Native American National Identity as a Psychohistorical Phenomenon

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National Aviation University


Understanding the identity (or essence) of a nation determines the conceptual apparatus in which a particular culture and the civilization generated by it will be understood and represented. Concepts close to realism postulate it as a substance of the historical process, rooted in the development of the world history. In this context, the nation appears as a single continuum, deployed in social time and space. Various determinants are proposed that confirm the need for the nation's presence in the historical process, among them are nature (D. Dontsov, Y. Vassian, A. Bergson, O. Spengler), God (J. Haider, J. Fichte, S. Bulgakov), culture (L. Gumilev, L. Shaposhnikov) and social development (I. Kant, M. Groh, K. Gubner, E. Balibar, I. Wallerstein).


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native american national identity, psychohistorical phenomenon, understanding the identity, social development


Shostak O. G. Native American National Identity as a Psychohistorical Phenomenon // Polit. Challenges of Science Today. Humanitarian Sciences: abstracts of XXI International Conference of Higher Education Students and Young Scientist. – National Aviation University. – Vol. 1. - Kyiv, 2021. – P.128-131.