Car-free city project for Opole

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Національний авіаційний університет


Object - organization of urban public transport network. Subject – reduction of private transport impacts on the environment. Aim of research – develop the project of the car-free city for Opole and evaluate its environmental and economic efficiency. Methods of research – information search, analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, mapping, visual observations, mathematical calculations , questionnaire. The practical value of the work is the development of organizational solutions for the improvement of environment quality in cities through the reduction of traffic flow. The results of the master thesis may be used for the implementation of principles of sustainable cities and improvement of public environmental awareness in the sphere of road infrastructure management.


Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 21.01.2020 р. №008/од "Про перевірку кваліфікаційних робіт на академічний плагіат у 2019-2020 навчальному році". Керівник проекту: доцент кафедри екології, к.т.н., Радомська Маргарита Мирославівна


дипломна робота, car-free city, environmental efficiency, economic efficiency, questionnaire, air pollution, noise pollution
