Конотативна семантика міського простору
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Національний авіаційний університет
Досліджуються семантичні особливості міського простору. Для розуміння художньо-образних особливостей пропонуються методи лінгвістичного аналізу, зокрема вводиться поняття конотації для архітектурного простору, що в деякій мірі пов’язане з ідентичністю. Автор прослідковує еволюцію семантичних смислів архітектурного простору на прикладі Майдану Незалежності в м. Києві.
В статье исследуются семантические особенности городского пространства. Для понимания художественно-образных особенностей предлагаются методы лингвистического анализа, в частности вводится понятие коннотации для архитектурного пространства, в некоторой степени связанное с идентичностью. Автор прослеживает эволюцию семантических смыслов архитектурного пространства на примере Майдана Независимости в г. Киеве.
The article explores the semantic features of urban space. Methods of linguistic analysis are proposed to understand the artistic and figurative features. In particular, the concept of connotation for architectural space is introduced, which is to some extent related to identity. The author traces the evolution of semantic meanings of architectural space on the case of Independence Square in Kyiv In the process of evolution, the syn1bolism of architectural space acquires new meanings. Existing historical spaces are supplemented with new connotations while preserving the original function. Identity, in fact, is one of the forms of connotation of urban space. The space of lndependence Square is an example of such a space that constantly changed meanings, while maintaining the main denotation as the main square of the capital. Yes, in the early twentieth century it was a small town square, designed for festivities, gatherings and recreation. Its symbolic, connotative content was den10-cratic accessibility. After World War ll and the reconstruction of Khreshchatyk, the square took the form of a ceremonial space with a three-part structure. The semantic significance of the October Revolution Square (reconstruction 1976-1982), intended for ceremonial events and parades, was enshrined in a new spatial concept. The square acquired a pronounced axial symmetrical character, fixed by a monument and a fountain. And already during the last reco1lstruction numerous the domes of shopping underground complexes, in-between of which sham elements of new identity were chaotically interspersed, became the main compositional accents. Despite a clear pro-Soviet, and later oligarchic-capitalist concept, Independence Square remained a place of identity and unity of the nation. Pea tu res of its architecture, the relationship with the relief played an impo1tant role in organizing mass rallies and shaping the identity of the Ukrainian nation. But the form of its spatial solution must be emphasized by architectural means to manifest the connotative idea of the nation's desire for freedom and unity.
В статье исследуются семантические особенности городского пространства. Для понимания художественно-образных особенностей предлагаются методы лингвистического анализа, в частности вводится понятие коннотации для архитектурного пространства, в некоторой степени связанное с идентичностью. Автор прослеживает эволюцию семантических смыслов архитектурного пространства на примере Майдана Независимости в г. Киеве.
The article explores the semantic features of urban space. Methods of linguistic analysis are proposed to understand the artistic and figurative features. In particular, the concept of connotation for architectural space is introduced, which is to some extent related to identity. The author traces the evolution of semantic meanings of architectural space on the case of Independence Square in Kyiv In the process of evolution, the syn1bolism of architectural space acquires new meanings. Existing historical spaces are supplemented with new connotations while preserving the original function. Identity, in fact, is one of the forms of connotation of urban space. The space of lndependence Square is an example of such a space that constantly changed meanings, while maintaining the main denotation as the main square of the capital. Yes, in the early twentieth century it was a small town square, designed for festivities, gatherings and recreation. Its symbolic, connotative content was den10-cratic accessibility. After World War ll and the reconstruction of Khreshchatyk, the square took the form of a ceremonial space with a three-part structure. The semantic significance of the October Revolution Square (reconstruction 1976-1982), intended for ceremonial events and parades, was enshrined in a new spatial concept. The square acquired a pronounced axial symmetrical character, fixed by a monument and a fountain. And already during the last reco1lstruction numerous the domes of shopping underground complexes, in-between of which sham elements of new identity were chaotically interspersed, became the main compositional accents. Despite a clear pro-Soviet, and later oligarchic-capitalist concept, Independence Square remained a place of identity and unity of the nation. Pea tu res of its architecture, the relationship with the relief played an impo1tant role in organizing mass rallies and shaping the identity of the Ukrainian nation. But the form of its spatial solution must be emphasized by architectural means to manifest the connotative idea of the nation's desire for freedom and unity.
конотативна семантика, архітектурний простір, міський простір, ідентичність в містобудуванні, коннотативная семантика, архитектурное пространство, городское пространство, идентичность в градостроительстве, connotative semantics, architectural space, urban space, identity in urban planning
Олійник О. П. Конотативна семантика міського простору / О. П. Олійник // Містобудування та територіальне планування. – Київ : КНУБА, 2020. – Вип. 75. – С. 286 – 296.