівна
    Перед психологічною наукою постає завдання сприяти ефективному спілкуванню субꞌєктів у процесі спільної діяльності та життєдіяльності, досягнення взаємодії та отримання потрібного результату. При розв’язанні завдань, які постають перед партнерами, можуть виникати конфліктні ситуації, з яких вони виходять, застосовуючи різні за характером стилі, що позначається на ефективності досягнення цілі спілкування або спільної діяльності. Чим визначаються стильові особливості виходу з конфліктної ситуації суб’єкта, якими його властивостями? Зокрема, з’ясуванню того, як позначається на виборі стилю поведінки у конфлікті рівень тривожності студентів, і спрямовувалося наше теоретико-емпіричне дослідження.