Control system of hybrid power plant.

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Modern industry is characterized by a high energy demand. Raw materials, namely, fuel carbons became the main sources of energy, and therefore the most important link in the industry. These circumstances explain the growing exploitation of oil and gas fields. World stocks of both oil and natural gas are rather ambiguous. Experts' estimates differ from each other, while very significant. This is mainly due to the fact that stocks in many countries are not confirmed and often are underestimated, or extraction in unprofitable fields becomes possible due to technological progress. The stock valuation is carried out to predict global production, and hence prices for the most important energy resources. Published British Petroleum statistical survey on world energy reserves suggests that the planet has enough "confirmed" oil reserves to provide the world for 40 years, with today's consumption level. A person using renewable energy needs technologies that use natural phenomena such as sunlight, wind, waves, water flow, and biological processes such as anaerobic digestion, biological production of hydrogen and geothermal heat. Thus, hybrid power plants are very popular for energy. Therefore, this work is relevant today. In order to improve the operation of the hybrid power plant, a hybrid power plant management system is proposed.


Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 29.12.2020 р. №580/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії НАУ"


дипломна робота, hybrid system, solar panel, controller, wind generator, rotor, shovels, Java, spring, git, database, maven, гібридна система, сонячна панель, контроллер, вітрогенератор, ротор
