Justification of the information base of the optimization model of failure operations at the airport
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National Aviation University
This article is about justification of the structure of the information base of the optimizationmodel, development of a methodology for determining the economic efficiency of the optimization system and the analysis of the disruption of the aircraft movement according to the schedule to the airport.
operational control zone, optimization model, failure operations at the airport, aircraft movement, economic efficiency of the optimization system
Barna A. F., Medynskyi D. V. Justification of the information base of the optimization model of failure operations at the airport / A. F. Barna, D. V. Medynskyi // Інноваційні технології: матеріали наук.-техн.конф. студентів, аспірантів, докторантів та молодих учених / за заг. ред. П. В. Горінова, К. О. Бабікової , Л. М. Мельничук; ІНТЛ НАУ (м. Київ, 25-26 листоп. 2020 р.). - К., 2020. - C.295-300