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Title: Exploiting podcasting technology in the process of organization of self-directed learning on the formation of foreign language listening competence of students of the humanities
Authors: Ковтун, Олена Віталіївна
Гармаш, Тетяна Андріївна
Хайдарі, Наталія Ігорівна
Keywords: podcasting technology
foreign language training
foreign language communicative competence
foreign language listening competence
students of the humanities
self-directed learning
innovative educational technologies
educational process
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Вісник Житомирського педагогічного університету ім. І. Франка. Педагогічні науки: зб. наук. праць. – Житомир: ЖПУ, 2019 – № 3(98). – С. 99-107.
Abstract: The article deals with the issues of implementation of innovative educational podcasting technology in the modern educational process. The advantages (the possibility of involving the student in work with authentic material, providing informal learning, formation of student's ideas about the diversity of dialects and variants of a foreign language, efficiency of use) and disadvantages (the lack of an automated system for verifying the accuracy of responses and counting the number of attempts to perform tasks and reviewing the interview, as well as a report on made mistakes and speed of tasks’ accomplishment during a semester) of podcasting use in organizing self-directed learning in formation of foreign language listening competence of students of the humanities. The main methods of the research were theoretical analysis, testing, questioning, observation, conversations and educational experiment. The experience of using the "Starter BBC Interviews Video" and "BBC Interviews Extra" video podcasts from the program to the Speakout (Pearson) training series for the 1st and 2nd year students, who speak the foreign language at the initial level, as well as the Pre- Intermediate and Intermediate, and the CNN Student News podcast (3rd year) in organizing self-directed learning in listening to the discipline "Foreign Language for Specific Purpose" is described. The structure and components of the researched podcasts, as well as illustrative material in the form of printed examples of transcripts are covered. It is established that the daily use of the CNN Student News podcast within self-directed learning and on foreign language classes has improved students’ listening, speaking and writing skills, and contributed to the increase of their vocabulary. The obtained results broaden our knowledge of the role and importance of modern educational technologies in the educational process. The conducted experimental research has proved the effectiveness of the implementation of podcasting technology in self-directed learning of students of the humanities for the formation of their foreign language listening competence, as well as the expansion of linguistic and sociocultural competence.
ISSN: 2663-6387
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