The use of aviation in agriculture

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National Aviation University


To sum up everything that has been stated so far, the use of aviation in agriculture will be considered as an absolutely necessary element of modern agricultural production, without which it is almost impossible to perform a number of important technological processes of growing many crops. Application of aviation method of plant protection with effective, both for general purpose airlines and for agricultural enterprises



unmanned aerial vehicles, plant protection technologies, propeller fleet, aerochemical work, aviation method of plant protection


Matlinh Y. O., Medynskyi D. V. The use of aviation in agriculture / Y. O. Matlinh, D. V. Medynskyi // Інноваційні технології: матеріали наук.-техн.конф. студентів, аспірантів, докторантів та молодих учених / за заг. ред. П. В. Горінова, К. О. Бабікової , Л. М. Мельничук; ІНТЛ НАУ (м. Київ, 25-26 листоп. 2020 р.). - К., 2020. - C. 343-345